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48 Cards in this Set

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Pair of ocelli near head of planarians

Simplest form of light detecting organs

Allow them to move away from light and seek shade

Compound eyes

Insects, crustaceans, and some worms

Consist of several thousand light detectors called ommatidia

Effective at detecting movement

Insects have good color vision and some can see into UV range

Single lens eyes

Found in jellies, spiders, molluscs, and all mammals

Work like camera: iris changes diameter of the pupil to control how much light enters


Opening through which light enters


Expands/contracts to let more/less light in

Changes diameter of pupil

Formed by the choroid


Mucous layer covers front of eye and lines eyelids


Collagen and elastic fibers, connective tissue

At the front, forms the transparent cornea


Thin pigmented layer

Forms the iris in the front


Just inside the choroid

Made of neurons and photoreceptors


Transparent disk of protein

Divides eye into 2 cavities: Aqueous humor (watery substance in front of eye)

and vitreous humor (jellylike behind the lens)

Retina contains...

Bipolar cell: receives info from several cones or rods

Ganglion cell: gather info from several bipolar cells

Horizontal and amacrine cells: integrate info across retina

Pathway of vision

Light hits retina

2 types of photoreceptors (rods and cones)

Info is relayed to the optic nerve and then brain

Optic disk


In retina

Space where there are no photoreceptors so light is not detected

2 photoreceptors

Rods: sensitive to light, do not distinguish colors (125 million)

Cones: provide color (6million)


Visual Pigment that consist of retinal (retinal is a light absorbing pigment bound to the membrane protein opsin and a derivative of vitamin A)

Absorption of light causes a shape change in retinal

In rods


Light absorbing pigment bonded to membrane protein opsin

Exist as 2 isomers

Light shifts from cis (bent arrangement) to trans (straight arrangement)

This change activated opsin protein


Important for night vision(shades of gray)

Sensitive to dim light, but no colors

Contain rhodopsin

Provide peripheral vision and the perception of motion


Located primarily in fovea centralis (macula, acute vision)

Activated by bright light, sensitive to different wavelengths of light

Allow for fine detail and color

3 kinds of cones

Blue, green, red

Composed of 11 cis-retinal bound to an opsin (various opsin structures to absorb different pigments)

Various combination of stim produce different colors

Transduction in the dark

GMP binds to Na channels and keeps them open

Na flows into cell depolarization it

Transduction in the dark

GMP binds to Na channels and keeps them open

Na flows into cell depolarization it

Transduction in light

When light hits photoreceptors, rhodopsin, transducin , phisphodiesterase is activated

These convert cGMP to GMP

When cGMP levels fall, cGMP no longer occupies the binding sites on the channels, causing channels to close and hyperpolarize


In the dark, rods and cones continue to release glutamate with bipolar cells

In light, they shut off glutamate release

Different pathways of rods and cones

Info directly from photoreceptors to bipolar cells to ganglion cells


Horizontal cells carry signals from one rod or cone to other photoreceptors and to several bipolar cells

Gang lions axons are

Optic nerve

Lateral inhibition

When a rod or cone stims horizontal cell and that cell then inhibits more distant photoreceptors and bipolar cells

This is how Horizontal cells enhance contrast of image (light appears lighter and dark appears darker)

Repeated by interaction amacrine cells and ganglion cells (amacrine distribute info from bipolar cells to several ganglion cells

Receptive field

Ganglion cells define part of visual field

Sensitivity of cones vs rods is due to how directly they connect to ganglion cells

As many as 150 rods May synapse on same ganglion cell (blurred vision)

Some cone cells in fovea centralis activate only one Ganglion cell (sharper vision, smaller receptive field)

Optic chiasm

Where optic nerve meets at base of cerebral cortex

Left to right side and right to left side


Center of visual field, contains no rods but has a high density of cones

Function of lens

Focusing of image on retina occurs by changing shape of lens and pupil

Focuses light rays onto retina (assisted by cornea and aqueous/vitreous humors)

Image is inverted on retina and then changed by brain

Near vs distant vision

Near: ciliary muscles contract pulling choroid toward lens, suspension ligament relax, lens becomes thicker and rounder

Distant: ciliary muscles relax, choroid moves away from lens, suspense ligaments pull against lens, lens becomes flatter

Nearsighted myopia

See close objects better than distance

Eyeball is elongated

Farsighted hyperopia

Cannot see close up

Eyeball is shortened

Color vision

Photopsins: pigments formed when retinal binds to 3 distinct opsin proteins

Color blindness

Abnormal color vision due to mutations in genes for one or more photopsin proteins

Usual deficiency in one type of cone

Red-green most common type (x-linked recessive so usually in males)

Retinal d/o

Diabetic retinopathy: capillaries to retina damaged

Macular degeneration: cones are destroyed

Detached retina: following trauma


Fluid builds up in eye destroying nerve fibers w peripheral boss ion (aqueous humor)


Cloudy spots on lens

UV light, diabetes, alcohol use, and smoking

Gustation (taste)

Dependent on detection of chemicals (tastants)

Olfaction (smell)

Dependent on detection of odorant molecules

Taste in mammals

5 perceptions: salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and unami(elicited by glutamate also called savory)

receptors for all five tastes

Individual taste cell expresses one receptor type and detects only one of the five types

Sweet or bitter solely on what neurons are activated

Taste buds

Organized Taste receptors cells are Modified epithelial cells with microvilli

Most have projections called papillae

Located in several areas of tongue

Any region of taste bud can detect five taste

3 types of receptors

1. G protein coupled receptors: sweet, umami, and bitter

2. Transient receptor protein (TRP): sour, similar to capsaicin and other thermoreceptors

3. Sodium channel: salt

Olfactory receptors

Neurons that line nasal cavity (each one has about 5 olfactory cilia)

Binding to cilia triggers transduction pathway sending action potentials to brain

Smell and taste are independent but interact

Odorant receptor

Odorant diffuses biding to GPCR protein on plasma membrane of olfactory cilia

Triggers transduction leading to cyclic AMp

CAMP opens channels in plasma membrane permeable to Ca and Na

Humans can distinguish thousands of different of odors

Directly connected to limbic system connecting to memory and emotions


Born without sense of smell

Sense of smell Devine’s at age 60

Covid 19 and smell

Olfactory do not express gene that encodes ACE2 (which is needed for covid to enter cell)

Gene is expressed in cells that provide metabolic and structural support to olfactory neurons

Covid does not permanent damage neurons (anosmia)