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11 Cards in this Set

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small N designs

Some researchers prefer to use _____ _ _______, which test only one or a very few subjects.

large N

Some researchers argue that _____ _ designs lack precision because they pool, or combine, the data from many different subjects to reach conclusions about the effects of IV.


A typical small N experiment begins with observing and recording the subjects behavior under the control condition (before the IV is introduced) which is called the ________.

External validity

To increase ________ ________, small N experiments should be replicated.

ABA design

Most small N studies use some form of reversal, or ___ ______ which refers to the order of the treatment conditions.

AB design

In a case where the researcher would not want to remove treatment, __ ______ is used, even though without reversal it cannot be shown that the treatment caused the change in behavior.

ABAB design

This is fairly common in behavior therapy research; it can be more convincing than an AB or ABA design and has the benefit of leaving an efficacious treatment in place.

Multiple baseline design

Researchers can sometimes use this when it is not desirable to reverse a treatment, which is very useful for testing a treatment on several behaviors or in different settings and for testing the same treatment on a few different individuals.

Changing criterion design

In this design, behavior will be modified in increments and the criterion for success will change as the behavior is modified.

Discrete trials design

This design does not use baselines, but instead relies on averaging responses across many, many trials to obtain a stable picture of effects of the experimental manipulation.

small N design

This can be used to study the behavior of a single individual in depth, or it can be used when subjects are scarce.