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97 Cards in this Set

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Lincoln Assassinated

April 14, 1865

Hiram Rhodes Revels

First African senator September 4, 1868

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

July 11, 1877 - Continued wage cuts caused workers to strike which spread nationwide.

Statue of Liberty

A gift from France, designed by Frédéric Bartholdi, was finished October 28, 1886.

First Skyscraper

September 4, 1902 - Daniel H. Burnham's design of the first skyscraper is finished in New York City.

18th Amendment

Prohibition, ratified January 16, 1919.

The Gilded Age

July 1, 1877 - September 14, 1901

Progressive Era

September 4, 1901 - January 1, 1919

Jazz Era

January 1, 1919 - November 4, 1929

The Jazz Singer

The first motion picture with sound was released October 6, 1927.

Wall Street Crash

Black Thursday, October 24, 1929 - Panic selling after a drop in the stock market led to the Wall Street Crash. This led the US into the Great Depression that lasted until 1939.


November 5, 1929 - September 4, 1945

The Dust Bowl

May 9, 1934 - the worst drought in U.S. history.

Japan Surrenders

August 15, 1945, Japan surrendered after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The ceremony was held September 2, 1945 after the troops arrived home.


October 2, 1950, comic strip, Peanuts - written by Charles M. Schultz - was published. The last one was written on February 13, 2000.

Civil Rights/Cold War

September 4, 1945 - September 4, 1970

Invention of the floppy disk

September 4, 1970 - Invented by Yoshiro Nakamatsu.

The "Me" Generation

September 4, 1970 - September 4, 2012

9/11 Fall of World Trade Centers

September 11, 2001

"Disease" marketed by Listerine?

Halitosis which is bad breath.

15th Amendment

Ratified February 3, 1870 - This gave voting rights to the blacks.

14th Amendment

Ratified July 28, 1868 - gave citizenship to freed slaves.

13th Amendment

Ratified December 6, 1865 - Abolished slavery.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

Ratified August 6, 1965 - A bill written by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Ford Company Opens

June 16, 1903 - Opens first factory in Detroit, MI.

Model T

First affordable car produced in 1908. This helped create the need for roads, and connected rural communities with the urban communities.

Haymarket Riot

May 4, 1886 - Labor demonstrators (anarchists) gathered in Haymarket Square in Chicago after the police killed 8 demonstrators the previous night. As police approached the crowd, a demonstrator threw a bomb killing 7 police officers, and at least 4 demonstrators. This led to the dispersal of the Knights of Labor and a general distrust for labor unions. Four out of the eight people arrested were hung while one of the others committed suicide on the eve of his execution and the others were pardoned.

What general led the U.S. offensive in the Pacific theatre during WWII?

General Douglas MacArthur led the Philippines Campaign (1941-1942), the New Guinea campaign, the Philippines Campaign (1944-1945), the Borneo Campaign and the occupation of Japan. He was given the Medal of Honor making him the first to be the son of a father who also received the medal of honor.

He later led the war in Korea in 1950 but was relieved by Truman before the war ended in 1953 due to his insubordination.

*he also played a key role in the Mexican Revolution and WWI.

The sinking of the USS Maine.

Was a U.S. battleship that was sunk by an explosion off the coast of Cuba February 15, 1898. This led to the Spanish-American War of 1898.

Spanish American War

April 25, 1898, President McKinley declares war on Spain after the sinking of the USS Maine. The U.S. had been supporting Cuba's independence from Spain and on February 15, 1898, the USS Maine was sunk. This led to public outrage, especially as they yellow press inflamed the situation. Recieving much criticism for not taking action sooner, McKinley declared war.

The Rough Riders

A volunteer calvary led by Theodore Roosevelt in the Spanish-American War, July 1, 1898. They aided the Negro troopers of the 10th Calvary to take San Juan, a city just above Santiago. The Spanish forces surrendered on July 17, 1898.

Battle of Manila Bay

Aka. Battle of Cavite, May 1, 1898. American fleet led by Commodore George Dewey brutally defeated the Spanish Pacific Squadron under Contraalmirante Patricio Montojo.

Roosevelt Corollary stated...

Latin America needed to stabilize or be policed by the US.

Which president stated the following in his campaign for the presidency? "The Congress will push me to raise taxes and I'll say no... I'll say to them, 'read my lips; no new taxes.'"

George H. W. Bush. Ironically, shortly after his election he called on Congress for an increase in taxes.

Who was Marcus Garvey?

A radical black activist of the 1920s. He called for the blacks in America to return to Africa where they would build a strong African nation. Born in Jamaica, later he was arrested and spent five years in prison and was deported after.

Who uttered the famous phrase, "the chief business of the American people is business"?

Calvin Coolidge

The Bonus Army was...

15000 veterans and their families totaling 45,000 descended on Washington DC. They built a tent city across the lawn from the capitol.

In 1924 the U.S. government promised a bonus to the troops (World War Adjusted Compensation Act) in the form of certificates that were not redeemable until 1945. This was agreed upon. In 1932, amongst the Great Depression, the veterans wanted their pay early. Congress voted against the bill introduced on their behalf. The Bonus Army hunkered down. Ultimately President Hoover would order the military to remove them by force. This was led by MacArthur, Eisenhower, and Patton.

