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38 Cards in this Set

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Findings in Different microcytic anemias?

All have low MCV

Iron: hi RDW, lo RBCs, microcytosis/hypochromia, low iron, low ferritin, hi TIBC, hgb increases w/ fe tabs, normal hgb electrophoresis

alpha-thal: normal RDW, normal RBCs, target cells, normal to HIGH ferritin and iron, normal hgb electrophoresis

beta-thal: same as alpha except hi hgb A2 and HgF on electrophoresis

anemia chronic dz: from RA, ESRD, etc. hi ferritin, low TIBC, low FE, normal fe sat, correct underlying dz

Sideroblastic anemia: ETOH, lead, isoniazid, hi Fe (in mitochondria), prussian blue stain, if major: remove toxin, if minor: pyridoxine replacement

Heinz body=?

G6PD deficiency

-sudden hemolysis->hemolytic anemia

-X-linked in AA

-get sx from oxidant stress: infxn, oxidizing drugs (sulfas, dapsone, primaquine), FAVA beans

-blood smear: heinz body, BITE cells

-can test for G6PD levels (but only 2 months after)

-TMT: none, avoid stressor

24yo M bartender fatigue, fever, sweats, myalgias, sore throat, smoker, sex active, flushed, maculopap rash on face, trunk, palms, soles, well-healed puncture wounds inside forearms, general lymphadenop, neg HIV ELISA, neg heterophile, NGTD bcx=?

Acute retroviral syndrome (HIV) will occur 2-3wks after getting infected and 2-3wks before seroconversion (acts like mono w/ maculopap rash)

-test w/ HIV RNA or p24 antigen

Contraindications to using bupropion for quiting smoking?

reduces seizure threshold-seizure disorders

eating disorders

Colonoscopy screening guidelines

General pop or single 1st degree relative age >60 w/ colon ca: start age 10 colonoscopy q10yrs or sigmoidoscopy q5yrs (w/ FOBT q3yrs) or FOBT or fecal immunochemical test YEARLY

Increased risk (1st deg relative age <60 colon ca /adenomatous polyps or 2 first degree relatives any age): colonoscopy age 40 OR 10 yrs b4 age of ca dx (whichever first), rpt q3-5yrs

TMT of constipation in kids?

1. diet mod (hi fiber fruits/veggies)

2. mag hydroxide (aka Milk of mag)

56yo F w/ met breast ca w/ tumor estrogen and prog receptor negative, started on chemo w/o response, after workup, add monoclonal ab tmt w/ good response

What was it?

HER-2/neu over expression (oncogene that has BAD prognosis), but very treatable with Trastuzumab or Herceptin, and these increase sensitivity to chemo

Most sig risk factor for Colon Ca?

Protective factors?

ETOH intake (more than smoking) (other than FAP, IBD, AA, fam hx

-high fiber diet, regular NSAIDS, hormone replacement, exercise

Rules of RhD ppx in pregnancy?

-give to ALL Rh (D) neg women at 28wks gest RhoGAM if no anti-D isoimmunizaiton detected during ab screening at 20 wks

-Also, give RhoGAM after any procedure (amniocentesis) and after delivery for Rh negative moms

Increased AFP in 2nd trimester=?


concern for neural tube defects

-do u/s to confirm dating (if error->rpt AFP at correct date)

-if correct and no detection on u/s->do amnio for amniotic fluid AFP and acetylcholinesterase levels

Rules of diphenhydramine with hobbies?

Don't use before driving, operating machinery, flying planes, or DIVING

Mgmt of inguinal hernia in kids?

elective repair as soon as possible

13yo boy was camping, came back w/ pruritic lesions R arm 2 days ago, this AM had similar on L hand, linear, erythematous, irregular=>

poison IVY dermatitis (can occur 2-3 days later)

Risks with PPI long term?

increased osteoporosis, decreased absorption of B12 and iron, hypomagnesemia, interstitial nephritis, c.diff

Most common causes of acute otitis media?




strep pna, nontypable HiB, moraxella (pseudomonas is for EXTERNA)

middle ear effusion PLUS bulging tymp membranes

-Amoxicillin x10days (if rpt in same month: do amoxicillin-clavulanate)

-conductive hearing loss, mastoiditis, meningitis

TMT for cherry angioma?

Strawberry Angioma?

Spider Angioma

-in elderly: reassurance, benign vasc tmor

-in childhood, conservative, can consider propranolol if ulcerated


55yo w/ 1mo mild achy stiff hand joints worse in morning for 1 hour, HTN on amlodipine, multiple sharp demarcated erythematous scaly plaques on extensors both elbos, hand w/ yellow nails, erythema on distal fingers, xray w/ bony erosions and new bone formation DIP=?

