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82 Cards in this Set

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zeroth law?

If A in thermal equilibrium with B and B is in thermal equilibrium with C, then C is is thermal equilibrium with A
1st law? and for infinitesimal changes?

∆U = q + w (for a closed system ∆n = 0)

dU = δq + δw

What does internal energy depend on?

V and T i.e. U(V,T)
Define enthalpy?

H(p,T) = U + pV
Link the two heat capacities?

Cp = (∂H/∂T)p, H = U +pV

=> Cp = (∂(U+pV)/∂T)p

=> Cp = (∂U/∂T)p + ∂/∂T(pV)p

∂/∂T(pV)p = ∂/∂T(nRT) = nR (perfect gas)

=>Cp = Cv + nR

Define entropy?

dS = dqrev/T
2nd Law?

∆Stot ≥ 0

tot = system and surroundings if not isolated

tot = system if isolated

Clausius inequality?

dS ≥δq/T

for an irreversible process dS>δq/T

for a reversible process dS = dqrev/T

Helmholtz free energy?

Using dU = dq -pdV,

when dV = 0,

=> dU = dqV

=> dS ≥dU/T => dU - TdS ≤ 0

Define A = U -TS

=> dA = dU -d(TS) = dU -TdS - SdT

(dT = 0)

=> dA = dU -TdS

helmholtz spontaneous change?

at dT = 0, dV = 0

then dA ≤0 for a spontaneous change

Gibbs free energy?

dH = dqp when dp = 0

using dS≥δq/T

=>dS≥dH/T => dH -TdS≤0

Define G = H - TS

=>dG = dH -d(TS) = dH - TdS -SdT

dT = 0

=> dG = dH -TdS

Gibbs spontaneous change?

When dT = 0, dp = 0

then requirements for spontaneous change => dG ≤ 0

Spontaneity for different systems?

All Systems:
∆Stot ≥ 0

Isolated System:

∆Ssys ≥0

∆Ssys = 0 at equilibrium

Closed or Open System:

dA ≤ 0, (dT = 0, dV = 0)

dA = 0 at equilibrium

dG ≤ 0, (dT = 0, dp = 0)

dG = 0 at equilibrium

Third law?
The entropy of all perfect crystalline substances is 0 at T = 0
Link U and S + discuss probrem?

dqrev = TdS, dwrev = -pdV, dU = dqrev + dwrev

=> dU = TdS - pdV (for reversible change, but applies whether reversible or not due to all being state functions)

S can not be varied in a controlled way

derive dG(T,p) (closed system)

H = U +pV

=> dH = dU +pdV + Vdp

dU = TdS - pdV

=> dH = TdS + Vdp

G = H -TS

=> dG = dH - TdS - SdT

=> dG(T,p) = Vdp - SdT (Closed system)

dA(T,V) for a closed system? when is it used?

dA(T,V) = -pdV -SdT

dG(T,p) is usually used, but dA(T,V) is used in statistical thermodynamics

dG(T,p) as partial?

dG(T,p) = Vdp-SdT

=> dG(T,p) = (∂G/∂p)T dp + (∂G/∂T)p dT

(∂G/∂p)T = V, (∂G/∂T)p = -S

Gibbs for an open system?

dG(T,p,n) = (∂G/∂p)T,n dp + (∂G/∂T)p,n dT + (∂G/∂n)T,p dn

where (∂G/∂n)t,p = µ = chemical potential

Chemical potential for a one-component system?

dG(p,T,n) = Vdp -SdT + µdn

dp = 0, dT = 0

=>∫dG = ∫µdn

=> G = nµ

=> Gm = µ

where Gm is the molar Gibbs free energy

Chemical potential of a perfect gas?

[∂/∂p(∂G/∂n)] = [∂/∂n(∂G/∂p)]

=> (∂µ/∂p) = (∂V/∂n)

V = nRT/p

=>(∂V/∂n) = RT/p

=>(∂µ/∂p) = RT/p

=>∫dµ = RT∫dp/p

=> µ = µ⁰ + RTlnp/p⁰

Chemical Potential Variation with p andT (one component)?