An ongoing event of the 1920s that focused on finding Communists hidden and US was called...

The Red Scare


A vociferous campaign against communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under senator Joseph McCarthy from 1950 through 1954.

The year 1968 was marred by the assassinations of two important public figures; Martin Luther King and...

Robert Kennedy

John F. Kennedy was assassinated on...

November 22, 1963

Malcom X was assassinated on...

February 21, 1965

Medgar Evers was assassinated in...

1963 outside his home.

He was the first state field secretary of the NAACP and a WWII veteran.

Who was George Wallace?

45th Governor of Alabama 1967-1987. A Democrat, he was a strong segregationist and supported Jim Crow laws. He was known as the most dangerous racist in America.

On May 15, 1972, Authur Bremer shot Wallace 5 times in the midst of Wallace's presidential campaign. He survived.

Who created the New Deal?

Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 proposed to New Deal to over 100,000 people. The New Deal consisted of programs meant to stabilize the United States economy. It consisted of the CCC (Citizens Conservation Core), the WPA (Works Progress Administration), the SEC (Security and Exchange Commission), the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation), etc.

Which candidate for president in the election of 1992 won the most popular votes for an independent party in several decades?

Ross Perot. He won 20% of the popular vote but won no Electoral votes.

An example of the new literature of the 1920s that demonstrated a mistrust of the society and materialism was...

The Great Gatsby

In the election of 1876...

Samuel J. Tilden won the popular vote but lost the election.

Who founded the "Share Our Wealth Society" in the 1930s?

Huey Long

19th Amendment

Ratified August 18, 1920 - Gave women the right to vote.

Where did Puerto Ricans tend to settle in 1950s America?

New York

The movie industry thrived during the Great Depression. Which of the following films opened in the 1940s and dealt with issues of economic depression in a serious matter?

The Grapes of Wrath

Progressivism was a movement concerned with many issues including child labor laws, rights for blacks and women, and...

the temperance movement.

Malcolm X broke with which organization in 1964?

The Nation of Islam

What are the dates of the Korean War?


Why was Dr. Benjamin Spock's 1946 Common Sense book of Baby and Child Care a new kind of parent advice book?

Mothers were encouraged to pick up a crying baby and be nurturing.

The largest armada ever assembled was that...

June 6, 1944 - The invasion of Normandy (aka. D-Day) in Operation Overlord, France was the largest amphibious attack in world history.

The heaviest U.S. casualties in the Pacific during World War II were sustained at...

April 1, 1945 - June 22, 1945 - Battle of Okinawa was the bloodiest battle in the Pacific. It was also called, the Typhoon of Steel due to the immense shelling.

What did the New Deal's TVA do?

The Tennessee Valley Authority created a series of dams and other projects in order to provide the seven state area with cheap electricity and to bring it into the modern age.

The Yalta Conference

February 4-11, 1945 - a meeting, (aka. Crimea Conference and codenamed Argonaut Conference) between the three major Allied superpowers, British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill; U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt; and Soviet Premier, Joseph Stalin. The purpose was to discuss post-war reorganization of Europe.

House Un-American Activites Committee

1945-1991: HUAC held hearings which subsequently led to the prosecution of the "Hollywood Ten." This was a result of the fear of Communism.

How can President Eisenhower's political stance during his first term be described?

Modern Republicanism, between liberal and conservative.

What was the Tonkin Gulf Resolution?

Enacted August 10, 1964 - as a result of the Gulf of Tonkin incident in which it was claimed that Vietnamese patrol boats assaulted U.S. Navy boats, Lyndon Johnson was given the authorization to use military force without a formal declaration of war. This would escalate the Vietnam War.

The Vietnam War started in...and because...

November 1, 1955 and ended April 30, 1975.

The Vietnam War started shortly after the Japanese invaded the formerly french-controlled country of Vietnam in 1940 after France was defeated by the Germans. They met little resistance, but shortly after Ho Chi Minh formed the League for the Independence of Vietnam (known as the Viet Minh), and led the resistance against the French and Japanese occupation.

In 1945 after the Japanese are defeated by U.S. forces, France attempts to retake control. Ho Chi Minh (Communist trained by the Comitern) leads a rebellion in the north in 1946.

Under the Truman Doctrine which states it will aid any country that is threatened by communism, the U.S. aids the new French administrator, Emporer Bao Dai in June, 1950.

What is the Truman Doctrine?

March, 1947 - Truman addresses Congress stating that America's foreign policy dictates that any country under communist threat will be defended.

What was argued in John Kenneth Galbraith's, The Affluent Society (1958)?

Poverty was not even considered by most Americans in power, as they didn't think poor people existed in large numbers.

Who was the NAACP's chief counsel in the Brown v. Board of Education (1954) case?

Thurgood Marshall

What was the Brown v. Board of Education?

1954 - the lawsuit brought forward by the NAACP was ruled in favor of desegregation of schools.

26th Amendment

1992 - lowered the voting age to 18.

The famous erroneous headline in the Chicago Tribune at the close of the 1948 election read...

