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22 Cards in this Set

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Most environmental issues fall under the purview of the __________.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Environmental issues are considered __________ that must be discloses by sellers and real estate professionals.

Material Facts

What can Asbestos cause?

Respiratory disease

Asbestos harmful when fibers are ___________ (broken and potentially air borne).


If a building with asbestos is being demolished or renovated ___________, (removal) should be done by a licensed professional.


What is often a better choice of abating asbestos because there is less risk of exposing the fibers?


Federal law requires _________ of housing built before January 1, 1978, to make a disclosure to buyers (regarding lead based paint), even if a real estate licensee is not involved in the transaction


Who is most at risk of the elevated lead levels in lead based paint?

Children and pregnant women

Lead based paint:

Agents must inform seller of their obligation to offer a ___________opportunity to have the home tested.

10 day

Lead Based Paint:

Can buyers waive the inspection?

Yes, however I’d not waived, buyer may terminate the contract during the 10 day inspection period.

Lead based Paint:

Sellers are not required to perform a _________ or _________.

Lead inspection or pay for removal

Real estate professionals must sign the lead based paint disclosure and are responsible for making sure all parties are __________.

In compliance

Radon is....

A naturally occurring odorless radioactive gas

Radon is ________ by adding a ventilation system allowing the gas to escape to the atmosphere.


Carbon monoxide is...

A deadly odorless has that is the by-product of combustion

Carbon Monoxide is easily detected with...

A CO monitor/ detector


Toxic mold is created by excess humidity/moisture

Mold can be a hazard and may require ________.



Cleaning and providing a remedy for the cause should follow EPA and state regulations

Sellers must disclose mold if there....

Was or is a mold issue

Stigmatized Properties

Are those that may be deemed undesirable because of activities that occurred there

a) includes issues such as suicide, murder, and criminal activity

Who determines if or when stigmatized issues may be disclosed?

State laws