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34 Cards in this Set

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Most animals

Endometrium is absorbed by the uterus

Sexual receptivity is limited, called heat

Length and freq of estrous cycle varies: bear and wolves=1 a year, elephants = several a year, rats=throughout the year

Difference appearance of reproductive structures but similar in function

Glans of penis and clitoris

Scrotum and the labor majora

Skin on penis and the labia minora

2 reactions in sexual response in both genders

Vasocongestion: filling of tissue with blood

Myotonia: increased muscle tension, smooth and skeletal muscles may show sustained or rhythmic contractions

Includes 4 phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

Excitement phase

Vasocongestion: enlargement of penis and clitoris, testicles, labia, and breast and vaginal lubrication

Myotonia: May result nipple erection or tension in arms and legs

Plateau phase

Excitement responses continue as a result of direct stimulation

In females, vasocongestion of outer third of vagina, expansion of inner two thirds vagina and elevation of uterus to receive sperm

Autonomic nervous system increases breathing and heart rate


Involuntary contraction

Shortest phase

In male, emission is the contraction of glands and ducts of reproductive tract, forced semen into urethra

In female, uterus and outer vagina contract but inner 2/3 do not


Competes cycle and reverses the response of earlier stages

Vasocongestion organs return to normal size, muscle relax

Changes are completed in 5 minutes but some can take as long as an hour

Refractory period

Last anywhere from a few min to an hour

No orgasm or erection

Females get multiple orgasms


2-5 mL of sperm transferred with 70- 130 mIllion sperm

Semen coagulates to keep in place until sperm reaches cervix

Cervix had anticoagulants that liquefy semen


Fertilization of egg by sperm

Occurs in oviduct

24 hours later, zygote begins to divide by mitosis (cleavage)

3-4 days later, blastocyst reaches uterus and implants in endometrium



Humans: 266 days / 38 weeks

Rodents: 21 days; cows:270, elephant: 600

Correlates with body size and maturity of young at birth

First trimester

Time of most radical change

Embryonic stage begins after implantation and lasts 8 wks

Secretes human chorionic gonadatropin (hCG) which acts like LH to maintain secretion of progesterone and estrogen for first few months (hCG in urine to detect pregnancy)

Twins in First trimester

Splitting of embryo during first month (monozygotic twins vs dizygotic twins where two follicles release and implant

First trimester continued

During first 2-4 wks, embryo obtains nutrients directly from endometrium

Trophoblast combines with endo to form placenta (allows for nutrients, gas exchange, immune protection)

Blood travels through arteries in umbilical cord to the placenta and returns to embryo via umbilical vein

Fetal blood flow 4 th week

Maternal arteries to umbilical arteries to umbilical veins to maternal veins

First trimester and organ development

Wk 3: brain, heart, blood cells, circ system, spinal cord, digestive system

Wk 4: bones, face limbs cont heart and brain, nervous system

Wk 5: eyes, nose, kidneys lungs, cont heart(valves), brain, nervous system

Wk 6: hands feet digits, cont heart, brain, circ system

Second trimester

Fetus grows and is active (can feel it move)

Uterus grows and pregnant is obvious

Hormonal levels stabilize as hCG declines, corpus luteum deteriorates, placenta takes over secretion of progesterone to maintain pregnancy

Third trimester

Fetus grows and fills space

Moms organs compress, frequent urinate and digestive blockages

Labor is regulated by prostaglandins and hormones: estradiol and oxytocin


Hypothalamus signals AP to secrete prolactin and PP oxytocin

Foreign offspring

Women’s body does not reject (half dna from dad)

May be due to suppressed immune system (symptom of arthritis become less severe during pregnancy)


Deliberate prevention of pregnancy

Achieved in number of ways that fall into 3 categories:

1.Preventing release of eggs and sperm

2. Keeping sperm and egg apart

3. Preventing implantation of an embryo

Rhythm method

Natural family planning

Refrain from intercourse when conception is most likely

Pregnancy rate is 10-20%

Coitus interruptus

Withdrawal method


Barrier method

Block fertilization with a pregnancy rate less than 100%



Cervical caps


Intrauterine devices IUD

Inserted into uterus and interfere with fertilization and implantation

Less than 1% pregnancy

Increase levels of progesterone thickens wall of uterus which prevents sperm entry in cervix

Birth control pills

Rate less than 1%

Progesteron-high levels prevents pregnancy by negative feedback (decrease GnRH, decrease FSH and LH).

This inhibits follicle development (no increase in estradiol so no surge in LH) prevents ovulation

Inhibits sperm from penetrating through cervix by making mucus that blocks cervix

Estradiol levels control bleeding through FSH and LH

3 types of birth control

Oral estrogen/progesterone levels mimics pregnancy (inhibits ovarian cycle)-daily

Progesterone only-implants or patch

Continuous extended use injections 3 months to weeks

Vaginal ring monthly


Tubal ligation: tie off oviduct

Vasectomy: tie off vas deferens

Abortion: termination

Spontaneous abortion: miscarriage, in 1/3 of pregnancies

Drug U486 (mifepristone): terminates a pregnancy non surgically within the first 7 weeks

Morning after pills

Emergency contraceptive

2 types interrupt uterine:

1. Preven: series of synthetic progesterone pills that disrupts normal cycle making implantation difficult for 72 hours

2. RU486: mifepristone is a progesterone receptor antagonist blocking in uterus so endo is sloughed off

Plan B: prevents fertilization by inhibition of ovulation and thickening of cervical mucus for 72 hours

Intravaginal ring

New device

Prevents pregnancy

Releases low doses of an antiretroviral drug that reduces risk of HIV and herpes infection



Contains: lactic acid, citric acid, bitartate, pH 3.4-4.5

Mechanism: after sex, pH of vagina rises to keep sperm alive. This lowers pH killing sperm

86% effective

Detecting disorders

Ultrasound imaging

Amniocentesis n chorionic villus sampling (genetic analysis)

Sample of maternal blood: contains fetus DNA (genome)


Causes vary

STIs can cause infertility and are most preventable

In vitro: embryos are implanted at 8 cell stage

Gamete intrafallopian transfer

Mix egg and sperm solution