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52 Cards in this Set

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-How decisions are made
-Important issues to pubic
-Rights + responsibilities of citizenship
condition of rights/duties/responsibilities
system of ruling/authority
Political System
society, individuals, political institutions, values + processes involved in governing
Tactics gov uses to maintain hegemony

idea that explains how society should work and offers the basis for group of people to pursue interests
control, influential power
Must obey single ruler/small group of people. Individual rights/freedoms limited; premium is placed on control and obedience to central authority. Often controlled by force of arms, leader(s) have military control. Decision-making = authoritarian when no discussion/debate is permitted, decisions simply made arbitrarily without consulting those expected to obey.
The majority rule, but gov must also respect rights of minority. Individual rights/freedoms take precedence over state order and control. Elections used to transfer power. People/their representatives are the government; enjoy rights and responsibilities.
Indirect Democracy
people election officials to vote on issues/guide policies
Direct Democracy
people vote on every issue.
Ruled by hereditary head of state. Power rests in one person’s hands, or it could be a constitutional monarchy: ruler has powers given to him/her by the nation’s constitutions/laws.
Few people have all the power. Theocracy = rule by few religious individuals, Plutocracy = rule by few wealthy individuals, Timocracy = rule by the most intelligent. Balance interests of several groups, not no guarantees that everyone’s rights will be respected
Privileged class rules; government by the “best” citizens (considered superior because of birth, intelligence, culture, etc)
400 B.C.E
GREECE – Limited Democracy;
1/5 citizens could vote (adult, male, not slaves), most citizens were slaves therefore not allowed to vote.
Ecclesia – popular assembly (1st legislative body), man has rights + responsibilities.
1st legislative body
763 B.C.E. to
467 C.E.
ROMAN EMPIRE – Bureaucracy (governing of society by numerous specialized individuals + depts
Focus on expanding empire through war; responsibilities not rights (what each person owed the empire).
Social Contract: living in a common society grants privileges, in return citizens owe society a duty.
governing of society by numerous specialized individuals + depts
476-1215 C.E.
WESTERN EUROPE – The Dark Ages/Medieval Times/Period of Decline.
Many cities instead of one huge empire, hereditary rule by monarchs by divine right (God chooses)
ENGLAND – Constitutionalism (primary law that takes precedence over all matters) begins.
King John forced to sign Magna Carta (Great Charter), first constitution.
Everyone subject to law, even kings… no more divine law.
primary law that takes precedence over all matters
Magna Carta
first constitution
ENGLAND – Civil war (barons vs. King Henry III; barons win)
ENGLAND – First Parliament – meeting of barons + town reps
ENGLAND – “Government” = Old French “governer” to govern, Latin “gubernare”
ENGLAND – Thomas Hobbs (“Life is nasty, brutish, and short”)
Decided people are naturally evil and need lots of laws to be kept under control.
ENGLAND – John Locke writes The Treaties on Government (1st social contract).
Felt people had rights to life, liberty property – Liberal ideas.
Supported contract between citizens + rulers to work together, if gov failed people could replace it.
U.S. – American Revolution, Locke’s ideas used in Declaration of Independence.
“We believe these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” (limited equality, though).
Believed gov should defend individuals’ rights.
The Treaties on Government
1st social contract
FRANCE – “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” (women included!!!)
EUROPE + N.A. – Industrial Revolution (industrialization + urbanization), labour rights (Go Marx!)
RUSSIA – Lenin tries communism, doesn’t happen.
WORLD – Great Depression, social programs developed (welfare, pensions, unemployment insurance)
BIG GOVERNMENT (beginning) – gov that has duty to take care of you, develop policies that intervene
gov that has duty to take care of you, develop policies that intervene
1960s to
WORLD – Civil Rights Movement (leaders tried to get equality for all. Mandela + Tutu.
Something that is due to a person/gov by law, tradition, nature
Allowance of unrestricted use; full access
Civil Rights
18th century, focus on rights of individual.
Equality, freedom of speech + religion, right to own property.
Political Rights
19th century, rights of an individual to have a say in gov... participate in elections, run for/hold office, vote
Social Rights
20th century, rights of individual within collective group: certain living standards, participate fully in society.
Description of Bourgeoisie
-few born poor
-own big businesses
-out for $
Description of Proletariat
-limited opps for social/economic mobility
-MUST work
-no emotional connection to work
-sold by the hour, every hour
Capitalism focuses on...
-individual rights
-encouragement for businesses (free market)
-few social programs
-earning $ = encouragement
How to get from cap to comm
1. Violent revolution
2. Gradual Implementation (socialism)
Marx + Engel
-Execs on German Workers Education Committee
-Formed Communist Correspondence Committee
-Wrote Communist Manifesto in 1848
Communism focuses on...
-1 common class
-all contribute to societal evolution
-gov owns means of production
Canada is...
a constitutional monarchy government and a socialized democratic society
5 beliefs central to democracy
1. Citizens should have a voice in decision making
2. All citizens should be treated as equal.
3. Citizens should have a sense of responsibility to other people in the community
4. All citizens should have fundamental rights + freedoms
5. Citizens should have a sense of what is socially just
When did democracy originate?
5th century BCE
3 documents that guarantee rights + freedoms in Canada
-Charter of Rights + Freedoms
-Universal Declaration of Human Rights
-UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Majority Rule
Majority makes decisions despite what minority wants
Minority rights
minority's opinion is taken into consideration when decisions are made
A duty/obligation