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132 Cards in this Set

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The frequency with which an operant response occurs before the introduction of a reinforcer is called the
operant level
An operant response that is made under one set of circumstances but not under others is termed a(n):
discriminative operant
Stimuli that were originally biologically neutral and thus not reinforcing but acquired their reinforcing properties through association with a primary reinforcer are called:
secondary reinforcers
"Pass the potatoes" is an example of a verbal response called a:
Individuals working for a fixed weekly or monthly salary are on this type of reinforcement schedule:
fixed interval
Superstitious behavior results from:
noncontingent reinforcement
A problem with using punishment to control behavior is that:
it indicates what the organism should not do, not what it should do, it can justify inflicting pain on others, it often replaces one undesirable response with another undesirable response
According to Skinner, to strengthen a certain response one should:
reward it
Which of the following is considered a positive contribution made by Skinner's theory:
it has widespread applied value

it provides a scientifically rigorous explanation of human behavior

it synthesizes and explains large amounts of information
Studies by Greenspoon and Verplanck have confirmed the fact that operant principles:
apply to human as well as nonhuman behavior
According to operant theory, the best way to teach a complex skill is to:
divide the skill into its basic components and gradually shape it into existence one step at a time
Stimuli that were originally biologically neutral and thus not reinforcing but acquired their reinforcing properties through association with a primary reinforcer are called:
secondary reinforcers
The __________ is a verbal command which specifies its own reinforcer:
With this type of reinforcement schedule, the organism is reinforced for a response made at the end of variable time intervals:
variable interval
When a certain response must be made in order to make a reinforcer available, the arrangement is called:
contingent reinforcement
occurs when a response removes something the organism does not want:
Negative reinforcement
Both positive and negative reinforcement result in a/an:
increase in rate of responding
Walden Two is a fictitious community created by Skinner to show the effects of cultural engineering. Which of the following is true of Walden Two:
children do not live with their parents

education was individualized

women are not involved in cooking, cleaning, and mothering
Studies by Greenspoon and Verplanck have confirmed the fact that operant principles:
apply to human as well as nonhuman behavior
Who demonstrated the ease with which operant principles can be applied to human behavior:
Extinction occurs when:
a reinforcer no longer follows a response
Secondary reinforcers that do not depend upon a particular motivational state are called:
generalized reinforcers
A situation in which what one person says acts as a discriminative stimulus for a response from the second person, and the second person's response not only rewards the first person's response but acts as a discriminative stimulus for another response is a form o
This reinforcement schedule controls the behavior of gamblers and produces the highest rate of responding:
variable ratio
Skinner believed that behavior should be controlled by the use of:
positive contingencies
Alex has decided to enter into an agreement with another person. Alex will pay that person $100 with the understanding that he (Alex) will get his money back, in $10 installments, as he loses a specified amount of weight each week. This is an example of:
a contingency contract
Skinner's theory has been criticized for
generalizing too freely from nonhuman animals to humans
Our "biggest problem" is that our behavior is influenced more by __________ reinforcers than it is by __________ reinforcers:
small but immediate . . . large but distant
Which of the following explains why we emit learned responses in situations similar to the one in which learning originally occurred:
stimulus generalization
This reinforcement schedule produces extremely high rates of responding and is thought to characterize individuals doing piecework or working for a commission:
fixed ratio
Superstitious behavior results from:
noncontingent reinforcement
What percentage of parents in the United States use corporal punishment on their children:
What is necessary in order to modify behavior:
