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61 Cards in this Set

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two reasons that the DSM 5 is switching to a 1 category system
-reliability of sustance abuse category was poor
-most people who met criteria for abuse did not develop dependence
the DSM 5 will likely have __ category called __ instead of two
one, susbstance abuse disorder
refers to a more severe substance use disorder that is characterized by having more symptoms, tolerance, and withdrawal, by using more of the substance than intended, by trying unsuccessfully to stop, by having physical or psychological problems made worse by teh drug, and by experiencing problems at work or with friends
tolerance is indicated by __ and __
-larger doses of teh substance being needed to produce teh desired effect
-the effects of the drug becoming markedly less if the usual amount is taken
referes to the negatie physical and psychological effects that develop when a person stops taking the substance or reduces the amount
the DSM IV had categories __ and __
substance abuse, substance dependence
in relatively rare cases, a person who has been drinking heavily for a number of years may also experience ___, when teh level of alcohol in teh blood drops suddenly and the person becomes delirious as well as tremulous and has hallucinations that are primarily visual buyt may be tactile as well
delirium tremens
abusing more than one drug at a time
polydrug abuse
lifetime prevalence rates for alcohol dependence (DSM IV)
lifteime rates for alcohol abuse (DSM IV)
having 5 drinks in a short amount of time (1 hour)
binge drinking
__ and __ adolescents and adults are more liekly to binge drink than __
white and hispanic, african american
alcohol dependence is most prevalent among __, __
native americans and histpanics
alcohol dependence is least prevalent among __, __
asians, african americans
__% of people suffering from alcohol or drug dependence have at lease one other mental disorder
more __ than __ died in alcholhol related fatalities
men, women
alcohol stimulates __, __, __ nerotransmitters
GABA, seratonin, dopamine
when the growth of a fetus is slowed, and cranial facial and limb anomalies can be produced due to the mothers drinking alcohol wehn pregnant
fetal alcohol syndrome
the addicting agent of tabacco
smoking is most prevelant in __ and __ ethic groups and least amoung __ and __
white, hispanic, asian, african american
why are african american smokers less likely to quit smoking?
b/c they retain nicotine in their blood longer
produced by removing tand drying the resin exudate of teh tops of cannabis plants
include opium and its derivatives morphine, heroin, and codeine
theory that considers bothe the crving for drugs ad the pleaseure that comes with taking the frug
incentive-sensitization theory
3 psychological factors that may contribute to the eitiology of substance abuse disorders
-mood alteration
-expectancies about alcohol and drug effects
-personality factors
a persistant desire for arousal along with increased positive affect
negative emotionality
__% of people who are physiologically dependent on alcohol ever recieve tretment
the extreme, inflexible, and maladaptive ways in which these traits are expressed
personality disorders
the DSM IV TR contains __ personality disorders
what are the 10 personality disorders featured in the DSM IV TR?
obsessive compulsive, narcissistic, schizotypal, avoidant, antisocial, borderline, paranoid, schizoid, histroinic, dependent
what are the 6 personality disorders featured in the DSM V
obsessive compulsive, narcissistic, schizotypal,avoidant, antisocial, borderline
concerns with the DSM IV TR (5)
-~.5 of people who meet criteria in DSM IV meet criteria for another personality disorder
-some personality diagnosies are rare in community and clinical settings
-many people who seem to have serious personality problesm don't fit any of the personality disorder diagnose
-personality traites and severity of conditoin varies greatly between people diagnosesd with personality disorder
-about half of poeple diagnosed with a personaltiy disorder at one d=tiem did not recieve the same diagnoses later
the proposed DSM V includes 3 type of personality rankings
-levels of personality functioning scale
-six personality disorder types
-5 personality trait domain ratings as well as 25 facet ratings
the 5 kinds f trait domains for personaltiy disorders
-negative affectivity
a perfectionist, preoccupied with details, reules, and schedules
obsessive compulsive personality disorder
often pay somuch attention to detail that they fail to fininh projects
obsessive compulsive personality disorder
obsessive compulsive personality disorder does not include __ and __
obsession and compulsions
have a grandiose view of their abilitites and are preoccupied with fantasies of great success
narcissistic personality disorder
people with obsessive compulsive personality disorder require __ and __
constant attention and excessive admiration
the self-psychology model of narcissistic personaltiy dissorder describes the narcissism to be a mask of a __
very fragile self esteem
the self-psychology model of narcissistic personaltiy dissorder describes the narcissism to be because of two kinds of parenting styles. these are __ and __
-emotional coldness and an over emphassis on achievements
the social-cognitive model of narcissistic personaltiy disorder decribes has two main parts __ and __
people with this disorder have fragile self esteem, interpersonal interactions are important to them for bolstering self esteem
obsessive compulsive personaltiy disorder ahs two domains. these are __ and __
-compulsivity cahracteriezed by rigid perfectionism
-negative affectivity ( charactiezed by perfectionism)
narcissitic personaltiy disorder has two domains __ and __
antagonism characterized by seeking gradiosity ad attention seeking
defined by unusual and eccentric thoughts and behavior, intereprsonal dtachment, and suspiciousnness.
schizotypal personaltiy disorder
have odd beliefs or magical thinking
schizotypal personaltiy disorder
personaltiy traits of schizotypal personality disorder
1. psychoticism: characterized by eccentricity, cognitive and perceptual dyregulation, and unusual beliefs and experiences
2. detachment: characterized by restricted affectivity and withdrwal
3. negative afectivity: characterized by suspiciousness
the heritability rate of avaoidant personality disorder is __%
avaoidant personality disorder has two domains __ and __
1. Detachment: characterized by withdrawl, intimacy avoidance, and anhedonia
2. Negative afectivity: characterized by anxiousness
antisocial personality disorder has 2 domains __ and __
1. antagonism: characterized by manipulativeness, deceitfulness, callousness, and hostility
2. Disinhibition: characterized by irresponsibility, impusivity, and risk taking
heritabilty estimates of antisocial personaltiy disorders is __%
social factors of antisocial personaltiy disorders are (4)
-family environment and poverty
-deficits in empathy driving unreponsiveness to tohers vicimezation
two core parts of borderline personality disorder
-instability in relationships and mood
borderline personality disorder has 3 mdomains __, __, and __
1. negative afectivity: characterized by emotional labiltiy, anxiousness, separation insecurity, and depressivity
2. disinhibition: characterized by impuslivity and risk taking
3. antagonism: characterized by hostility
over a 10-15 year period, about __% of the peoplewith BPD stability and no longer meet diagnositc critera
genes account for more than __% of the varience in development of B{D
social factors of BPD
-childhood abuse
-linehans diathesis stress theory:emotional dysregulation interacts with experiences of invalidation to promote BPD
what two main hpothesized factors of linehans diathesis stress theory are ther?
-emotional dysregulation
__% of clients recover from personaltiy disorders within ~ __ months
52, 15
a form of psychodynamic treatment that was developed for BPD, emphasizes that people with BPD fail to engage in mentailzation
mentalization-based theory of BPD
enriches traditoinal cognitive therapy with a broader focus on how early childhood adolescents and parenting shape current cognitive pattersn
schema focused cognitive therapy for BDP