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37 Cards in this Set

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in a sensible and careful way; in a way that avoids unnecessary risks

They very prudently decided not to take the case to court.

to continue doing something in a determined way; to hurry forward

The company is pressing ahead with its plans for a new warehouse.

‘Shall we stay here for the night?’ ‘No, let's press on.

a person or business that sells goods to the public

one of the country’s largest food retailers

a person who always wants to be in control of their own and others’ lives, and to organize how things are done[someone who is determined to make things happen in exactly the way they want and who tries to make other people do what they want]

I'm a bit of a control freak—I much prefer driving to being a passenger.

He's a real control freak.

careful when dealing with somebody/something because you think that there may be a danger or problem[cautious]

Be wary of strangers who offer you a ride.

She was wary of getting involved with him.

use violence or threats to take control of a vehicle, especially a plane, in order to force it to travel to a different place or to demand something from a government

The plane was hijacked by two armed men on a flight from London to Rome.

very strange or unusual[weird]

a bizarre situation/incident/story

bizarre behaviour

(of a man) small with a neat appearance and nice clothes

He looked dapper

not perfectly straight or balanced; not in line with something else

a slightly off-kilter, hand-drawn circle

Short, stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face when he has not shaved recently

He had a two-day growth of dark stubble on his chin.

in a pleasant and friendly manner

You are cordially invited to a celebration for Mr Michael Brown on his retirement.

the correct or usual way to do something[procedure]

What's the drill for claiming expenses?

to shine brightly with little flashes of light, like a diamond[sparkle]

The ceiling of the cathedral glittered with gold.

The water glittered in the sunlight.

(of ideas, opinions, etc.) formed before you have enough information or experience of something

Before I started the job, I had no preconceived notions of what it would be like.

​a warning that particular things need to be considered before something can be done

Any discussion of legal action must be preceded by a caveat on costs.

despite this fact


The book is too long but, nonetheless, informative and entertaining.

The problems are not serious. Nonetheless, we shall need to tackle them soon.

to stick out further than the surrounding surface, objects, etc.; to make something stick out

She jutted her chin out stubbornly.

A row of small windows jutted out from the roof.

showing that you do not believe a person or thing to be important or worth considering

She was always dismissive of other women in the office.

She was very dismissive of his achievements.

to make something/somebody look more attractive by decorating it or them with something

The walls were adorned with paintings.

The children adorned themselves with flowers.

to pick a fruit, flower, etc. from where it is growing

I plucked an orange from the tree.

She plucked out a grey hair with tweezers

complete and not damaged


Most of the house remains intact even after two hundred years.

He emerged from the trial with his reputation intact.

​to make somebody/something completely wet[soak]

His face was drenched with sweat.

She drenched herself in perfume.

to show somebody/something in a picture; to describe somebody/something in a piece of writing

His war poetry vividly portrays life in the trenches.

a symbol of a particular quality or status

He saw his injuries as a badge of honour.

Her badge of office, a large gold key, hung around her neck.

to interrupt somebody when they are speaking in order to say something

‘But,’ she intervened, ‘what about the others?

to bring back a situation or feeling that existed before

Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind).

The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy.

to try to persuade someone to support you or to use your business

The party has been trying to woo the voters with promises of electoral reform.

The airline has been offering discounted tickets to woo passengers away from their competitors.

a feeling of emotional comfort when you are sad or disappointed; a person or thing that makes you feel better or happier when you are sad or disappointed[comfort]

She turned to Rob for solace.

His grandchildren were a solace in his old age.

to go with somebody to protect or guard them or to show them the way

Let me escort you home.

The referee was escorted from the pitch by police.

to enjoy the good feelings that you have when other people praise or admire you, or when they give you a lot of attention

He had always basked in his parents' attention.

I never minded basking in my wife's reflected glory (= enjoying the praise, attention, etc. she got).

to make something begin[set/put in motion]

The government has initiated a programme of economic reform.

to initiate legal proceedings against somebody

a thing that should be given to somebody by right

She's a slow worker, but to give her her due (= to be fair to her), she does try very hard.

He received a large reward, which was no more than his due (= than what he deserved).

a hollow place in a hard surface, usually caused by something hitting it

The impact of the stones made little dents in the metal.

a large dent in the car door

in a way that is given or done unwillingly[reluctantly]

She grudgingly admitted that I was right.

too willing to believe or accept what other people tell you and therefore easily tricked[naive]

The advertisement is aimed at gullible young women worried about their weight.

the opportunity or ability to do or achieve something[potential]

There's still plenty of scope for improvement.

Her job offers very little scope for promotion.

based on your own ideas or opinions rather than facts and therefore sometimes unfair

a highly subjective point of view

Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.