behavior and reinforcer
Skinner's theory has been criticized for all of the following EXCEPT:
it has not stimulated much empirical research
To the behaviorist, learning principles:
are the same for all living organisms
Hull's theory of learning is a __________ theory:
drive reduction
According to Hull, a newborn child possesses a genetically determined set of responses which is triggered if a need arises. This is called the __________ hierarchy of responses:
As fear of aggressing toward an object increases, there is an increased tendency to displace to __________ objects:
__________ is the opposite of generalization:
Which of the following statements best describes the learning dilemma:
no failure, no learning
The frustration-aggression hypothesis states that:
frustration leads to aggression
Which of the following exemplifies cue-producing responses:
According to Dollard and Miller, a neurotic's physical symptoms are learned because they:
reduce fear or anxiety
Which of the following is considered a contribution made by Dollard and Miller's theory:
it successfully synthesized Hullian learning theory and psychoanalysis
A parent usually becomes a powerful __________ reinforcer to her or his child:
According to Dollard and Miller, if toilet training is not handled properly by the parents, the child may develop feelings of:
The rearrangement of response probabilities as new conditions emerge or as old conditions change is called:
Which type of conflict involves only one goal:
The __________ explains why if two or more routes to a goal are available, the shorter route tends to be preferred:
gradient of reinforcement
Rats aggressing towards a doll when no other rat is present exemplifies:
displaced aggression
When cue-producing responses are directed at the solution of a future problem the process is called:
Which of the following is considered a contribution made by Dollard and Miller's theory:
it has clarified what factors contribute to successful psychotherapy
Dollard and Miller consider unconscious processes to be __________ in determining behavior:
extremely important
For Dollard and Miller, reinforcement is equated with:
drive reduction
According to Dollard and Miller, there are probably more taboos in our culture related to __________ than there are for any other type of activity:
A __________ is a stimulus that indicates the appropriate direction that an activity should take:
Which type of conflict involves only one goal:
The __________ explains why if two or more routes to a goal are available, the shorter route tends to be preferred:
gradient of reinforcement
According to Dollard and Miller, which of the following is true concerning the original frustration-aggression hypothesis?
Frustration leads to aggression
Dollard and Miller call images, perceptions, and words:
cue-producing responses
__________ is the learned response of not thinking thoughts that are unpleasant:
Which of the following is a secondary drive:
The following question, "What should I expect if I act in a certain way?" exemplifies a:
behavior-outcome expectancy
__________ determines what is worth having:
Subjective values
Which of the following is thought to be a contribution of social cognitive theory:
its emphasis on research that employs human subjects
__________ include the complexity and distinctiveness of stimulation:a
Attentional processes
Bandura, Adams, and Beyer (1977) found that the most accurate predictor of a person's behavior is:
a person's perceived self-efficacy
When individuals who opt for immediate gratification are shown models who delay gratification, the individuals who originally opted for immediate gratification will:
delay gratification
Dysfunctional expectancies are difficult to disconfirm because:
the defensive behaviors based on them prevent the individual from having the experiences that will disconfirm them
Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the findings relative to the consistency/inconsistency controversy:
The results tend to support the notion that behavior is inconsistent
Bandura believes that people behave:
According to Mischel, which of the following theorists overemphasized situation variables:
The following question, "What should I expect if I act in a certain way?" exemplifies a:
behavior-outcome expectancy
Although a person is capable of performing many behaviors and has a strong self-efficacy expectancy, he or she may decide not to translate those expectancies into behavior due to his or her:
subjective values
Social cognitive theory has been criticized for:
not predicting behavior any better than the theories that it criticizes

