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10 Cards in this Set

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It's happen's when you wish to analyze your actions or your decision can also done in a written from

Intrapersonal communication

Wish to analyze your actions or your decision

Take place two or more people this is an exchange of discourse between one person to many people

Intrapersonal communication

Take place two or more people

Is an intrapersonal communication that take place between two person

Dyadic communication

That take place between two person's

It's involves small number of people interacting with each other often with the goal of solving a problem

Small group

Serve the purpose of disseminating information persuading a large number of audience to take side on on an issue of entertainment a crowd

Public communication

Communication can be direct or mediated it is direct of you see such other face to face and in a person

Computer mediated communication

Types of speech style

New topic

Stress is the emphasis you give in a syblable or a word

Word stress

Example of stress-,your'e , elem'entary

To identify the meaning

Faction of stress

disordered, untidy, offensive, or unpleasant state or condition. your room is in a mess. : one that is disordered, untidy, offensive, or unpleasant usually because of blundering, laxity, or misconduct.5 days ago
