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27 Cards in this Set

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Foreigners in ancient Rome


A mountain range that protected the Italian Peninsula from invaders


It refers to the twelve chosen by Jesus during the course of his public ministry to be his closest followers and the enlighteners of whole nations


A water system built in ancient Rome that consisted of intricate waterways above and below ground that carried fresh water to the city.


A lawmaking body in ancient Rome who represented the plebeian class.


A religion based off of Judaism and founded by Jesus of Nazareth.

Civil war

A war that occurs between two groups of the same nation, empire, or state.


A large amphitheater built in ancient Rome. It served as the location for gladiator games, naumachiae (naval battles), executions, and "bread and circuses."


In the Roman Republic, one of the two powerful officials elected each year to command the army and direct the government


this is the value of money going down. This usually happens as a result of inflation.


this served as the center of the city for ancient Rome. It was a market place, a religions center (Pantheon), and civic center as the Twelve Tables were hung in here for all to see


When the cost of goods go up; this often leads to devaluation of currency


a person who dies fighting for their religion

New Testament

The holy text of the Christian faith.


A structure in ancient Rome dedicated to the Roman gods. It has a dome on top.


the upper of the two social classes of ancient Rome.

Pax Romana

A period of peace, prosperity, and stability in Rome that lasted about 200 years


The lower of the two social classes of ancient Rome

Punic Wars

A series of three wars between Carthage (Africa) and Rome fought for control of the Mediterranean Sea.

Representative democracy

a gov't in which the law making decisions are made by elected officials who "represent" the population

Roman Empire

It replaced the Roman Republic in 27 BC with the rule of Augustus Caesar and divided in AD 295 (Diocletian) into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern or Byzantine Empire

Roman mythology

it was based off of Greek mythology. However, the main difference is the naming of the gods (many of them are names of planets).

Roman Republic

It began in 509 BC and ended with the reign of Augustus Caesar who replaced it with the Roman Empire. The gov't was characterized by a representative democracy.

Romance Languages

Languages that are derived from the language of ancient Rome, Latin: French, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Italian


A lawmaking body in ancient rome that served the interests of the patrician class.


In ancient Rome, a group of three select men who share control of the gov't. The first triumvirate was made up of Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey. The second triumvirate was made up of Octavian Caesar, Lepidus, and Mark Antony

Twelve Tables

the body of laws for the Roman Republic