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89 Cards in this Set

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Modification of proteins targeted for lysosomes

Golgi body phosphotransferase enzyme

phosphorylation of mannose residues

Where else condylomata acuminatum likes to affect besides GU

true vocal cords

-stratified squamous epithelium

Trigger for neoplastic change in HBV cirrhosis to hepatocellular carcinoma

integration of the viral DNA into host genome

-inhibits Insulin like growth factor

-inhibits p53

Cause of death in TCA OD

inhibit reuptake of NE & serotonin

-inhibit fast Na2+ channel conduction -> slow down myocardial depolarization -> arrythmia


-refractory hypotension resulting from decreased contractility and direct peripheral vasodialation

Cardiac tissue conduction velocity from fastest to slowest

Perkinje system

Atrial muscle

ventricular muscle

av node

"park at venture avenue"

When is pulmonary vascular resistance lowest

at FRC

increased volume = increase peripheral vascular ressitance

-longitudinal stretch of alveolar capillaries by expanding alveoli

decreased volume = aslo = increased PVR

-decreased radial traction from adjacent tissues on the large extraalveolar vessels


Functions of angiotensin II

1. systemic vasoconstriction

2. constriction of efferent arteriole

3. increased aldosterone secretion

cellular interactions that occur due to HbS glutamic acid for valine switch

hydrophobic interactions (-) AA changed for neutral AA lead to aggregation of the molecules under low O2 conditions & RBC sickling

what does the empty can test, test?


On auscultation best indicator for the severity of mitral stenosis

Length of time between A2 component of S2 (aortic valve closure) and the opening snap (OS)

-due to abrupt tensing of mitral leaflets

as left atrial pressure increases the A2-OS period shortens = more severe


partial agonist of the nicotinic receptor stimulated by smoking

-leads to decreased withdrawl symptoms

-less reward pathway stimulation

Silicosis on histology

calcification of hilar lymph nodes (egg shell)

birefringent silica particles surrounded by fibrosis

DOC in treatment resistant Schizophrenia


Histologic changes associated with chronic bronchitis

-thickened bronchial walls

-lymphocytic infiltrate

-increased number of mucus cells (with increased mucus production)

-patchy squamous metaplasia

wide fixed S2 split that does not vary with inspiration


wiscott-aldrich syndrome

1. eczema

2. recurrent infections

3. thrombocytopenia

mutation on x chromosome - x linked

-only affects males

immunodeficiency = combined B and T cell

characteristics of cocaine withdrawal





vivid dreams

babesiosis defining feature

maltese cross on histology

-tick born (ioxedes)

when to use NaHCO3 in TCA OD

widened QRS

ventricular arrythmia

affects the cardiac fast Na channels

major side effect of trazodone


when nitrate poisoning what part of the blood gas analysis will stay the same

partial pressure of O2 is unchanged

-also unchanged in CO poisoning, anemia & polycythemia

what is the nitroblue tetrazolium test for

catalase + bugs

what is responsible for the green color of pus and sputum in bacterial infections

myeloperioxidase made by neutrophils

-heme based pigment

-make hypochlorous acid from chloride and H202 for the burst

what bug is associated with reactive arthritis


how does radiation therapy work

1. DNA double strand breakage

2.ROS generation

Histological description of mesothelioma

Endotheliod-type cells joined by desmosomes

abundant tonofilaments

studded with very long microvilli


=hemorrhagic pleural effusion + pleural thickening

blood supply to the femoral head

(cut off = necrosis in hip fractures)

medial circumflex artery

a fib EKG

irregularly irregular


holiday heart syndrome

a fib

-precipitated by acute systemic illness or large EtOH indulgence

desmopressin use in bleeding disorders

increased circulating factor VII or endothelial secretion of vWF to stop bleeding

