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9 Cards in this Set

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What type of compressor requires the vanes To be made from a special material with a low coefficient of friction such as Teflon or graphite?

Dry vane

What type of compressor is flooded with oil all the time it is running?

Wet vane

How do you vane compressor systems often Eliminate the need for an a receiver?

By using an inlet throttling control system

What is the only major moving part in a sliding vane compressor?

The rotor

What does it mean for a compressor to have a built-in pressure ratio?

The pressure ratio is not adjustable

What prevents the high-pressure discharge air from leaking back into the low pressure suction area?

Centrifugal force along with an oil seal

How is compressor capacity determined?

By calculating the volume of air between two sets of veins at maximum volume

Why do nonlubricated vein Designs generally produce air at low pressures?

They cannot sustain the high temperature is generated one high pressures are required and they have increased friction from the veins sliding on the cylinder

What is the purpose of the oil in a wet been compressor?

To cool, seal, lubricate, prevent corrosion and operate the servo valve