Dx Test?

common findings?


Psoriatic Arthritis


-dactilytitis, psoriasis extensor surfaces, onychomycosis looking nails, DIP infolvement (RA would only be PIP and MCP!), enthesitis tendon insertion sites, nail pitting, HLA-B27

-NSAIDs first, but if extensive->methotrexate, can use topical steroids if mild or facial psoriasis)

39yo F w/ pscyh dz on haldol/valproate controlled, now complains of "can't sit still or relax" and gen discomfort=?



-beta blocker-propranolol

TMT for GBS?

Plasmapheresis and/or IVIG x2wks

-plasmapheresis is better <7days onset

Tmt of oral thrush?

What if patient uses inhaled steroids for asthma?

nystatin suspension

-then also wasthc to ensure proper technique using inhaler

Rules for HSV in pregnancy?

Treat HSV if patient having an active lesion

-any patient with h/o HSV: give antiviral agent acyclovir at 36wks gestation to delivery

-if active genital lesions or prodrome=c-section

Pediatric community-acquired pna

-most common cause?


if preschool age OR focal lung findings: strep pna->give hi dose po amoxicillin

if older OR well appearing w/ bilat lung findings: mycoplasma->give azithromycin

patient that received lots of blood now with seizures=think what?

HYPOCALCEMIA (citrate from blood binds to calcium)->give calcium gluconate for every 500ml pRBCs given

(hypokalemia happens more often with hypothermia)

polymyalgia rheumatica is associated with what?

First dx test?

Giant cell (temporal) arteritis (if have HA or jaw pain)

-do ESR (if >50 w/ HA, very specific for GCA)->to temporal artery bx

-give hi dose steroids if GCA suspected

In patients with some kind of chronic pain/back pain, what is the most significant predictor of likelihood to return to work?

Patient's recovery of expectation

Patient on chronic steroids for lupus

Next step for maintenance?

start Calcium and vit D to decrease rate of bone loss

Patient with incidental finding of pituitary mass after MVA, with normal labs and tests

Next step?

rpt pituitary MRI in 6-12mos (don't need to resect unless enlarging or clinical sx)

Howell-Jolly bodies=?

sickle cell anemia

Maintenance therapy for sickle cell?

pneumococcal vaccination

Penicillin till age 5


hydroxyurea if crisis >4/yr

What is the goal INR for mechanical heart valves?

2-3 if aortic and no risk factors (afib, severe LV dysfunction w/ EF <30, prior DVT/PE, hypercoag state)

2.5-3.5 if mitral or aortic w/ risk factors

6mo old baby for well baby exam, in <5 percentile lenght and 25th percentile head circ

Next step?

Provide dietary recommendations (failure to thrive)

tmt of scabies?

topical permethrin

tmt of chronic tinea pedis (pruritis erythema scaling between toes that may be linear and have sharp borders and acompany onychomycosis)?

topical terbinafine, but if more extensive->po terbinafine (if also onychomycosis)

Patient w/ h/o HTN w/ increased Cr 2 from 1.6 a year ago

Dx test?


likely hypertensive renal failure

-urine protein (if 500-1000 indicates CKD from HTN)

-ACEi or ARB most effective in slowing

42yo F to ED w/ AMS, h/o hypoTH, depression, back pain, on levothyroxin, amytriptyline, daily oxycodone, confused, agitated, febrile, hypotensive, flushed, mydriasis, hyperreflexive, wide QRS=?


TCA (amitriptyline overdose)-drowsy/coma/seizure/resp depression/tachy/hypotn/prolonged everything on EKG/arrythmias/dry mouth/blurred vision/midriasis/u retention (antichol stuff)

-activated charcoal if w/in 2hrs of ingestion

-IV sodium bicarb if QRS wide to prevent arrythmia

-supplemental O2, intubate, IVF as needed

differentiate legionella from atypical pnas vs. strep pna?

strep pna is most likely CAP: typical acute onset, purulent sputum, XR w/ single lobe infiltrate

Atypical PCP, mycoplasma, chlamydia: gradual onset, nonproductive cough, INTERSTITIAL infiltrates on XR

Legionella: CAP + diarrhea/n/v/HA/confusion (sputum w/ no organisms but many neutrophils)

Pregnant woman w/ acute TB


isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol (only add pyrazinamide if it is multi-drug resistant TB since teratogenic)

Patient w/ HA, myalgias, lo grade fever, no CT findings

CSF shows no xanthochromia, 75000rbcs, 100wbc, normal ptn, mild hi glucose=>

traumatic LP (since no xanthochromia to indicate SAH)