"Dewey defeats Truman."

Who ran for president in the famous election of 1960 and what made it famous?

Nixon and Kennedy: The closest in American history, Kennedy won the electoral votes, while Nixon won more individual states.

What Republican was elected to the presidency in 1920?

Warren G Harding

What did Eisenhower Doctrine assert?

The US would assist Middle Eastern nation against communism.

In what year was the famous Tet Offensive of the Vietnam War, and what was it?

The Tet Offensive was launched by the North Vietnamese on the eve of Tet, the Vietnamese Lunar New Year, in 1968. In this offensive, the North Vietnamese used tanks, cannons, and other Soviet equipment to attack Saigon and other cities in South Vietnam. Although it was a military failure, the heavy combat marked a turning point in the Vietnam War. The offencive convinced many anti-war critics that American losses were not worth the cost of protecting South Vietnam.

Why did President Lyndon Johnson not run for reelection in 1968?

He did not want to further divide the country over his war politics.

In 1992 President George H. W. Bush sent peacekeeping troops to what African country in a mission that ended in disaster 1993?


Nixon nominated three justices to the U. S. Supreme Court, all of whom were considered to be conservative. Therefore, he was surprised when the famous Roe v Wade case was handed down as it was considered a liberal ruling. The judge who wrote the decision was...

Harry Blackmun

Who was the first African American appointed to the Supreme Court?

Thurgood Marshall appointed by Lyndon Johnson.

Why did the U. S. refuse to participate in the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow?

The Soviets had invaded Afghanistan.

A book called The Feminine Mystique galvanized the feminist movement in the 1960s. It was written by...

Betty Friedan wrote the book in 1963. She was one of the founders of the National Organization for Women. In the book, she explained her theories on why women were depressed and lost in the world of the 1960s, as they could not openly be happy in the narrow roles of a housewife and mother.

What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do for voters?

Ended literacy tests and placed the registration process under Federal watch.

Reagan ordered the invasion of what small island nation in 1983 in order to prevent it from becoming communist?


What group of Voters did Nixon directly appeal to in the 1968 presidential race?

Nixon appealed to "the silent majority" of American citizens who do not engage in protest during a violent and rebellious era of anti-war demonstrations, race riots, civil rights protests, and counterculture activism. According to Nixon the silent majority was the average patriotic citizen who was hardworking conservative and middle-class.

In 1990 the Senate voted whether to authorize the president to take military action against Iraq for its invasion of Kuwait. What was the result of that vote?

The vote in the Senate was 52-47 to authorize military action. President Bush's administration had to lobby vigorously to gain support for the war against Iraq. The US took several months to build up its military presence in the Middle East. The combat fighting of Operation Desert Storm began on January 16th, 1991, and ended with Iraq's unconditional surrender six weeks later.

During the early Cold War, what did NSC 68 recommend?

NSC 68, or National Security Council report 68, strongly favored enhancing America's military capabilities because of the threat imposed by the Soviet Union. While it did not call for the lowering of military age to 15, it did ask for taxes to pay for a larger piece time Armed Forces. It also recommended putting more investment in the development of the hydrogen bomb.

What was the important legislation passed in 1990 that covered most employees in the country and all businesses with over 25 employees?

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) covers most employees and is specifically designed to prohibit job discrimination against those who are deaf, blind, mentally retarded, or physically handicapped.

In his first inaugural address, March 1933, Franklin Roosevelt famously said which of the following?

"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

In 1874, Atlanta newspaper editor Henry Grady proposed an economic plan to achieve what he called the "New South." What did he suggest?

That the south abandon its agrarian economy for a modern economy grounded in factories, mines, and mills.

What did James Marshall discover when he was overseeing the construction of a California sawmill in 1848?

Gold! The discovery set off the Gold Rush of 1849.

What was the ruling in Plessy v. Fergenson (1896)?

"Separate but equal" accommodations for African Americans were constitutional.

Who was Upton Sinclair?

A journalist (muckraker) and socialist who exposed the poor conditions and corruption of Chicago's meat packing industry in his novel, The Jungle in 1906. This led to the Meat Inspection Act.

How did Roosevelt respond to Alfred Thayer Mahan's suggestion to build a canal for ships to pass through Central America?

In 1903, Roosevelt supported the idea and his administration had the canal built.

Who were the Central Powers in WWI?

Germany and Austria-Hungary

The job of the Women's Airforce Service Piolets was to

deliver finished planes by flying them from the factory is to the military bases.

The Volstead Act did what?

It enumerated powers to enforce prohibition, the 18th Amendment.

What are the principal policies of supply-side economics?

Aka. Reaganomics. Cut taxes, deregulate industry, and consumers will make more money therefore, spending more money in the market. This will come back full circle.

What was the Iran-Contra scandal?

During the Reagan Administration in the 1980s, the Iran-Contra scandal consisted of the US government selling arms to Iran fulfilling a deal made to free the American hostages. The money from the sale was then sent to the Nicaraguan contras, a Guerrilla group attempting to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. Both of these actions were illegal as Congress had embargoed sales of arms to Iran and limited u.s. involvement to the Nicaraguan Contras.