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6 Cards in this Set

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What did Smart and Neale want to research?

They were interested in combining sociological theorising of social change, with a new type of empirical research on post seperation/ divorce in familes.


Small scale British study, qualitative. 60 parents who had seperated after the children act came in. This was to see how effective the act was. Interviews went over 2 years, with one parent being interviewed from each family. In leeds and Bradford, metropolitain cities. Snowball sample.

Wider context

Historical context: Beck and Gernshein said how divorce/ changing family types only been discused 1970 onwards. Just wasnt given any attention, though feminists did.

The popular family type in pre-industrial era was extended, then industrial period it was nuclear. So seperation/ divorce is modernity.

Poltical context: childrens act 1989. Introduced to support the new style of post divorce parenting. This involved focusing on welfare of children, the encouragement of joint parenting and divorce should not legally effect children relationship with parents. Act was backed by psychological research saying children are more benefited if they have both parents in their life. Also gives more voice/ involvement to fathers.

What is the transformation of intimacy?

An idea from Giddens. In post modern society, where there is more individualism, people are more concerned the 'self'. We want to satisfy our own needs and this takes importance over other peoples needs. There are pure relationships which are to fulfill desire for singular needs, no actual love. Confluent love. However, this type of relationship is unstable, short term. Even partners don't live together, the parenting continues.

Concerns of family fragments?

Fluidity and change: This is about how familes have to change and adapt, being fluid as in being open to posibilties they might not have thought about before.

Care: caring roles change with seperation. Fathers take on much more care giving roles then they previously did. Giving up job to say home full time maybe. In study, 6 fathers did.

Adult child relationships: a lot of importance placed on child needs/ welfare. Value and status of children has changed in society, more "child centred". Personal identites bound with parenthood, parents try to be the "ideal parent."

Shift in intimate relationships: Giddens transformation of intimacy.

How does divorce change parenting?

Pre-divorce parenting: gendered relationships, mothers primary care givers with little employment time. Father relationship with children, was sustained through mother. Only sometimes helping out. (Links to oakley, sometimes helping)

Post-divorce parenting: mothers found it difficult to share responsibilty of children, was usually just her. Parental care (parent to child) and parental authority ( decision-making between parents) most important in post divorce parenting.