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10 Cards in this Set

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What are the primary emotions?
The primary emotions are the six basic emotions common to all cultures. According to psychologist thef are: anger, sadness, fear, anger, suprise and disgust.

pg. 147
What does the James-Lange theory say about emotions?
Named after the psychologist who created the theory, the James-Lange theory states that emotion are physical in nature. It is a physical change that brings about any emotional change.

If you were nervous, but then removed all the physical symtoms, the nervous itself would disappear.

pg. 148
What is empathy?
Empathy is our ability to understand and connect to another person's emotional state.
What are social emotions?
Social emotions are emotions triggered through our social interaction. They include ambition, contempt, gratitude and sympathy.

pg. 150
Who were the Stoics?
The Stoics were a group of philsophers from ancient times who advocated for the pursuit of apathy. They argued since emotions can often cloud our judgment, if a persons is to make a intelligent decision, then they must make it without the use of emotions.

pg. 154
What is apathy?
Apathy literally means "without passion" It is a state of mind where a preson makes decisions without consideration of emotions.

pg. 154
What is Romanticism?
Romanticism is a school of thought associated with the emotions. Made up primarily of literary figures, including Keats and Byron, who emphasized emotion as a way to understand the world. "The heart has its reasons, of which reason knows nothing" (Pascal).

pg. 159
What is intuition?
Most people refer to intution as the aha moment that suddenly gives us an insight or inspiration. Inspirations are split into three categories core, subject-specific and social.

The most famous example comes from the Ancient Archimedes. The story goes that having been charged with finding a way to test the purity of a crown supposedly of gold. After failing to come up with a solution, inspiration struck him while in the bathtub. Jumping up, he proceeded to run to the palace shouting Eureka! Eureka!

pg. 158-64
Who is a "rational fool"?
A rational fool is a term used to refer to someone who has perfect resoning, but is unable to make decisions because they have no emotions. Psychologist Antonio Dmasio speculates this is because emotions ehlp lower the choices to a manageable number.

pg. 155
What is emotional coloring?
A termed used to refer to the effect emotion can have on our perception causing us to be unaware of some aspects of our life.

"Love is blind". If we love someone we tend to ignore the faults others may see in them.

pg. 151