(∂G/∂p)T = V, (∂G/∂T)p = -S

one component system µ = Gm

=> (∂µ/∂p)T = Vm

=> (∂µ/∂T)p = -Sm

Derive Clapeyron equation?

dµ(p,T)=dGm(p,T) = Vmdp-SmdT

µ(l) = µ(v)

=> dµ(l) = dµ(v)

=>Vm(l)dp -Sm(l)dT = Vm(v)dp - Sm(v)dT

=>dp/dT = ∆Sm/∆Vm

∆G = 0 (because at equilibrium)

=>∆H -T∆S = 0

=>dp/dT = ∆H/T∆V

Derive Claussius-Clapeyron equation?

dp/dT = ∆H/T∆V

Assume perfect gas Vm(g)=RT/p

Assume Vm(g) >> Vm(l)

=> ∆Vm = RT/p

=>dp/dT = p∆H/RT²

=>1/p dp/dT = dlnp/dT = ∆H/RT²

How can the phase boundaries be approximated when one of the phases isa vapour?

Clausius-Clapeyron equation
dG for open system containing two components?

dG(T,p,nA,nB) = (∂G/∂p)T,nA,nB dp + (∂G/∂T)p,nA,nB dT + (∂G/∂nA)T,p,nB dnA + (∂G/∂nB)T,p,nA dnB

=> dG(p,T,nA,nB) = Vdp - SdT + µAdnABdnB

=> dG(p,T,ni) = Vdp - SdT + ∑µidni

=> ∫dG = G = ∑niµi (constant p,T, composition)

(State function so equ. always true)

Define partial molar volume? partial molar Gibbs free energy?∫dG?∫dV?

Vi = (∂V/∂ni)p,T,nj≠i

Gi = (∂G/∂ni)p,T,nj≠i

∫dG = G = ∑niµi (constant p, T, composition)

∫dV = V = ∑niVi (constant p, T, composition)

Gibbs-Duhem eqn?

G = ∑niµi (at constant T and p)

=> dG = ∑nii + ∑µidni

dG(p,T,ni) = Vdp - SdT + ∑µidni

=> dG = ∑µidni (constant T, p)

∴=> ∑nii = 0 (at constant T and p)

When you change the composition at T,p = 0, the chemical potentials do not vary independently

Gibbs-Duhem eqn for binary system?

A = -(nB/nA)B
Gibbs-Duhem applied to molar volume?

dVA = -(nB/nA) dVB
Chemical potential of pure liquids?meaning?

for a liquid in equilibrium with its vapour phase:

µ*A(l) = µA(g)

=>µ*A(l) = µ⁰A(g) + RTln(p*A/p⁰) - (assum perfect gas for vapour) *indicates pure liquid

-we can obtain chemical potential of A in its liquid phase by measuring its vapour pressure

Chemical potential of liquid mixture (or solvents in solutions)?

µ*A(l) = µ⁰A(g) + RTln(p*A/p⁰) (pure liquid)

µA(l) = µ⁰A(g) + RTln(pA/p⁰) (mixture or solution)

substitute for µ⁰A(g)

=> µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(pA/p*A)

Raoult's law?

empirical observation that for solvent A:

pA = p*A xA

where xA is the mole fraction of A in the solution

The law holds increasing well as xA →1

Define ideal solution?

µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(pA/p*A)

pA = p*A xA

=> µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(xA)

obtain chemical potential of a solvent in an ideal solution from just how much solvent there is

Perfect gas A is gas mixture?

µA(g) = µ⁰A(g) + RTln(pA/p⁰)
Gibbs energy of mixing in an ideal solution?

unmixed: G = nAµ*A + nBµ*B

mixed: G = nAµA + nBµB

= nA(µ*A + RTlnxA) + nB(µ*B + RTlnxB)

=>∆G = nARTlnxA + nBRTlnxB

= nRT(xAlnxA +xBlnxB)

also ∆H = 0, ∴ ∆G = -T∆S

When is Henry's law obeyed?

when a solution is dilute (mole fraction <<0.1) it is found that the pressure of solute B often obey's Henry's Law.
Ideal dilute solutions?

solutions that obey Henry's Law

Henry's Law?

pB = KBxB

where KB does not necessarily equal p*B

Chemical potential of an ideal dilute solution?

µB(l) = µ⁰B(l) + RTln(mB/m⁰)

-where m is molarity (moles per Kg of solvent)

-m⁰ is 1 molal

-µ⁰B(l) = limit (µB(l) - RTln(mB/m⁰)) as xB -> 0

µ⁰B(l) does not physically exst as it is a 1 molal solution in which the molecular interecations are the same as in an infinitely dilute solution

Why Solute has effect on solvents Tm and Tb?

µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(xA) (ideal solution)

=>µA = µ*A + RTln(xA)= µ*A + RTln(1-xB)

for small xB

=> ln(1-xB) ≈ -xB

=> µA µ*A -xBRT

Solutes do not dissolve in solid solvent (some exceptions) and gas interactions are much weaker so µA(s) and µA(g) are not affected by B

What effect solute has on solvents Tm and Tb?

Adding a solute lowers the melting point and raises the boiling point of the ideal solution relative to the pure liquid

∆Tb < ∆Tm

∆Tm and ∆Tb?

∆Tm = xBRT*²/∆fusH

∆Tb = xBRT*²/∆vapH

Where T* is the phase transition temperature for the pure solvent

∆T depends only on the mole fraction of the solute not on its identity

osmotic pressure?

Pure liquid has potential

µ*A(l) = µ⁰A(g) + RTln(p*A/p⁰)

The solute side has potential

µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(xA) + ΠVm

where ∆p = Π = ρgh (density x gravity x height)

µ*A(l) A(l) at equilibrium

=> ΠVm = -RTln(xA)

Van't Hoff equation for osmotic pressures?

small xB, ln(xA) ≈ -xB, xB = nB/(nB+nA)≈ nB/nA

=> ΠV = nBRT

Ideal solubility of a pure solid?

μ*B(s) = μ*B(sol) = μ*B(l) + RTlnxB

=>lnxB = (μ*B(s) - μ*B(l))/RT =-(fusGm)/RT

=>dlnxB = -1/R (d∆fusGm/T)

(∂(∆G/T)/∂T)p = -∆H/T²

=>dlnxB = 1/R (∆fusH/T² dT)

=> lnxB = -∆fusH/R (1/T - 1/Tm)

eutectic point (e)?

The minimum melting point of the mixture

-isopleth at e correspondns to the eutectic composition

lever rule?

nαlα = nβlβ

Where nα is the number of mols of phase α

What is p assuming Raoults' law holds over entire concentration range?

p = xAp*A + xBp*B
Discuss mol fraction of vapour phase in a binary liquid-vapour system?

-yA = mol fraction in vapour

-xA = mol fraction in liquid phase

-yA ≠ xA because vapour will be enriched in the more volatile component usually assigned A

-yA = pA/p = xAp*A/(xAp*A + (1-xA)p*B)

T-x phase diagrams and p-x diagrams?

Gibbs phase rule?

F = C - P + 2

F = variance (degrees of freedom)

C = number of components

P = numberof phases in equilibrium

Biological standard state?

1 molal concentration for all reagnts except H⁺ and OH⁻ which are 10⁻⁷ M (pH = 7)

Labelled as µ⁰' or µ^⊕


Difference in free energy of the products (pure, unmixed) in tehir standard states and the reactants (pure, unmixed) in their standard states

rG⁰ = -RTlnQ = -RTlnK

at Equilibrium ∆rG = 0, Q = K


rG=Gprod - Greact (rG in J)

= ∑niµi - ∑njµj (i = products, j = reactants)

rG = ∑xµi - ∑xµj (rG in Jmol⁻¹ )x=stoichoimetry

using µA = µA⁰ + RTln(mA/m⁰)

=> ∆rG = ∆rG⁰ +RTlnQ


reaction quotient

= (Πprod(mj/m⁰)^vj)/(Πreact(mi/m⁰)^vi)

where vx is the stoichiometry

extent of reaction?

ξ = 0 at start, 1 at end

dξ = 1/vj dnj


Values of K?

Gases: K in p/p⁰, standard state = 1bar

Liquids: K in mole fractions, x; standard state = pure liquid

Solutions: K in m/m⁰, standard state = 1 molal(with the same interactions as at infinite dilution)

Van't hoff equation?

rG⁰ = -RTlnK

=> lnK = -∆rG⁰/RT

=> (∂lnK/∂T)p = -(1/R) (∂/∂T) (∆rG⁰/T)p

∂/∂T (G/T)p = -H/T²

=>(∂lnK/∂T)p = ∆rH⁰/RT²

Temperature dependence on equilibrium constant?

we get Van't Hoff equation

(Note for gases, K is defined at 1 bar pressure)

=> dlnKp/dT = ∆rH⁰/RT²

Pressure dependence of the equilibrium constant?