cytokine involved in asthma

eosinophillic bronchitis by activated eosinophils

respond to allergen activated Th2 cells secreting IL-5

artery damaged in a mid shaft humerus fracture

deep brachial artery

chromosomal mutation that results in VHL

deletion or mutation of VHL tumor supressor gene on chromosome 3p

where is c-myc located & what is it associated with

chromosome 8

Burkitt Lymphoma

Diffuse large B cell lymphoma

where is RB gene located and what is it associated with

chromosome 13



WT-1 gene is located where and what is it associated with

chromosome 11

wilms tumor

what muscles displace the clavicle after fractured

SCM - medial segment goes superior

Pec major & gravity (arm) pull the lateral fragment inferior & anterior

thoracic outlet syndrome

compresses brachial plexus, subclavian A and subclavian V.

occurs in scalene triangle

-anterior scalane

-middle scalene

-first rb


short acting dopa 1 receptor agonist

+adenylyl cyclase and increases cAMP

= vasodialation of arterioles

= decreased BP

+renal vasodialation -> increased perfusion, diuresis and natriuresis

this is used in pts in an hypertensive emergency with acute kidney injury

substances used to maintain capillary patency and normal blood flow

Prostacyclin - inhibits platelet aggregation & vasodialates

Thromboxane A2 - enhances platelet aggregation and vasoconstricts

the two together keep vessels good


released by mast cells (specific)

elevated levels used to determine anyphylaxis

neonate recieves no vaccines and has an intracranial bleed---why

no vitamin K at birth

changes on spirometry due to obesity

most common indication = reduced expiratory reserve volume

--max amount blown out after normal tidal inhale

decreased FRC is also noticed due to ERV reduction

most common organisms to affect someone with CGD

Staph aureus

Burkholderia cepacia

serratia marcescens



what you expect to see on histology after correcting microcytic hypochromic anemia with iron

Reticulocytes:immature RBC

-retain basophillic retwork of residual RNA

-appear blue with wright giemsa stain

-they mature within a day

classic presentation of legionella infection

very high fever





what lung syndrome has a normal capillary wedge pressure


histology changes of calcified aortic valve

necrosis -> dystrophic calcification

what is lead time bias

artificial increase in survival time among tested patients who actually have an unchanged prognosis

-ie the disease was caught earlier than it would have been so they appear to live longer

-common in screening tests


phosphodiesterase inhibitor that stops platelet aggregation and acts as a direct arterial vasodialator

-used in pts with PAD

clinical presentation of typhoid fever

week 1: Rising fever, bacteremia, bradycardia

week 2: abdominal pain & rose spots on trunk

week 3: hepatosplenomegaly + GI bleeding, perforation

digoxin role in afib

slows rate via enhancing vagal tone

uremic syndrome and bleeding

uremic toxins from kidney failure impair platelet aggregation and adhesion = prolonged bleeding time

PT and PTT are normal

what does bcl-2 do

inhibits apoptosis of tumor cells

-follicular lymphoma


one hormone allows another to exert maximal effect

example- cortisol primes vasculature so that NE will have a maximal vasoconstrictive effect

Jervell and Lange neilsen syndrome

prologed QT


accompanied with neurosensory deafness

what causes DIC in placental abruption

tissue factor (thromboplastin) being released from the placenta

Trisomy 21 causes an increased risk of what blood born cancer

acute lymphoblastic leukemia


protein produced by the liver that carries thyroxine and retinol

mutaions lead to amyoid protein and can be seen int he myocardium = infiltrative cardiomyopathy

= diastolic heart failure due to decreased ventricular compliance

lab findings associated with diastolic heart failure

increased LV end diastolic pressure

normal LV end diastolic volume

normal LV ejection fraction

Heart condition associated with diGeroge

Tetrology of fallot

interupted aortic arch

heart condition associated with freidreich ataxia

hyprtropic cardiomyopathy

heart conditions associated with marfan syndrome

cystic medial necrosis

-aortic dissection


mitral valve prolapse

heart condition associated with tuberous sclerosis

valvular obstruction due to cardiac rhabdomyoma

heart conditions associated with turner syndrome

coarctation of aorta

bicuspid aortic valve

heart conditions associated with downs

endocardial cusion

-ASD - ostium primum

regurgantant valves

Elastin formation

1.tropoelastin is made by mRNA

2. secreted into ECM

3.it interacts with microfibrils called fibrillin that function as the scaffold

4. lysyl oxidase (+ Cu2+) creates desmosine cross links

cystic medial degeneration

fragmented elastic tissue (basket weave appearance)

