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75 Cards in this Set

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What is the primary function of the respiratory system?

gas exchange between air and circulating blood
• lungs - provide gas exchange "interface" between air & blood → supply body with O₂ and dispose of CO₂

What is the secondary function of the respiratory system?

acid-case balance (by regulating CO₂ in the blood)

The respiratory system consists of ___ and ___ zones

conducting and respiratory zones

conducting zone

from nasal cavity to terminal bronchioles "dead space"
• maintenance of open airway
• humidity
• adjust temperature
• cleanse

respiratory zone

respiratory bronchioles and alveoli
• site of gas exchange

respiratory muscles

diaphragm and other muscle that promote ventilation

ANS regulates smooth muscle to control _____ diameter

ANS regulates smooth muscle to control bronchiole diameter
• controls airflow & resistance in lungs


controlled by SNS → reduces resistance


controlled by PNS and histamine release (allergies) → increases resistance

What is alveoli?

air-filled pockets within lungs where gas exchange takes place
• ~300 million alveoli
• account for most of lung's volume
• provide tremendous surface area for gas exchange

Alveoli are patrolled by _____ _____ (dust cells) - phagocytize microbes

alveolar macrophages

What are Type 1 cells?

thin, delicate endothelial cells

What are Type 2 cells?

produce surfactant (oily secretion - coats epithelium & reduce surface tension)

Surface tension

caused by attraction of H₂O molecules to each other (collapses alveoli) (premature babies - immature Type 2 cells = little/no surfactant)

Pulmonary capillaries

exchange CO₂ and O₂ with alveoli
• capillaries surround alveoli

Respiratory Membrane

thin membrane of alveoli where gas exchange takes place (air-blood interface)

What are the three layers that gases must diffuse across?

1. Type 1 alveolar cells
2. Fused basal laminae between alveolar and endothelial cells
3. Endothelial cells of capillary

Blood supply to the lungs: pulmonary circuit

purpose is gas exchange (also nourishes respiratory membrane)

pulmonary arteries → pulmonary capillaries → pulmonary veins

Blood supply to the lungs: systemic circuit

purpose is to nourish lung tissue

Bronchial arteries → Bronchial capillaries → Pulmonary veins

Each lung is located within a double-layers _____ membrane


Visceral pleura

lines outer lung surface

Parietal pleura

lines inner surface of thoracic wall

Thoracic wall:

• floor - diaphragm
• circumference - ribs & intercostals

The right and left pleural cavities are separated by the _____


Each pleural cavity holds a long and lungs function ____


pleural cavity

holds serous fluid that reduces friction as lungs inflate/deflate

What are the two principles affecting air movement?

atmospheric pressure and Boyle's Law

Atmospheric Pressure

(Patm) ~ weight of the Earth's atmosphere (on our bodies and everything around us)

• affects air movement into and out of our lungs

• our lungs have their own pressure that varies between above and below atmospheric pressure as we breathe

Respiratory Pressure

is describe relative to Patm

• Negative respiratory pressure is pressure < Patm
• Positive respiratory pressure is pressure > Patm

Boyle's Law

defines the relationship between gas pressure and volume

↓ V of container:
• each molecule travels same distance within a time period
• hit wall more frequently
• molecules exert more pressure on container
• = ↑ P

Respiratory cycle

1 inspiration (inhalation) + 1 expiration (exhalation)

causes volume changes in thoracic cavity (with expansion or contraction of diaphragm or rib cage) that create changes in pressure

Mechanics of Breathing

based on pressure differences (△P) between air in lungs and atmosphere during on Respiratory Cycle

What is the normal atmosphere pressure?

1 atm at sea level = 760 mm Hg

intra-alveolar pressure (Palv)

pressure of the lungs (within alveoli)
• measured relative to atmosphere pressure

During relaxed breathing ....

inhalation = −1 mm Hg inside lungs
exhalation = +1 mm Hg inside lungs

At rest ("Quiet" inspiration/expiration) the most important muscles are:

diaphragm and external intracostal muscles of the ribs

accessory respiratory muscles →

activated only when respiration increases significantly ("forced" inspiration/exhalation)

Quiet inspiration

diaphragm and external intercostal muscles (inspiratory muscles) contract and the rib cages rises

