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191 Cards in this Set

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Memphis Group:

Italian design of the 80ies,with colorful designs, postmodern and futuristc approach, incorporation of plastic laminate and abstract decoration


Als Eklektizismus (von griech. ἐκλεκτός, eklektos, „ausgewählt“) werden Techniken und Methoden bezeichnet, die sich unterschiedlicher Systeme (z. B. Stile, Disziplinen, Philosophien) bedienen und deren Elemente neu zusammensetzen.


Endorphins are chemicals produced naturally by the nervous system to cope with pain or stress. They are often called "feel-good" chemicals because they can act as a pain reliever and happiness booster.

The well-known "runner's high" that is felt after lengthy, vigorous exercise is due to an increase in endorphin levels.

Being excluded from a group, society


Mass can be

soldi, liquid or gas or plasma

Atoms are made of

extremely tiny particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons.

atom: neutrons, protons and electrons

Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom,		Electrons surround the nucleus.

Protons and neutrons are in the center of the atom, Electrons surround the nucleus.


When you find it in a rock, all the little crystals will usually be in the shape of cubes.


Copper is a natural metal. It absorbs heat very easily which is why we sometimes use it to make pots and pans for cooking.


“Pyrite” comes from the Greek words pyrites lithos, meaning “stone which strikes fire”. They discovered that when you hit pyrite with iron it would spark

Quartz is one of the most abundant minerals on the planet.

Quartz is used in watches! A battery powers a microchip, which sends messages to a quartz crystal, causing it to vibrate 32,768 times a second.


if you pour acid on it (vinegar) it creates bubbles

Sodalite was named for its high sodium content


Metamorphic Rocks

Metamorphic rocks have been modified by heat, pressure, and chemical processes, usually while buried deep below Earth's surface.

Bauxitet is a rock composed mainly of aluminum-bearing minerals. Almost all of the aluminum that has ever been produced has been extracted from bauxite.

Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the accumulation of sediments.(coal=animal/veg rests/debris, dolimtes, limestone, sandstone)

Lapis Lazuli

metamorphic rock


metamorphic rock that is produced from the metamorphism of limestone or dolostone.


a potassium-rich member of the feldspar mineral group.


Amethyst is the purple color variety of quartz.


Is a type of "Beryl", a mineral found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in many parts of the world.


Naturally occurring mineral composed of carbon.

Diamond is the hardest known natural substance.

Gem-quality diamonds are the most perfect diamonds, with minimal impurities and defects.


Hematite is one of the most abundant minerals

It is a common rock-forming mineral found in sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks

Hematite is a red oxide of iron, like iron rust. The name hematite comes from the Greek word haima, or ema, meaning 'blood,' as it shows a blood red color when cut into thin slices


a green copper carbonate hydroxide mineral

Some of the first malachite deposits to be exploited were located in Egypt and Israel.

Rubin (red)

ruby and sapphire are both gems of the mineral corundum.


Softwoods come from coniferous trees

tend to be somewhat yellow or reddish.

vini friulani

Bianco: Collio, Tocai, Ramandolo (dolce) fatto con uvaggi del Verduzzo, rosso:Refosco

a lack of self-control or the state of acting against one's better judgment. all-too-common experiences


Solar system planets (9)

origin name "assassin"

a secretive murder cult in the 11th century called the "Hashishin" meaning the "hashish eaters".

pantarei /Panta Rhei

Change is the only constant in life - everything flows (Eraclithus)


A bright and colorful type of Japanese porcelain

Ficus religiosa

Or pipdo in hindi

Money plant




Beech tree



Plane trer


Tiaré or Tahitian gardenia

Rajnigandha or polianthes tuberosa


Saffron flower

Tamarind plant

Persian silk tree



Kota stone near Rajastan

Cordia sebestena

shrubby tree in the borage family, Boraginaceae, native to the American tropics.

Has fruits that are edible.


Cassod tree

Cassia siamea


Amelia patens

A perennial shrub in the coffee family Rubiaceae

Butterfly gardenia

Champa, frangipani or Plumeria

In the family of the Apocynaceae


Indigo plant


Mountain-ash of the family of Rosaceae

Black locust

Robinia pseudoacacia(fabaceae)

Medium sized hardwood decidious tree.

Found in altitudes from sea level up to 1600 m

The tree’s wood is good as firewood.

Acacia Honey is extracted from it


Common hawthorn

Family of Rosaceae


Japanische Ross Kastanie

Japanese horse chestnut

Aesculus Turbinata

Aralia elata

Japanische Aralie

Japanese Angelica tree

Belongs to family of Araliaceae

Paperplant or fatsia japonica

Glossy leaves

Illawarra flame tree

Family of Malbaceae native to Australia

Catalpa ovata


Native to China

Bocote or cordia

Original from Mexico and South America

Zebra like contrast


Religious duty of Muslims


Music instrument from india.