-described as myxomatous degenratoni with pooling of proteoglycans in the medial layer of arteries

-associated with aortic aneurisms

-associated with marfan syndrome

what is net filtration pressure calculatoin

NFP = (Pc - Pi) - (Oc-Oi)

AD PKD presents

in the 50-60s

normal kidneys at birth

side effect of ethambutol

TB drug

= optic neuopathy

right vs left frontal lobe lesions

right = disinhibition

left = apathy

Dohle bodies

basophillic peripheral granules (blue) in neutrophils

-due to ribosomes bound to RER

-seen in

systemic toxic illnesses



POL Gene mutation result in an HIV+ pt

Pol gene mutations are responsible for changes in HIV proteases resulting in protease inhibitors

POL gene can also cause mutations in structure of HIV-1 reverse transcriptases

-resistance to standard NRTI's and NNRTI's

pathophysiology of hemochomatosis

mutation in HFE protein

-interacts with transferrin receptor that endocytoses the iron/transferrin complex

-without it it makes the enterocytes and hepatocytes to think they have a falsely low iron content

-> accumulation of iron in body

1. enterocytes increase apical expression of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1)

2. hepatocytes decrease hepcidin synthesis

---increase ferroportin on basolateral surface of enterocytes

---increased iron sercretion into circulation

transesophageal US faces ant and post - what is it looking at

anterior = Left Atrium

posterior = descending aorta

cytokine associated with giant cell arteritis


corolates with the severity of the disease

drug that can be used is a monoclonal Ab against IL-6


lynch syndrome

-gene mutation & cancers

Gene: MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS2





AD causing inactivation of tumor supressors

+ second hit- loss of heterozygosity

Familial adenomatous polyposis

-gene mutation & cancers




-desmoids & osteomas

-brain tumors

AD inactivatoin of tumor supressor

+second hit - loss of heterzyogosity

Von-hipple lindeau syndrome

-gene mutation & assocaited cancers




-clear cell renal carcinoma


AD inactivation of tumor supressor

+second hit = loss of heterozygosity

Li Fraumeni syndrome

-gene mutation & associated CA

TP53 mutation



-breast cancer

-brain tumors

-adrenocortical carcinoma


MEN type 1

-gene mutation & associated cancers



-parathyroid adenoma

-pituitary adenoma

-pancreatic adenoma

AD - mutation inactivates tumor supressor

-second hit = loss of heterozygosity

MEN type 2

-gene mutation & associated cancers



-Medullary thyroid cancer


-parathyroid hyperplasia

AD - activating mutation (gain of function)

---> proto-onco gene

-continuous stimulation of cell division promotes tumor growth

Gene mutation in pulmonary arterial hypertension

inactivation of BMPR2


-dysfunctional smooth muscle cell proliferation

type 1 muscle fiber composition

high myoglobin (O2 stores)

high mitochondrial (ETC)

used for low level resistance like postural maintenance

renal ammoniagenesis

acidosis stimulates this

-renal tubular cells metabolize glutamin to glutamate

-makes ammonium that can be excreted in urine & bicarb is reabsorbed

C1 inhibitor deficiency


-prevents the C1 mediated cleavage of C2 and C4

-limits complement cascade

also - inhibits kallikrien induced conversion of kininogen to bradykinin

increased bradykinin

-bradykinin associated angioedema


monoclonal antibody used in lymphoma that specifically targets cd20

function of adding activated protein C to plasma

change in PTT

-causes an antithrombotic effect of protein C

-resistance leads towards a mutation in factor V gene