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31 Cards in this Set

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United Nations

world peace keeping body

satellite nations

countries subject to Soviet domination, both politically and economically


U.S. policy of resistance to Soviet attempts at expanding Communism

iron curtain

philosophical "wall" of Soviet domination and oppression

cold war

competition between U.S. and USSR for power and influence in the world

Truman Doctrine

passed to help free people fight against armed minorities and outside pressures

Marshall Plan

American financial aid program for helping Western Europe recover

Berlin air lift

U.S. and Great Britain planes providing vital supplies to the blockaded West Berlin people


North Atlantic Treaty Organization , formed an alliance of nations that would support each other in war and stop the spread of Communism

Warsaw Pact

alliance of Soviet dominated nations

Chiang Kai-shek

leader of the Chinese Nationalist, who received help from the U.S. to resist Communism

Mao Zedong

leader of the Chinese Communist rebels


island where Nationalist fled after being defeated by Chinese Communists

38th parallel

dividing line between North and South Korea

Korean War

conflict between the Communist North Korean and the Democratic South Koreans

Hollywood Ten

ten men in the film industry who refused to answer questions before the HUAC, where sent to prison


House of UN-American Activities Committee; probed the government for Communist infiltration


a list of people who were condemned for having Communist backgrounds

Alger Hiss

accused of being a Soviet spy, Richard Nixon pursued charges against Hiss and he was convicted of perjury

Ethel and Julius Rosenberg

implicated in helping the Soviet Union obtain the atomic bomb, found guilty and sentenced to death

Joseph McCarthy

Senator who became a anti-communist crusader, falsely accusing 100s of innocent people


attacks on suspected communist in the early 1950s


hydrogen bomb -67 times more powerful than the atom bombs used in WWII

Dwight D Eisenhower

President of the United States who was willing to go to war against Soviet Union

John Foster Dulles

Secretary of State under Eisenhower who was a staunch anti-communist and thought the threat of war would stop the spread of Communism


willingness to go to the edge of all out war

Central Intelligence Agency

used spies and covert operations to overthrow unfriendly governements

Eisenhower Doctrine

U.S. would defend the Middle East against any attack by a communist nation

Nikita Khrushchev

favored a policy of peaceful coexistence in which the Soviets would compete economically and scientifically

Francis Gray Powers

U-2 pilot

U-2 incident

shooting down of a U.S. spy plane