Prugnolo selvatico

Prunus spinosa


The species can grow up at elevations up to 1600 m and prefers forest margins

Maggio ciondolo

Golden chain

Golden rain

Weeping fig

Ligustro comune


Elephant's foot or ponytail palm

Beaucarnea recurvata

From Mexico

Ragamala paintings

From medieval India

They depict various modes of the Indian classical music, called ragas

Ottava (octave)

Intervallo di 8 note posizionate in frequenza diversa nella scala musicale.

Il la centrale ha una frequenza di 440 Hz, il la posto un'ottava sopra ha una frequenza di 880 Hz.

Sharp and flat in music

Sharp = higher pitch by one seminote

Flat =lower pitch by one seminote

Pino cembro


Stone or swiss pine

It has a protective function in decreasing soil erosion and avalanches.

The seeds are edible.

The timber is of high quality used for furniture and carvings



Grows up to 800 Mt altitude


1200 Mt altitude

Imperfection, incomplete and impermanent (change)


Characteristics of the wabi-sabi aesthetic include asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, and appreciation of the ingenuous integrity of natural objects and processes.

It brings at snse of melancholy and spiritual longing

Ikebana h=art of arranging flowers

Dates back to the 7th century


Painting from a stone.

You need a grinded limestone, draw on it,set the design with a pencil on it, get a grease pencil (crayon), or point 4,l apply some French chalk powder on the stone, then stone prepared with nitric acid and gum (separates imaged areas from toehrs), then the image is washed off the stone. Apply the ink roller on the stone, Fan the stone and print it on paper.


They are cone-bearing seed plants Typical examples include cedars, cypresses, firs, junipers, kauris, larches, pines, redwoods, spruces, and yews.

Larch tree





picea (pecci)
Abete bianco

pino mugo

mountain pine/ creeping pine


Genre of Japanese art which flourished from the 17th through 19th centuries. Its artists produced woodblock prints and paintings of such subjects as female beauties; kabuki actors and sumo wrestlers;flora and fauna; and erotica.

The term ukiyo ("floating world") came to describe this hedonistic lifestyle

*Hokusai, Utagawa Kuniyoshi

luna crescente/calante

waxing and waning moon

*waning (illuminated from the left)

Fornasetti: eclectic designer and artist of the XX century. He combined design objects and handmade illustrations.

An ancestral home is the place of origin of one's extended family, particularly the home owned and preserved by the same family for several generations.

pre mordern era

The modern era includes the early period, called the early modern period, which lasted from c. 1500 to around c. 1800 (most often 1815). Particular facets of early modernity include: The Rise of the Ottoman Empire. The Reformation and Counter Reformation.

Art Deco

in the decorative arts and architecture that originated in the 1920s, in western Europe and the United States during the 1930.

Influenced by the bold geometric forms of Cubism and the Vienna Secession; the bright colors of Fauvism and of the Ballets Russes.

*use of stainless steel. Crysler Building adn Empire State Building


Sammelband, ein Bündel von Schriftstücken

Ahir embroidery work

Hydrangea/Hortensia´s pigmentation

A soil relatively less acid (pH less than 7) will give to the plant a violet/blue color (presence of aluminum particles).

An alkaline soil (more than 7 pH) will make the pink.



modern art movement of Russia in the 20th c. Started when the Bolsheviki came to the power (October Rev ´17). Form of avant-garde.

*Support revolution, futurism, mass production and abolish traditional art,


emphasis of aesthetic values more than social-political theme. Supported by Oscar Wilde.

Related to symbolism and decadence.


Gruppo etnico della zona a sud degli Urali (ufa) che parlano una lingua della famiglia turca


most common naturally occurring crystal forms of calcium carbonate,


Breccia is a rock composed of broken fragments of minerals or rock cemented together by a fine-grained matrix

*stone made by cemented gravel


mineral or rock that is soft, often used for carving

Egyptian faience

Maiolica di Faenza

material made from powdered quartz covered with a true vitreous coating, usually in a transparent blue or green isotropic glass


is a solid material comprising an inorganic compound of metal, non-metal or ionic and covalent bonds. Common examples are earthenware, porcelain, and brick.

*made of clay and permanently hardened by heat.


layer or coating of a vitreous substance which has been fused to a ceramic body through firing. Glaze can serve to color, decorate or waterproof an item


is a rather broad term for pottery or other ceramics fired at a relatively high temperature.


ceramic material made by heating materials, generally including kaolin, in a kiln to temperatures between 1,200 and 1,400 °C


Das Bauhaus

moderne Schule für Kunst-Design und Architektur in Deutschland, entsteht 1919 in Weimar. Kunst und Handwerk sollen vereint werden.