Quiet expiration

inspiratory muscles relax and the rib cage descends due to gravity

What are some physical properties of the lungs?

elasticity, compliance, and airway resistance

What is elasticity?

stretching force
• inward recoil force of lungs due to elastic tissue and surface tension of fluid lining alveoli

What is compliance?

ease of expansion
• increase compliance → easier to expand lungs → decrease work of breathing

What is airway resistance?

depends of diameter of lungs

Respiratory system adapts to changing oxygen demands by varying:

• number of breaths per minute (respiratory rate) (

respiratory rate

number of breaths per minute
average = 12 breaths per minute

tidal volume

volume of air moved per breath (Vt)
average = 500 mL per breath

Respiratory Minute Volume

(VE) - amount of air moved per minute calculated by:

Anatomical Dead Space

volume of air that doesn't reach alveoli (air remaining in conducting passages - trachea, mouth, etc)

Alveolar Dead Space

if alveoli cease in gas exchange (e.g. damage or lined with mucus)

Total Dead Space

(Vd) = Anatomical Dead Space + Alveolar Dead Space

Alveolar Ventilation (VA)

amount of air reaching alveoli each minute
Calculated as:

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory volumes


TV = volume of one breath

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory volumes


IRV = volume inhaled with maximum effort in excess of tidal volume

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory volumes


ERV = volume exhaled with max. effort in excess of tidal volume

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory volumes


RV = volume remaining in lungs after max. expiration (keeps alveoli inflated)

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory capacities


VC = volume exhaled with maximum effort after maximum inspiration

Measurements of airflow: Respiratory capacities


IC = volume of air inhaled after normal tidal expiration

Functional residual capacity

Functional residual capacity = volume in lungs after normal tidal expiration

Total lung capacity

Total lung capacity = maximum volume lungs can contain

VC =


IC =


Functional residual capacity =


Total lung capacity =


Pulmonary function tests

used to asses one's respiratory status (compared with "normal" values)


instrument used to measure different volumes of breathed air (water is displaced by the breathed air, and the volume can be recorded)

Helpful in distinguishing obstructive or restrictive disorders

Obstructive disorder

difficult to get air out of the lungs (expiration)
• emphysema, bronchitis, and asthma

Restrictive disorder

difficult to get air into the lungs (inhalation)
• mascular diseases, chest wall deformities

Gas exchange occurs between air in ____ & ____

alveoli & blood → across respiratory membrane

Gases are exchange by diffusion in response to a ____ ____

concentration gradient

To understand how gases are exchanged between air in alveoli & blood you will need to consider:

1. Partial pressure of gases (Dalton's Law)
2. Diffusion of molecules between gas & a liquid (Henry's Law)

Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure (PP)

• Total pressure (of gas mixture) = sum of individual gas pressures... called the partial pressures
• The partial pressure of each gas is directly proportional to its percentages in the mixture
Partial pressure (PO₂, PCO₂ is the driving force for diffusion of gases
• Gases diffuse from high to low pressure (down their own concentration gradient)
Composition of Air:
Nitrogen ~ 78.6%
Water vapor ~ 0.5%
Oxygen ~ 20.9%
Carbon dioxide ~0.04%
Atmospheric Pressure = 760 mm Hg
Each gas above contributes to the total pressure → in proportion to its number of molecules (or its partial pressure)
All partial pressure of molecules in air together add up to 760 mm Hg (atm pressure)

If you have a container with 4 gases:
50% CO₂
25% O₂
12.5% N₂
12.5% CH₄

Total pressure in the container at: 800 mm Hg

According to Dalton's Gas Law; what is the partial pressure of CO₂, O₂?

CO₂ = 400 mm Hg
O₂ = 200 mm Hg
N₂ = 100 mm Hg
CH₄ = 100 mm Hg

Henry's Law of Dissolves Gases

• When the mixture of gases is in contact with a liquid, each gas will dissolve in the liquid in proportion to its partial pressure
• The greater the concentration of a particular gas → the faster it will go into solution
• At equilibrium - partial pressure in 2 phases (gas & liquid) are equal

Forced Exhalation includes respiratory accessory muscles such as:

internal intercostals and abdominal muscles

Force Inhalation includes accessory accessory respiratory muscles such as:

Sternocleidomastoid & scalenes and Pectoralis minor and serratus anterior