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45 Cards in this Set

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Personality Assessment
Any systematic attempt to measure personality characteristics using any one of a variety of measurement techniques
Where are personality assessments used? (6)
1) Clinical setting

2) Counseling setting

3) Legal setting

4) Educational/vocational setting

5) Corporate setting

6) Research setting

Reliability measures...
Validity measures...
2 types of reliability for personality tests
1) Test/ Re-test

2) Examiner reliability

4 types of validity for personality tests
1) Face

2) Content

3) Criterion

Content validity
the degree to which the items in the test measure all dimensions of that aspect of personality being measured
Types of Criterion Validity
1) Predictive

2) Concurrent

3) Discriminate

4) construct

Concurrent criterion validity
trying to prove your measurement is as good as other; the extent to which your scores relate to currently existing measures
Objective personality tests
Designed to measure personality using standardized processed for scoring and interpreting the results

- myers briggs objective self report

-16 PF objective self report

Projective personality tests
analyzing responses to projections onto ambiguous stimuli

- inkblot test


4 basic features of MMPI
1) Principle Subscales (10 personality dimensions measured)

2) Supplementary scales (12 scales used to address other aspects of personality)

3) Validity scales (quality of persons response)

4) Personality profile analysis (response pattersn)

What method foes the MMPI use
Empirical-- given to thousands of people already divided into groups, then compare responses between groups
MMPI Validity
1)Cannot say--> items left blank

2) Lie Scale(L)--> answered for a favorable impression

3) Infrequency Scale (F)-- presenting unfavorable expression

4) Correction scale (K)-- concealing

What are the problems with personality tests that use response sets (like the MMPI)?
1) Acquiescence response set--> responding in agreement when they are uncertain

2) Social Desirability--> picking socially acceptable responses/ lingering

types of behavioral techniques for measuring personality
1) Naturalistic Observation

2) Controlled observation

3) Role playing

4) Behavioral self report techniques

5) self monitoring

Cognitive behavioral assessment
the assessment of cognitive activities in the form of thoughts or feelings that influence and individuals behavior in specific situations

2 types of cognitive behavioral assessment
1) Thought sampling

2) Self-statement inventories

3 types of physiological techniques for personality measurement
1) Electrophysiological

2) Biochemical

3) Cortical

Types of Electrophysiological techniques
1) Electrocardiogram (EEG)- heart rate

2) Electromyography (Muscle tension)

3) Electrodermal (Changes in skin/palm sweat)

Types of Biochemical assessment techniques
1) blood samples

2) Hormone level

3) genetic makeup

Types of cortical measures personality assessment
1) Electroencephalograph (electrical activity of cortex)

2) Positron Emission Tomography (PET)- energy levels in neurons

3) FMRI- oxygen in blood

Two types of Personality Test Ethical Issues
1) Personal

2) legal

3) social


Personal Concerns
1) Invasion of privacy

2) Confidentiality

Legal Concerns
1) Equal rights legislation

2) Impact of equal rights legislation

social Concerns
1) Unfair labeling

2) unfair treatment

3) self-fulfilling prophecy

Ethical Concerns
1) Informed consent

2) Rights to privacy

3) Professional standard

Strengths of Objective tests
1) Reliability/validity

2) More comfy

3) Fast/easy

4) little training required

5) no interpretation

Weaknesses of objective tests
1) Literacy

2) Long

3) Response bias

4) No explanation (all T or F)

Strengths of projective tests
1) Can be illiterate

2) bo bias (no right or wrong answers)

3) Can't manipulate (can't fake good or bad)

Weaknesses of Projective Tests
1) Difficulty establishing reliability/validity

2) Subjective scoring

3) Slow to administer

4) Uncomfy

5) Training is required

6) Slow to score/interpret

Strengths of Behavioral assessment
1) Objectively measured

2) individualized

3) flexible

4) can show environment/ behavioral/ cognitive variables

Weaknesses of behavioral assessment
1) No diagnosis/little clarification

2) Observable behaviors only

3) Observer bias

4) Self report bias

Strengths of Psychosocial technique
1) Objectively measured/recorded

2) potentially measure several at a time

3) like personality to biology

Weaknesses of Psychosocial technique
1) can be associated with 1 or more personality attribute

2) people may respond physiologically the same to diff phenomenon or diff

3) certain bodily processes are easily modified

Basis of evaluation for Personality Assessment (2)
1) Agreement--> does this judgement agree with other judgements obtained through other techniques

2) Prediction-- can this judgement be used to predict life outcomes/ other behavior

Which Personality Tests use B data? (performance based tests)

2) IQ


4) Projective tests

Two types of projective tests?
1) Rorschach inkblot test

2) Draw a person test

3) TAT (image)

4 Methods of construction for objective personality tests?
1) Rational method

2) Factor Analytic method

3) Empirical method

4) Sometimes a mixture

The Rational method
come up with items that are rationally related to what the developer wishes to test

S data is gathered

WWI personality Test--> questions relevant to a personality disorder

What is required for S data personality tests to work? (and rational tests to work!)
1) Each item must mean the same thing to the person taking it and to the psychologist

2) The person must give an accurate assessment

3) The person must report w/out distortion

4) All items must be valid indicators of what the test is trying to measure

Factor Analytic Method
Finding order amid the accord; identify groups such as test items that seem like

making a long list of objective items and finding their correlations

(big 5 theory, Cattle 16's traits)

Downfalls for Factor Analytic Measure
1) Quality is limited by the quantity of items on the list

2) Computers pair the correlation, not human

3) sometimes they don't make sense

The empirical method (used in the MMPI)
gathering lots of items, people divided into groups, finding a group of normal people versus people with mental disorder and compare results