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15 Cards in this Set

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The priority reaction after a brain injury is to assess teh respiratory rate for rate, and depth and the cardiac systrem for rate and rhythm. Where is the respiratory and cardiac center located
The Brain stem
An epidural hemorrhage is an arterial bleed occuring in the
Space between the dur and the inner skull
A patient arrieves to the ED with his wife via an ambulance, after an automobile accident. She was the only other passender in teh vehicle and has been with her husband since the accident occurred. What is the most urgent question for the trauma team to ask the wife
Has your husband lost consciousness at all since the accident
What test would be ordered to rule out an axonal injury
When caring for the post-op patient after a craniotomy, the nurse knows that proper positioning includes
the head of teh bead is gradually increased to 30 degrees
The nruse is assessing a patietn in the acute phase of a nural injury. the patient';s eyes open to painful stimuli, she is using inappropriate words in response to questions, and withdraws her hand from painful stimuli, the nurse determines the glasgow coma scal score to be
This type of herniation manifests as symptoms of pinpoint pupils and chene-stokes respirations
A 26 yo male comes to the ED followign a head trauma due to a car accident. what test would be used to identify the extent of brain injury
CT scan
A baby that has been shaken by her care giver is more likely to have what TBI
Diffuse axonal injury
A basilar fracture of the skull is most likely to cause the following
CSF leakage from the nose, pharynx, or ear, meningitis, ecchymosis over the mastoid
While caring for the patient with a TBI, the nurse might expect to do all of the following
Administer mannitol
Administer Insulin
S/s of TBI to the cerebellum could manifest as the following
Loss of the ability to walk, tremors, inability to perform rapid movements
Temporal lobe
Wernicke's Aphasia
Frontal lobe
mood changes
Occipital lobe
visual interpretations