The short story “The Summer my Grandmother Was Supposed to Die” by Mordecai Richler illustrates the overwhelming, unjust pressure imposed on women in the 1950s. The media pushes an impossible, unrealistic body in today’s modern society which is hotly debated; however, in the 1950s, women were expected to be more than a perfect body. They were expected to be a perfect wife who takes care of an inordinate amount of work at home and does not express herself. The short story centres around the grandmother of a family who is said to have a month left to live but who ends up living for seven years. During this whole time, the daughter of the grandmother must take care of her as well as do all the regular housewife chores, which becomes an inordinate amount of work.…
became an overnight sensation, and edition after edition rolled off the presses to keep up with the increasing public demand. Now to Win Friends and InfEuence People took its place in publishing history as one of the all-time international best-sellers. It touched a nerve and filled a human need that was more than a faddish phenomenon of post-Depression days, as evidenced by its continued and uninterrupted sales into the eighties, almost half a century later. Dale Carnegie used to say that it…