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24 Cards in this Set

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Respiration in the respiratory system

Pulmonary ventilation movement of air in and out of the lungs.

External respiration O2 and CO2 exchange between the lungs and the blood

Respiration and the circulatory system

Transport O2 and CO2 in the blood

Irenternal respiration O2 and CO2 exchange between systemic blood vessels and tissues

Respiratory Zone

Site of gas exchange

Conducting zone

Conduits to gas exchange sites

Fxs of the Nose

Moistens and warms the entering air. Filters and cleans inspired air

Nasal cavity and respiratory mucosa

Cilia move contaminated mucus posterior ky to throat

fxs of Larnyx

Provide a patent airway

Routes air and food into proper channels

Voice production


Vocal ligaments(true vocal chords)

form core of vocal folds that vibrate to produce Sind as air rushes up from lungs

Vestibular folds(false vocal chords)

No part in sound production help to close the glottis during swallowing

Voice production

Speech intermittent release of expired air while opening and closing glottis

Pitch is determined by the length and tension of vocal chords

Loudness depends upon the force of air

Conducting zone structures

trachea right and left main bronchi (right main bronchus is wider, shorter, and vertical than left.) terminal bronchioles are the smallest less than .5mm diameter


300 million alveoli account for most of the kings volume and are the main site for gas exchange

Respiratory membrane

Alveolar Andy capillary walls and their fused basement membranes

Type II cuboid use cells secrete surfactant and antimicrobial proteins


Left lung is smaller 2 lobes separated oblique fissure (cardiac notch of left lung)

Right lung 3 lobes separated by horizontal fissures


Parietal pleura on thoracic wall and superior face of diaphragm

Visceral pleura on external lung surface

Pulmonary ventilation

inspiration gases flow into lungs

Expiration gases exit the lungs

Depend on volume changes in the thoracic cavity

Intrapulmonary pressure

Pressure in the alveoli

intrapleural pressure (Pip)

Pressure in the plural cavity always a negative pressure

Negative pip caused by

Two inward forces promote lung collapse

One outward force tends to enlarge the lungs

Pressure relationships

If pip = Ppul lungs collapse

Transpolmonary pressure= Ppul-Pip> keeps airways open

Bowles law

The relationship between the pressure and volume of gas


Active process. Lungs are stretched and intrapulmonary volume increases and pressure drops


Passive process intrapulmonary volume decreases Ppul rises

3 factors that hinder air passage and pulmonary ventilation

1. Airway resistance

2. Alveolar surface tension

3. Lung compliance

Airway resistance

Friction is the major non elastic source of resistance to gas flow

Alveolar surface tension

Attracts liquid molecules to one another at a gas-liquid interface