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27 Cards in this Set

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Before cell body and carried message towards cell body


After cell body carries messages away

Sensory neuron

Takes msg from receptor to CNS, long dendrite and short axon

Motor neuron

Takes msg away from CNS to effectors, short dendrite long axon


Found only in CNS (brain/spinal cord)

Nerve impulse transmission

How impulse moves along neuron, when threshold energy is reached neuron fires all or nothing response

All or nothing response

When nerve responds to stimulus independent of strength of stimulus

Resting potential

Na outside k inside through pumps (active transport), outside + inside -

De polarization (action potential)

Na flows in through gates, inside + outside -

Repolarization (action potential)

K+ flows out of neuron through k gates, inside - outside +

Refractory period

Na/k pump return na+ to outside and k+ to inside (active transport)

Synapse (end of axon)

Ca2+ release, contractor proteins attached to vesicles contract, vesicles pulled towards members, vesicles release NTs by exocytosis(active), NT diffuse across synapse, NT stimulate receptors on dendrite, enzymes are released to neutralize NTs

Sympathetic nervous system

NTs release adrenaline that is broke down by monamine oxidase

Parasympathetic nervous system

Acetylcholine is broken down by acetycholinesterase

Soltatory Conduction

Produces myelin sheath to insulate neuron, depolarization only occurs at nodes of ranvier, increase impulse speed

Reflex arc

Quick involuntary response that doesnt get processed by brain, receptor starts response, sensory neuron takes message to CNS, only one interneuron which makes impulse travel quickly, motor neuron takes impulse away from CNS to effector

Medulla oblongata

Controls heartrate, breathing, swallowing


Relay station for sensory input, decides what's important


Muscular coordination

Corpus collosum

Connects two hemispheres


Neuro endocrine control, controls pituitary


High thinking and consciousness

Frontal cerebrum

Voluntary muscle movement and problems solving


Pain and temp


Hearing, smelling, musical memories


Vision combined with other senses

Neuroendocrine control

Hypothalamus controls hormones, control of adrenaline, nerve runs directly from hypothalamus to adrenal medulla, stimulated by fight or flight response