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123 Cards in this Set

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A logical interpretation of science
To be useful in science, a hypothesis must be ____
Controlled experiments
only one variable is tested at a time
A skeptical attitude in science
a new idea will only be accepted if it is backed by evidence
The purpose of peer review in science
ensure that published results meet standards set by the scientific community
Scientific theory
Well-tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations
To ensure that a scientific work is free of bias and meets standards set by the scientific community, a research group's work is peer reviewed by
anonymous scientific experts
A scientific theory does NOT
have the same meaning in science as it does in daily life
A meter is equal to
1000 milimeters
Positively charged particle is
2 or more different atoms combined in definite proportions
Covalent bond
sharing of electrons
When you shake sugar & sand in a test tube, you form a ____
compound that produces hydrogen ions in a solution
Water has a ____
high heat capacity
Proteins are polymers formed by
amino acids
An enzyme speeds up a reaction by ____
lowering the activation energy
A reactant binds to an enzyme at the
active site
Elements/compounds that enter a chemical reaction
Ionic bonds
chemical bonds that involve the total transfer of electrons from one atom to another
How do isotopes of the same element differ
number of neutrons and mass
Lipids are made up of ___
glycerol and fatty acids
Nucleotides consist of _____,______, and ____
phosphate group, nitrogenous base, and a 5-carbon sugar
all of life on Earth
a group of different species that live together in a defined area
Primary producers
use energy from the environment to convert inorganic molecules to organic molecules
How do ALL consumers get their energy?
Eating organisms that are living or were once living
Food chain
Series of steps in which a large fish eats a small fish that has eaten algae
Biomass pyramid
Total amount of living tissue at each trophic level in an ecosystem
Nutrients move through an ecosystem in ____
biogeochemical cycles
Phosphorus cycle does not enter the atmosphere
group of individuals that belong to a single species and live together in a defined area
What is not true about matter in the biosphere?
amount of matter decreases over time
Source of energy for Earth's living things
sunlight and chemical energy
Human activities move carbon through the atmosphere through ____ processes
Abiotic factors
physical/nonliving components of an ecosystem
Increase in the greenhouse effect causes an increase in _____
A small valley where the average temperature is higher than the countryside has its own ____
one organism is helped and the other is neither helped nor harmed
Tick and its host
Fires, hurricanes, and other natural disturbances can result in_____
Pioneer species
first organisms to repopulate an area affected by a volcanic eruption
dense covering formed by the leafy tops of tall trees
Permafrost characterizes the biome called _____
Organisms that live on or near the ocean floor
Factor that has the greatest effect on determining a region's climate
distance from the equator
way an organism makes its living including its interactions with biotic and abiotic factors of an environment
Competitive exclusion
A newly introduced species fills a niche normally occupied by a a native species and the 2 compete resulting in a species dying out
Photosynthetic algae are likely to be found in ____
the photic zone
Water of an estuary is __
fresh and salt water
biome where organisms have the greatest tolerance to dry conditions
Nonrenewable resource
Cannot be easily replenished by natural processes
conversion of a once soil-rich area to an area of little to no vegetation
loss of fertile soils from an area through an action of water or wind
Sustainable development
concept of using natural resources at a rate that oes not deplete them
Burning of fossil fuels is a direct cause of each except
ozone hole
species introduced to an environment where it has not lived before is
Ecological footprint
total impact a person has on the biosphere
Renewable resources can be replaced by ____
natural means`
coal is a _____ resource
not a direct effect of deforestation
biological magnification
total variety of organisms in the biosphere
ozone is made up of ____
ozone depletion in the atmosphere is caused by ___
biological magnification
concentrations of harmful substances increase in higher trophic levels
Structure that control's the cell's activities
All cells have DNA and a ___
cell membrane
difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote
In eukaryotic cells, chromosomes are found in the __
break down lipids, carbs, and proteins into small molecules used by the cell
cell membranes consist mainly of
lipid bilayers
movement of water molecules across a selectively permeable membrane
Substance moves by passive transport tends to move
away from high concentration
All single-celled organisms ___
A tissue is made up of
similar cells
animal cells have all but a
Nucleus has all but a
human brain is an
___ are sometimes attracted to the ER
movement of materials inside the cell to outside the cell
Endocytosis is an example of ___
active transport
principle chemical compound that living things use to store energy
amount of ATP compared to amount of energy in a glucose molecule is ___
when a candle burns, energy is released in the form of
light and heat
Photosynthesis requires
water and carbon dioxide
leaves of a plant appear green because chlorophyll
reflects green light
1st process in light-dependent reactions are
substance from light-dependent reactions is a source for calvin cycle
light-indpendent reactions are also known as
calvin cycle
ATP synthase in chloroplast membrane makes ATP using the energy of
hydrogen ions
CAM plants are specialized to survive under
hot and dry conditions
principal pigment in plants
color of light least useful to a plant during photosynthesis
1st step in photosynthesis
light absorption
Each gram of glucose contains
4 Calories
Cellular respiration
process that releases energy from food in presence of oxygen
first step in releasing energy of glucose
net gain from glycolysis
2 ATP molecules
Krebs cycle takes place within
mitochondira (matrix)
Electron transport chain uses high-energy electrons from Krebs cycle to
move hydrogen ions across the matrix
because fermentation does not take place in oxygen it is
process carried out by yeast that causes bread dough to rise
alcoholic fermentation
buildup of lactic acid in muscle cells results in
oxygen debt
raw materials needed for cellular respiration
oxygen and glucose
during krebs cycle
pyruvic acid is broken down into CO2
substance needed to begin glycolysis
most of cellular respiration takes place in the
human body can use all sources of energy except
alcoholic fermentation
substance broken down during glycolysis
during cellular respiration: ____ are released as byproducts
carbon dioxide and water
Krebs is a ___ process
Rate at which materials enter and leave the cell depends on the cell's
surface area
for a cell to divide, a cell must first ____
duplicate its genetic info
process that increases genetic diversity
sexual reproduction
sister chromatids are attached to each other at the
in plant cells, ____ forms midway between the divided nuclei during cytokinesis
cell plate
timing in cell cycle controlled by related proteins known as
External regulatory proteins direct cells to
speed up or slow down the cell cycle
bone marrow cells that produce blood cells are
adult stem cells
totipotent cells
can develop into any type of cell
At beginning of cell division: chromosome has 2
period between cell divisions
internal regulators
respond to internal problems