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27 Cards in this Set

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Deposition of nitric or sulfuric acid, either in rain (acid rain) or in the form of dry particles, as a result of the production of nitrogen oxides or sulfur dioxide through burning primarily of foosil fuels
Acid Deposition
Self Feeder Normally a photosynthetic organism; a producer
Able to be broken down into harmless substances by decomposers
Increasing accumulation of a toxic substance in progressively higher trophic levels
Biological Magnification
The dry weight of organic material in a ecosystem
Literally means meat eater
It is a predatory organism that feeds on herbivores or on other carnivores
An organism that eats other organisms; a heterotroph
An organism, normally a fungus or bateria that digests organic material by secreting digestive enzymes into the environment, in the process liberaing nutrients into environment
Excess cutting of forests, primarily rainforests in the tropics, to clear space for agriculture
One of a diverse group of organisms, ranging from worms to vultures that live off the wastes and dead remains of other organisms --live on dead organisms
Detritus Feeder
Graphical representation of the energy contained in succeding trophic levels, with maximum energy at the base (primary producers) and steadily diminishing higher amount at levels
Energy Pyramid
Representation of the complex feeding relationship ( in terms of interacting food chains) within a community, including many orgazisms
Food Web
Fuel such as coal, oil and natural gas, derived from the remains of ancient organisms
Foosil Fuel
A gradual rise in global atmospheric temperature as a result of an amplification of the natural greenhouse effect due to human activities
Global Warning
Pricess in which certain gases such as carbon dioxide and methane trap sunlight energy in a plant's atmosphere as hear; the glass in a greenhouse does the same. The result global warming is being enhanced by the production of these gases by humans
Greenhouse Effect
A gas, such as carbon dioxide or methane, that traps sunlight energy in a plant's atomosphere as heat; a gas that participate in the greenhouse effect
Greenhouse Gas
Literally means (plant eater)
Other feeder; an organism that eat other organisms, as opposed to an authtroph which makes its own food
Energy stored in autotroph of an ecosystem over a given time period
Net Primary Productivity
Description of the pathway (such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, or water) through the living and nonliving portions of an ecosystem
Nutrient Cycle
Organism that consumes both plants and animal. This would be us
Organism that feeds on producers
Primary Consumer
Photosynthetic organism an autotroph
Major source and storage site of a nutrients
Organism that feeds on primary consumers; a carnivore-meat
Secondary Consumer
Carnivore that feeds on other carnivores
Tertrary Consumer