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20 Cards in this Set

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A reverse flow component in early distole should be present in all these vessels (3)

1. Common iliac artery

2. External iliac artery

3.distal abdominal aorta

May be caused by trauma, may be caused by aortic ulcers, and they are an asymmetric out pouching dilations

Saccular aneurysm

B mode characteristics in the residual aneurysm sac after successful EVAR are usually...


Color flow imaging is helpful with all of the following...

Following deep and tortuous vessels, localization of vessels, aid in Doppler cursor alignment

Stent graft placement usually requires a shorter hospital stay and is less stressful to the cardiopulmonary system, the disadvantage is

Frequent and long-term follow ups

Distal to the distal attachment/fixation site these 3 complications may occur at the access site...

Stenosis , hematoma, and psuedoaneurysms

Duplex ultrasound can differentiate aortic aneurysm disease from


Endoleak is present when there is...

Flow within the residual aneurysm sac

FLOW into the residual aneurysm sac via lumbar artery is known as what TYPE of endoleak?

Type II

Following EVAR, the most compelling duplex ultrasound evidence of procedural success is...

Contraction (decrease) of the residual sac

Iliac arteries are often tortuous deep, and may have overlying bowel gas all of the following may be helpful in examining the aortoiliac segments completely except:

Using a 10-12 Mhz transducer

Intraluminal iliac or aortic stents placed for atherosclerotic disease should be...

Well opposed to the vessel wall

Lateral wall edges of a blood vessel are...

Subject to acoustic dropout and thus less accurate

Precise determination of the measurement of aortic diameter should be taken...

Perpendicular to the aorta itself

The most threatening consequence of endoleak following aortic endovascular graft repair (EVAR) is...

Aneurysm rupture

Often described as having a homogenous ultrasound appearance with smooth borders and is found within the sac of an aneurysm...


Is an indication to perform an aortoiliac ultrasound

Blue toe syndrome

What is the most likely explanation for a multiphasic Doppler waveform at the common femoral artery ipsilateral to an iliac artery occlusion?

Good collateralization

This maneuver/ technique is least helpful to aid in the identification of an endoleak

Decreasing color persistence

Which of the following statements about aortic aneurysm disease is incorrect?

It's often superior to the renal arteries