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7 Cards in this Set

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What did Skeggs want to research?

She was interested in how working class women provided respectability for themselves by being in care professions and not effecting there femininity. Uses Bourdieu's idea of economic, social and cultural capital.


Ethnographic research, longitudinal study (12 years). 83 working class women being trained in caring courses. Statistical data on poverty, housing and education. Also formal and informal interviews with family members, parents and teachers.

Wider context

19th cent respectability: Englishness revolved around respectability and this used to identify class. Easily seen with womens apperance, childcare practices and representation of femininity.

Cultural theory: Women could convert their femininity into economic capital, without effecting their respectability. They could gain symbolic capital with their profession, being recognised as hard working and earning.

Feminist theory: femininity used in care professions, helping, giving assistance maybe domestic work. Feminity has boundaries which the working class women, who works has to stay in. Knowing your place.

Cultural theory and feminist theory: we are born into our class and gender positions. Working class women disadvantaged because of both factors. Black, WC women even more disadvantaged. Intersectionality.

How has perception of class changed since the second world war?

Introduction of welfare state: trying to blur divisions between MC and WC.

Labour Government in power, try to help economic situation, though class division did not really end.

What is social reproduction?

The way in which relations and hierarchy form in society. Links with habitus, what we identify ourseleves with. This then links with Bourdei's three capitals. (Economic, social and symbolic.

Findings from research

Class creates exclusion, no access to economic resources/ cultural means of the MC. WC women tried to disassociate themselves from WC identity, but difficult with there different diet, apperance, clothing etc. Women though would try to alter appperance by dressing well, wearing makeup, but didnt change internal identity.

Wider reading

Disidentifications of class: Bourdeui talks aboout femininity and the body. The body helps to define class. The white, hetrosexual, de- sexualised women would be MC. This would be ideal femininity. Bodies are a form of cultural capital, to be invested in. Taking care of the body (eat/ dress well), increase chance of success.