Anemia: A hemoglobin (Hb) concentration 2 SDs below the mean Hb concentration for a normal population of the same gender and age range. as defined by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund, and United Nations University (Van Vranken ; 2010 .(
Causes of anemia are many, but with a thorough clinical information and laboratory evaluation, a specific diagnosis can usually be established. The use of the mean red cell volume (MCV) is a standard diagnostic approach, to classify the anemia into microcytic, normocytic or macrocytic( Irwin ; 2001). Causes of hypochromic microcytic anemia
5_SIDEROBLASTIC ANEMIA (Wu et al ;2002).
Iron deficiency anemia is diminished red blood cell production due to low iron stores in the body. It is the most common nutritional …show more content…
Anemia of chronic disease is suspected in patients with microcytic or marginal normocytic anemia with chronic infection, inflammation, or cancer (Alan ;2013).
Anemia is often mild enough that it does not need treatment. It will likely get better when the disease that is causing it is treated.The condition is rarely severe enough to need a blood transfusion.Iron supplements may sometimes be used, but only for patients whose iron levels are low.
(little ;2012).
Thalassemia, also called Mediterranean anemia, is a form of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder characterized by abnormal formation of hemoglobin. The abnormal hemoglobin formed results in improper oxygen transport and destruction of red blood cells. Thalassemia is caused by variant or missing genes that affect how the body makes hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. People with thalassemia make less hemoglobin and have fewer circulating red blood cells than normal, which