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21 Cards in this Set

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48. Recognize arguments against human population controls
Is it our job to limit population? birth control? moral/ethical beliefs
49. What factos have led to the rapid increase of the human population over the pass 200 years?
Movement into new habitats and climate zones. early and modern agriculture, control of infectious diseases
50. Define cultural carrying capacity
optimal level that would allow most people to live in reasonable comfort without impairing the planet's ability to sustain future growth
51.What is the equation for population change?
52. Crude birth and death rate
deaths/births per 1000 people
53. Calculate growth rate
R= B-D over 1000 multitplied by 100 (so over 10)
r= growth rate
b-crude birth d-crude death
54. Calculate population doubling time
70 over % growth rate
55. 2 useful indicators of overall health in a country
life expectancy and infant mortality rate
56. Define TFR. what is this # for the US? world?
# of kids a women has
US=2.1 World: 1.6 developed, 3.0 developing
57. By how much has the US population grown over the last century?
2.9 million were added. 59% occurred bc births and immigration > deaths
58. How does population size affect the # of individuals added?
the size will increase or decrease depending on deaths and births
59. Define replacement level fertility
# of children a couple must have to replace themselves
60. When in US history was TFR the greatest?
1946-1964 with 3.4%; baby boom
61. What are some societal factors that affect birth and fertility rate?
children as part of labor force, urbanization, contraception availability, legal abortions
62. Why is infant mortality in the US still higher than it should be?
inadequate healthcare for poor women, drug addiction, high teen birth rates; 46th
63. Recognize true statements concerning immigration
illegal vs. legal
64. What % of the US population growth is due to immigration, both legal and illegal?
65. Describe and be able to draw the age structure pyramids of growing, stable and declining populations
look at bottom
66. What are the 4 stages of demographic transitions?
Pre-industrial: high BR & DR
Transitional: High BR & low DR
Industrial: BR approaches DR
Post-industrial: further declines BR to DR
Africa. India. US. Russia
67. What are some solutions for dealing with population growth?
family planning, reduce poverty and elevation the status of women
68. What tactics have India and China used in the past to curtail population growth? Were they successful?
China= encourage fewer kids, free sterilization and birth control
India= gender bias, poverty, high infant mortality, husbands and mother-in-laws