Schön ist, was funktioniert. Bauhaus öffnetdie Grenzen zwischen Handwerk, Technik, Kunst und Industrie .

Ornamentale Verspieltheit, romantische Eindrücke, wie sie vor 1900 in Mode sind für Bauhaus verpönt.



1916, im Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich.

„Protest“ gegen die Gesellschaft und gegen die vorherigen Kunststile. Für die Dadaisten steht die Provokation im Vordergrund.



Ausdruck ihrer eignen inneren Gefühle.Betrachter innerlichansprechen.

Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gaugin und Edvard Munch,Erich HeckelEmil Nolde



avantgardistische Kunstbewegung in Italien geboren. "Kunst“ soll dem tatsächlichen Leben entsprechen, anstatt die Vergangenheit widerzuspiegeln.

Schönheitsideale in Geschwindigkeit und Dynamik, Tempo, Großstadt, der Verkehr, die Massengesellschaft und die Maschinen i



"reine Wahrnehmung" der Realität.

Malweise aus Punkten und kleinen Strichen, sie versuchten das natürliche Licht in ihren Bilder wieder zugebe.

Sie arbeiten im Freien oder im Atelier mit wechselnder Beleuchtung.

„Art Nouveau“

Jugendstil/„Art Nouveau“

1890-1910. Integration von Kunst im alltäglichen Leben.

dekorative fließende Linienflorale Ornamentegeometrische Formen undVerwendung von symbolischen Gestalten

Sezession(Wiener und Berliener)

Gruppierungen von modernen Künstlern, die sich explizit von den vorherrschenden Kunsttheorien und Kunstrichtungen abspalten



Der Künstler konstruiert ein Bild, wobei die Maßeinheiten, d.h. die Relationen der Elemente exakt vorgegeben sind (mit mathematische Exaktheit)

Der propagandistische Konstruktivismus - RU

Suprematismus von Kasimir Malewitsch- Kunst als geometrische Formbestimmung



Renaissance löste in der Kunst die Gotik ab. Ende des 15. Jahrhunderts. *Die Fresken in der Sixtinischen Kapelle

*klassische Idealen der Formen und Gestalt



1520 bis 153.

irreale Farbgebung, ein überlängtes Figurenideal und eine übersteigerte Raumkonstruktion. als Ausdruck der Angst und Zwiespältigkeit einer die mittelalterliche Glaubenswelt




Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts löste den Manierismus ab. Caravaggio bekannt durch Helldunkelsti. Dann die flämische Barockmalerei mit Rubensund Rembrandt





Vorliebe für duftige Farben, Leichte, Aufgelöste, Zarte und Zierliche Formen.Themen wie Feste oder Schäferszenen/Pastorale, so daß die religiöse Malerei noch stärker als bereits im Barock zurückgedrängt wurde.


Cherry tree in Japanese

Maieutic method (mayootik)

form of cooperative argumentative dialogue between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to draw out ideas and underlying presuppositions.

Fare emerge sensazioni


Or wisteria from east Asia


the word Fasching dates back to the 13th century and is derived from the Germanic word vaschanc or vaschang, in modern German: Fastenschank = the last serving of alcoholic beverages before Lent= Quaresima

l´ontano (famiglia delle Betullacea)

die Erle


fior Bombo ( tipo di orchidea che cresce in montagna)

bombo= tipo di insetto

die Hummel-Ragwurz

Burnt-tip orchid


orchide bruciacchiata


native to Australia and Tanzania

the glands contain oil

very high (90 mt.)


pino silvestre

Scot pine

mainly found on poorer, sandy soils, rocky soils

up to 35 mt high

the fibres are used to make Vegetable flannel


of a light bluish-graycolor (grapes)

Louis Khan

american architect.

He was interested in european medieval walled castles in France, Scotland more than classicism and modernism. Hence he created a monumental and monolitic architecture.

the Chesterfield sofa

OSkar Schlemmer (1925) Bauhaus

er interessiert sich für die Geometrie des Körpers, er sieht den Körper als Formen: Brust als Quadrat, Bauch als Kreis, Hals als Zylinder, Kugel der Gelenke und Knie, Achsel und Knöchel, Dreieck der Nase etc.


imbroglione ( personaggio losco)



Lemon beebrush

Studio 54

night club in NYC that sparkled a hedonistic disco in the late 70ies

highest note/pitch

G10 which is not a note but a frequency.

the widest vocal range ia 10 octave (from 0.79 Hz till 807 Hz)

Auguste Perret (died in the 50ies)

French architect and a pioneer of the architectural use of reinforced concrete.

This is a pi cof the Cathedral Notre-Dame du Raincy (20ies) near Paris

deer musk

substance obtained from the caudal glands of the male musk deer. the caudal gland secretes a courtship pheromone. In mammals its secretions serve for identification.


a chemical that an animal produces which changes the behavior of another animal of the same species including sexual behaviors.


