The feeling of waking up from the coziness of the covers with no desire to leave for fear of the unavoidable goose bumps the morning air brings causes a person to dart for the heater, to feel the warmth while the coldness slowly fades away. This crisp feeling the cold brings makes the warmth that much more of a fulfilling sensation. The season that allows a person to no longer feel inconvenienced with their wardrobe but to have the satisfaction of the simple comfort of a knit sweater. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingers all over the house causing immediate alert of the upcoming day. Just when the dread of the day ahead begins to sink in, the surprise outside is breathtaking: the frost aligns on the windows, the white fluffy snow lays, small clouds form as you breathe, and the winter wonderland scene is astonishing. The day of lounging around watching Christmas movies feels impeccably perfect just as if the movie is no longer a script but a reality. It’s the simple snow day that allows a person to take a break, to take advantage of sweater weather, or to spend Christmas morning with the family. These experiences make winter the best season to enjoy through the year. A snow day occurs in the season of winter and is the most looked forward to season for any student. It is a mini vacation that wasn’t planned, an opportunity to catch up for a second in the midst of the chaos that the end of a semester brings. The day that allows a person to find their inner child when…