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33 Cards in this Set

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No membrane-bound nucleus or organelles

Small size

Circular DNA molecule

Cell division by binary fission or budding

First known cells


Membrane-bound nucleus, organelles


Homologous chromosomes


Evolved from prokaryotes

Endosymbiotic Theory

"endo" = inside

"symbiotic" = life together

explains origin of cellular organelles

Endosymbiotic Theory Evidence

1) double membranes on chloroplasts & mitochondria

2) organelles with own DNA - circular molecules

3) size of organelles similar to prokaryotes

4) endosymbiotic relationships occur in many Protists today

Levels of Organization

1) Protoplasmic: unicellular level; organelles carry out functions (Protozoans)

2) Cellular: aggregation of cells; division of labor (Sponges)

3) Tissue: group of similar cells organized to carry out particular function (Jellyfish)

4) Organ: Composed of tissues and have more specialized function (flatworms)

5) Organ system: organs work together to carry out a specific function

Four main tissue types

1) Epithelial: protective covering of body; linings of organs, ducts, passages (epidermis)

2) Connective: cells (fewer) & fibers embedded in matrix (blood, fat, bone)

3) Muscular: most abundant in animals; muscle fiber; from embryonic mesoderm (skeletal, cardiac, smooth)

4) Nervous: reception of stimuli & conduction of impulse (neurons)


2 embryonic tissue layers


3 embryonic tissue layers

Body Symmetry

Asymmetry: no planes of regular symmetry (sponges)

Radial symmetry: lines of symmetry exist, but only in vertical planes (cnidaria)

Bilateral symmetry: only one plane of symmetry; divides animal into symmetrical halves; axis passes from front to back; found in animals with controlled mobility; front end confronts the environment first


Presence of a head

Body Cavity

Body cavity = coelom; fluid-filled space between body wall and digestive tube

Acoelomate: solid body; only cavity is digestive tube; mesoderm (Flatworms)

Pseudocoelomate: "false" body cavity' not fully lined with tissue derived from mesoderm (roundworms)

Coelomate: true body cavity; fully lined with tissue derived from mesoderm; muscle, mesentery (insects)


Fertilized egg


Ball of cells arranged around fluid filled cavity (blastocoel)


Gastrulation: cells of blastula rearrange to form 3 layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)

Primitive gut forms (archenteron)

Opening to outside (blastopore)

Protostome vs Deuterostome


1) Spiral cleavage

2) Mosaic embryo

3) Blastopore becomes mouth, anus forms secondarily

4) Coelom forms by splitting (schizocoelous)


1) Radial cleavage

2) Regulative embryo

3) Blastopore becomes anus, mouth forms secondarily

4) Coelom forms by outpocketing (enterocoelous)


- serial repetition of similar body segments along longitudinal axis of the body

- "metameres" (segments)

- greater mobility, complexity, specialization

Kinds of Protistans

Protozoans: Heterotrophic/ingestion

Algae: autotrophic/photosynthesis

Slime molds: heterotrophic

Phylum Retortamonada


parasite of the small intestine

backpacker's diarrhea

cysts ingested in contaminated water

2 haploid nuclei

no mitochondria

Phylum Euglenozoa


free-living and parasitic forms

some autotrophic with chloroplasts

two flagella

stiffened cell membrane

brucei - African sleeping sickness - tsetse fly

cruzi - Chagas' Disease - assassin bug

leishmania - Leshmaniasis - sand fly

Phylum Apicomplexa

All endoparasites

Cilia and flagella largely absent

Apical complex at anterior end

Toxoplasma - toxoplasmosis

Plasmodium - malaria

Phylum Ciliophora

Cilia - movement

Macronucleus - polypoid

Micronuclei - diploid

Phylum Dinoflagellata

2 flagella

Planktonic - primary producers

Photosynthetic - fucoxanthin (yellow/brown pigment)

Some parasitic

Some form mutualisms

Pfiesteria - causes lesion, stun and kill fish

Red tide - harmful algal blooms that produce toxin that affect nervous system of vertebrates

Phylum Amoebozoa

Pseudopodia - false feet; engulf food - phagocytosis

Soil and water

Some parasitic

Amebic dysentery - entamoeba histolytica

Kingdom Animalia - General Characteristics

Multicellular eukaryotes

Specialized cells - tissues in most

Heterotrophic - Internal digestion


Reproduction usually sexual

Vertebrates vs Invertebrates

33-35 phyla

1 contains animals with a backbone

<5% of all animals


All aquatic mostly marine

Cells not organized into tissues

Many brightly colored

Mostly asymmetrical

No nervous system

Sexual and asexual reproduction

Porifera body plan

Ostia: incurrent pores

Osculum: excurrent opening

Choanocytes: flagellate collar cells

Mesenchyme cells: amoeboid cells in matrix multiple functions

Mesphyl: gelatinous matrix

Types of structures

Asconoid: simplest; choanocytes line spongocoel

Syconoid: folded body wall forms incurrent & radial canals

Leuconoid: most complex; greater size; most sponges

Sexual Reproduction in Sponges


Gamete development

Fertilization in mesohyl

Larval development internal in most

Coral Reef Structure

Barrier Reef - parallel to shore; deep lagoon

Fringing Reef - close to shore; no lagoon or narrow lagoon

Atoll - reefs encircle lagoon; sunken volcanic island (Darwin's Theory)

Coral Bleaching

Loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates that occurs with increased ocean temperatures

Symbiotic Relationships

Hydrozoans living on the shell of a hermit crab:

mutualistic; protection; food and movement

Hermatypic (Reef-building) Coral:

mutualism with dinoflagellates; conduct photosynthesis; waste products of coral

Commensalism: (one helps another without harming the other)

mutualistic; damsel fish protection from anenome; ventilate anemone, free of sediment

Phylum Platyhelminthes

Bilateral symmetry: cephalization

Some free-living; most parasitic (>80%)

Triploblastic (ectoblastic, endoderm, mesoderm)

Acoelomate: solid body

Dorso-ventrally flattened

Branched intestines: extra cellular and intracellular digestion

Excretory structures: osmoregulation

Nervous system & cephalization

Sexual and asexual reproduction

no respiratory system: diffusion

no circulatory system: diffusion