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12 Cards in this Set

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Economic Problem

Firms have to decide what to produce and how to effectively

Infinite wants but limited resources

Economic Good

Scarce and involve opportunity cost

Opposite to free good

Free Good

No opportunity cost

E.g. intellectual ideas


Shows the maximum possible output combinations of 2 goods/services an economy can achieve when all resources are fully and efficiently employed

Shows maximum possible output combinations of 2...


Despite wants and needs there are simply not enough resources to meet those needs

Wants and needs...resources

Scarcity PPF

Back (Definition)

Productive Efficiency

When a firm operates at minimum average cost, producing the maximum possible output from inputs into the production process

Firm operates at minimum average cost....producing maximum output

Allocative Efficiency

When it is not possible to make someone better off without making someone worse off, or you can’t produce more of one good without making less of another

Make someone better off...

Efficiency PPF

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Economic Welfare

Economic well being of an individual, group or economy

Opportunity Cost

Next best forgone alternative


Capital Goods

Human made products used in the production of other goods and services

E.g. machines