being too critical of psychoanalytic theory

employing mentalistic concepts in explaining behavior
According to social cognitive theory, social cognitive learning person variables are acquired through:
observational learning that happens in the present
The statement, "I wonder if I am capable of doing what I think needs to be done," exemplifies:
perceived self-efficacy
When individuals who opt for delayed gratification are shown models who choose immediate gratification, the individuals who originally opted for delayed gratification will tend to:
choose immediate gratification
Which technique was generally found to be most effective in treating phobias:
live modeling with participation
Concerning empirical research on the consistency of human behavior, it has been found that using group averages tends to:
pool behaviors that are consistent with those that are not

obscure the fact that some individuals are consistent in some ways

lead to the conclusion that human behavior is inconsistent
According to social cognitive theory, reinforcement provides the necessary __________ for the development of effective behavior-outcome expectancies:
Mischel believes that the concept of self-control should be defined as:
the ability to tolerate a delay in gratification
Mischel's major criticism of traditional personality theories is that they emphasize __________ and deemphasize __________ :
person variables . . . situation variables
Which of the following did Mischel postulate to explain selective attention and the fact that different individuals assign different meanings to their experiences:
encoding strategies
According to the authors of your text, social cognitive theory is popular today because it:
focuses its research on humans

recognizes the importance of language and symbols

is optimistic about the ability of humans to change throughout their lives
Bandura's 1965 study utilizing a BoBo doll demonstrated that:
humans learn what they observe
A person's belief concerning what he or she is capable of doing in a given situation describes his or her:
perceived self-efficacy
Which self-exonerating mechanism does the statement, I committed the crime so that I could provide necessities for my family, exemplify:
moral justification
According to social cognitive theory, the main goal of psychotherapy is to:
change a client's perceived self-efficacy
Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the findings relative to the consistency/inconsistency controversy:
The results tend to support the notion that behavior is inconsistent
According to social cognitive theory, anxiety is caused by:
inappropriate performance standards
Mischel found the value of the personality coefficient to be about:
Person variables include a person's:
physical attractiveness
The statement, If I see X, I can expect to see Y, exemplifies a:
stimulus-outcome expectancy
Social cognitive theory has been criticized for:
neglecting important aspects of personality
In Bandura's 1965 study utilizing a BoBo doll, it was found that children who saw a model being reinforced for aggression, later displayed aggression themselves when they were given the chance to play with the BoBo doll. This experiment exemplified the influence of:
vicarious reinforcement
According to social cognitive theory, self-regulated behavior is governed by:
one's performance standards (intrinsic reinforcement and punishment)
When individuals who opt for delayed gratification are shown models who choose immediate gratification, the individuals who originally opted for delayed gratification will tend to:
choose immediate gratification
According to Bandura, which of the following is true concerning chance encounters:
they are fortuitous
they can have a major impact on one's life
they exemplify another way that the environment can influence behavior
Which of the following assumes that human behavior is at least moderately consistent over time and from one situation to a similar situation:
psychoanalytic theory
A theorist who believes that both person and situation variables influence what a person does at any moment is a(n):
Whether or not a person experiences intrinsic reinforcement or punishment depends on how his or her behavior compares with:
his or her performance standards
According to Bandura, fortuitous experiences:
are unpredictable but can significantly affect a person's life
According to social cognitive theory, the best way to remedy dysfunctional expectancies is to provide:
powerful disconfirming experiences
What concept did Buss label as the “sociobiological fallacy?"
The idea that human’s primary goal in life is the perpetuation of genes
Darwin defined fitness in terms of:
the number of offspring produced by an organism
A woman who is not sexually promiscuous and appears selective signals to a prospective long-term mate that:
She will be faithful in the future
She will bear his children and not another man’s
She is pursing a long-term relationship exclusively with one man
Males strategies have developed to find which of the following traits desirable in females:
smooth skin
good muscle tone
bright eyes
When a person uses a particular strategy to achieve a goal and another person prevents the successful enactment of that strategy, this is called:
Strategic interference
Women should be more jealous when:
she senses another person is threatening the resources that her mate is providing to her and her offspring
A mother might point out physical similarities between a father and a new baby because:
It will reduce the uncertainty faced by the father about whether the child is his
According to evolutionary psychologists, when the existence of one individual hinders the reproduction of close kin more than it enhances the reproduction of the individual himself, _______ may occur:
According to Buss, phobias involve:
Avoidance of the feared situation
The assumption that almost everything humans and nonhumans do is the result of evolutionary adaptation is called:
According to Buss, our brains and their circuitry evolved over thousands of generations as:
According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, what is natural selection?
It refers to the fact that environmental demands determine or select which organisms will survive and reproduce
Sexually, it is advantageous for females to:
be coy
identify and then choose males with the best genes
choose males who will stay with them after they are inseminated
According to Buss, it is evolutionarily advantageous for men to engage in long-term mating because:
Men are more likely to be sure they are the parent of offspring when they are a part of monogamous long-term relationships
Buss found that in seeking a mate, men tend to value __________ most highly whereas women tend to value __________ most highly:
physical attractiveness . . . resources
According to Buss, jealousy is an evolutionary adaptation that protects:
Long-term relationships
Helping behavior that is extended to those to whom we are genetically related is called:
Kin selection
According to evolutionary psychologists, anorexia nervosa can be viewed as adaptive because it is:
a strategy to delay or permanently prevent pregnancy
a means to allow a woman to protect potential offspring from a hazardous environment
a migratory response to resource shortages in a particular territory
Which of the following is a common criticism of evolutionary psychology:
Evolutionary psychology justifies the status quo
Who accepted the drive-discharge model of aggression:
Which of the following would a man find particularly unattractive when pursuing a short-term mate:
A need for commitment
A man is most likely to use deception when:
He is looking for a casual sexual encounter and a woman is looking for commitment
______ leads to fierce competition among males in order to gain access to mates:
Effective polygyny
Lumsden and Wilson find it interesting that most phobias involve things that:
were potentially dangerous in the environment in which humans evolved
Critics of evolutionary psychology claim that it:
Uses scientific means to justify sexism or racism
Buss claims that evolutionary psychology links psychology with:
The life sciences
According to Hamilton’s rule, if we are to risk our resources for a niece or nephew, the benefit of an act must be more than __ times the cost:
According to evolutionary psychologists, a key concept in explaining suicide is:
inclusive fitness