Persian queen who is the storyteller in One Thousand and One Nights. The Persian king married a young girl every night. At the end of every night he would send his new wife to have her head chopped off.Sherazade stopped her story everynight before dawn. She was very literate.

Poltrona Proust di Alessandro mendini

Brionvega - C'è l'elettronica di consumo e l´arte del design dal 1960.

Flos leading company for italian lighting LED design 1962 in Meran

Italian leading design companies

Zanotta, Cassina, Artemide, Flos, Moroso, Knoll

Fratelli Castiglioni

DEsign italiano del Secondo Dopoguerra

puntare alla ripresa-lusso: Piaggio/Vespa 1945, Fiat 600, la macchina da scrivere Lexicon 80 della Olivetti, sedia di Cassina, impianti stereo

Design italiano degli Anni Sessanta

si avvicina al post-modernismo e all´avanguardia della Popart e il New Dada (estraniare gli oggetti comuni)- Castiglioni crea uno sgabello con una sella.



How is alcohol made?

To make alcohol, you need to put grains, fruits or vegetables through a process called fermentation. Wine and cider are made by fermenting fruit, while fermented cereals such as barley and rye form the basis of beer and spirits.

Fermentationa alcohol

yeast or bacteria react with the sugars in food - the by-products are ethanol and carbon dioxid.

A drink's alcohol content is affected by how long it's left to ferment.

Fermentation is an anaerobic (lacking oxygen) process.

distillation of spirits

Spirits also go through a process called distillation – where a proportion of the water is removed, leaving a stronger concentration of alcohol and flavour by the addition and subtraction of heat from the mixture.Basically the alcohol evaporates first. The vaporized alcohol is then cooled and condesned to form clear drops of distilled spirit.

Ageing of spirits

Some spirits (whisky, rum and brandy) are aged means matured in wooden casks where they gradually develop a distinctiv etaste, aroma and colour.


15th century, mainly Spanish and French wines were exported in bulk to England and Holland. - idea to distil the wine, transport it, and then add water before serving or selling it. Today, brandy is produced in many in Germany and Italy.


Gin is made from pure distilled spirits, normally from grain or molasses (sugar cane/reed), with a clean neutral flavour. It takes its flavour from botanicals - natural herbs and spices - and all gins include juniper. Gin originated in Holland in 1550.


Caribbean when the inhabitants of Barbados took the leftovers from the sugar cane used for making sugar, molasses, and made alcohol from it.Most Rum is made from molasses - over 50 % sugar


Wine distiller-France’s Cognac and Armagnac, Portugal’s Aguardente, Bulgaria’s Rakya and Romania’s Vinars.While matured wine spirits are required to spend 6 or 12 months in oak casks,


Scotch Whisky & irish WHiskey, Malt whisk(e)y is made from malted barley only using traditional copper pot stills,whiskies must be matured for at least 3 years in wooden casks

wormwood/ assenzio

grows in Europe and used for absinthe, a French liqueur that was a favorite of many 19th-century artists, including Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh.Wormwood’s most notable plant compound is thujone excite your brain by blocking gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Gelsenkirchener Barock


wuchtige – meist gebauchte und hochglänzend aus Edelholz – Schränke und Kommoden, wie sie in Deutschland in den 1930er-Jahren und noch einmal um ca. 1950 produziert wurden

Eastern Tree


die japanische Zierquitte

japanese quince

il melo del giappone/cotogno del giappone / Cydonia (pianta primaverile)

Thuja - an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress famil, native to southern Japan.

der japanischer Lebensbaum

Woad/ Isatis Tinctoria

grown in Britain as a source of blue dye, which was extracted from the leaves after they had been dried, powdered, and fermented.

Mahonie/oregon grapes

Uva dell'oregon/maonia

Elleboro pianta allucinogena




National flower of Nepal, edible

Needs acid soil otherwise lacks iron

Agave/rajnigandha/poliathes tuberosa

Used in perfumery

Ornamental plant


Native to Mediterranean areas

Peacock flower, native from the tropics and subtropics

Junglw flame

Ixora coccinea

Native from indies and sri lanka


Rose of desert

Mock azalea

Oleandro del madagascar

Cordia sebestena (bocote family)

Native from the tropics



Massa di Silicio

Leslie speaker

An amplifier and speaker used with Hammond Organ for the sound. The sound goes through a rotating horns that change the sound of the instrument

Carpino nero

Die Hopfenbuche

Non ti scordar di me




Ginestra (macchhia mediterranea)


The baobab tree found in Africa can store 1,000 to 120,000 liters of water in its swollen trunk!



Taxus baccata










