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53 Cards in this Set

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What are the three layers of the arteries and veins?

Tunica intima, tunica media, tunica adventia

This layer within a vessel is considered to be the muscle layer...

Tunica media

Wall thickness of veins and arteries varies based on...

Location within the body

This vessel lies medial to the common femoral artery

The common femoral vein

Communicates to the GSV and is known as the vein of Giacomini.

Small saphenous vein (SSV)

The artery just behind the medial malleolus; terminates into the medial and lateral plantar arteries

The posterior tibial artery

Is a continuation of the external iliac artery below the inguinal ligament and divides into the superficial femoral and profunda femoris arteries

The common femoral artery

carries 70% percent of blood flow within the liver?

Portal vein

Carries 30% of oxygenated blood

Hepatic artery

Two veins that merge to form the IVC

The left and right common iliac veins

This vein crosses posteriorly to the right common iliac artery just distal to the aortic bifurcation

The Left common iliac vein

These arteries continue distally to supply lower extremities and become the common femoral artery at the inguinal ligament

The external iliac arteries

are considered the lateral branches of the aorta

Renal arteries

Celiac artery (celiac trunk) gives rise to... (3)

Hepatic artery, splenic artery, and left gastric artery

Where does abdominal aorta begin

Level of the 12th thoracic

The right and left brachiocephalic veins forms the...

Superior vena cava

Where are the brachiocephalic veins located?

On each side of the base of the neck

Where does the axillary vein begin?

Begins at the junction of the brachial and basilic veins

Describe drainage of the back of the hand.

Radial network drains into cephalic and ulnar drains into basilic.

Cephalic is to the pinky as basilic is to the


Brachial artery runs...

Through the upper arm approximately 1 cm below the elbow joint

What are the three branches of the aortic Arch?

Brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery

You can't see the external jugular vein, but you can see the...

Internal jugular vein

The circle of Willis is formed by the...

Branches of ICA and vertebral arteries

The vertebral arteries enter the skull through the...

Foramen magnum

Vertebral arteries arise from the...

Subclavian arteries

The ICA feeds the brain while the ECA feeds the


How many branches does the ECA typically have?


Brachiocephalic artery is also called the

Innomimate artery

What provides resistance to blood flow by contracting smooth muscle cells within the wall?


Valve tips always point towards...

Blood flow

The smallest blood vessels are called...


What common landmark determines the femoral artery

Inguinal ligament

The ovarian and testicular arteries arise...

Just below the renal arteries

Is the cephalic vein deep or superficial?


What are capillaries?

Smallest blood vessels

Valve tips always point towards...


What is the job of a "stopcock"?

Provides resistance to blood flow by contracting smooth muscle cells within the wall.

The brachiocephalic artery is also called...

Innomimate artery

The ICA feeds the brain while ECA feeds the...


How many branches does the ECA typically have?

8 branches

The vertebral arteries enter the skull through the...

Foramen magnum

The circle of Willis is form by what two vessels?

Branches of ICA and vertebral arteries.

Brachiocephalic artery, left common carotid artery, and left subclavian artery are the three major branches of the...

Aortic Arch

Largest branch of the upper extremities is the...

Deep brachial artery (brachii profunda)

Largest branch of the upper extremity arteries is the...

Deep brachial artery ( profunda brachii)

Anterior posterior communicating arteries complete the...

Circle of Willis

Have laminar structure as arteries but not as muscular...


Circular smooth muscle layers control contraction and resistance of blood flow...


The vertebral arteries arise from the...

Subclavian arteries

Which of the two are visible, external jugular vein or internal jugular vein?

Internal jugular vein

This artery runs through the upper arm to approximately 1 cm below the elbow joint.

The brachial artery

Cephalic is to the pinky as basilic is to the...
