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12 Cards in this Set

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What are the Key Concepts of Egyptian Art?
1. Emphasis on powerful individuals & afterlife
2. principle medium = stone
3. object convey strength, power, permanence
4. Art reflects hierarchical society
5. formal, unchanging, follow strict canon for human form
6. Composite view of figure
Name all three of The Great Pyramids
Khufu (the oldest & largest), Khafre (with Great Sphinx), Menkaure
What are the Key Concepts of Egyptian Culture?
1. Hierarchical society
2. Pharaoh
3. Obsessed with the afterlife (necropolis, mumification, Ka)
Identify the following work of art: The Great Pyramids of Giza
(Location, Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Gizeh, Egypt, Architecture, Old Kingdom Egypt, 2550 - 2140 BC
(Burialgrounds inside, structures showed strength, power, permanence)
Identify the following work of art: Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel
(Location, Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Egypt, Architecture, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC
(Ramses shown in same position as seen for thous. of yrs., links him to previous great pharaohs, promotes sense of power)
Identify the following work of art: Palette of King Narmer
(Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Relief sculpture (with registers), Predynastic Egypt, 3500 - 2920 BC
(complex narrative, composite view from canon, depicts unification of upper & lower Egypt, functional object for putting on eye make-up)
What are the bracket dates for Predynastic Egypt?
3500 - 2920 BC
What are the bracket dates for Old Kingdom Egypt?
2550 - 2140 BC
What are the bracket dates for New Kingdom Egypt?
1550 - 710 BC
Identify the following work of art: Khafre
(Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Sculpture (closed-style), Old Kingdom Egypt, 2550 - 2140 BC
(Idealized, canon for 3-D Pharaoh, Hawk symbolizes power)
Identify the following work of art: Fowling Scene
(Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Fresco, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC
(fresco secco - dry fresco, animals naturalistic, figures sized according to rank)
Identify the following work of art: Last Judgement of Hu-Nefer
(Medium, Culture/Style, Bracket Dates)
Papyrus scroll, New Kingdom Egypt, 1550 - 710 BC
(continuous narrative, formal, Hu-Nefer's heart judged, ultimately awarded eternal life)