1)For gases ∆rG⁰ is defined at 1 bar

lnK = -∆rG⁰/RT ∴ K is independent of pressure

2)For solutions we can define the standard state at any pressure

(∂G/∂p)T = V

=> (∂lnK/∂p)T=-∆rV⁰/RT

-weak dependence

Pressure dependence of the composition at equilibrium?

Worked example

A(g) -> B(g) + C(g), K = 0.0501, T = 900K, A initial = 1 mol

increasing pressure increases A, you're going to have to look at notes for reasoning

non-ideal systems?

write the chemical potential in terms of activities, (a)

Activities for different states?

gas: a = γ p/p⁰

Ideal solution; a = γx

Ideal dilute solution: a = γm/m⁰

γ = activity coefficient, measures deviation from ideality, γ=1 for an ideal system

(called fugacity and fugacity coefficient for gases)

Equilibrium constant in activities?

K = [Πprod(ai^vi)react(aj^vj)]eq

where ax = activity of x

vx = stoichiometry of x

NB activities still depend on the standard state, its just no longer explicit in the equation for K

Discuss gas-liquid critical point?

T>Tc: there is no gas-liquid phase transitions

T gas phase transition will take place upon decompression

inflexion appera in pV curve

=> dp/dVm = 0, d²p/dVm² = 0

Van der Waals loops?

cannot exist, what we really get is coexistence of a liquid and a gas which then have different molar volumes,

How well does Van der Waals eqn model the system?

dp/dVm =-RT/(Vm-b)² +2a/Vm³ =0

d²p/dVm² = 2RT/(Vm-b)³ - 6a/Vm⁴ = 0

=> pc = a/27b², Vm,c = 3b, Tc = 8a/27Rb

Zc = pcVm,c/RTc = 3/8

Virial equation?

Z=pV/nRT = (1+B(n/V) + C(n/V)².....) (virial eqn)


(∂µ/∂p) = (∂V/∂n) = ∂/∂n [(nRT/p)(1 + B'p + C'p²...)]

=>µ = RT(lnp + B'p +½C'p²...) + constant

p->0, µ = RTlnp + constant

p->0, gases behave as perfect gases

=>µ = µ⁰ +RTln(p/p⁰)

=>constant = µ⁰ -RTln(p⁰)

=> µ = µ⁰ + RTln(p/p⁰) + RT(B'p+½C'p²....)

µ = µ⁰ + RTlnf =µ⁰ + RTln(p/p⁰) + RTlnγ

=> lnγ = B'p +½C'p²....

Where does non-ideal behaviour arise from? and how is it accounted for?

-collisions between molecules

-probability of collision is proportional to the number density of the gas (n/V)

-using Virial equation where:

B: accounts for pairwise collisions

C: acconts for 3-body collisions


Boyle Temperature?

pVm = RT(1+B'p+C'p²....) = RTZ

Z = 1 + B'p + C'p²...

dZ/dp = B' + 2C'p + ... ≈ B' (at close to p=0)

At Boyle Temperature (TB): B' = 0

pVm ≈ RTB (at p≈0)

B' values?

Negative B': Attractive forces dominate (low temperature)

Positive B': Repulsive forces dominate (high temperature)


-γp = effective pressure or fugacity (f)

-fugacity coefficients can be obtained from experimental data

-as p-> 0, µreal = µideal

activities for non-ideal solutions?

µA(l) = µ*A(l) + RTln(pA/p*A) = µ*A(l) + RTlnaA

µA(l) = µA(g) (at equilibrium)

ideal: aA = xA = pA/p*A

real: aA = γA(l)xA = γA(g)pA/p*A

assume γA(g) = 1

=> γA(l) = pA/xAp*A

(γ is the ration of actual pressure to Raoult's Law pressure)

mixH for regular solutions?

Before Hint = ½zNAεAA+½zNBεBB

After Hint = ½z(NAxAεAA+NAxBεAB + ....)

NA = xAN, NB = xBN,

mixH = ½zN(xA²εAA + xAxBεAB + xB²εBB....)

write xA²= xA(1-xB), xB² = xB(1-xA)

mixH = ½zN(-εAA + 2εAB - εBB)xAxB

mixH = NβxAxB = NβxA(1-xA)

β = ½z(2εABAABB)

Favourable and unfavourable interactions between A and B in a regular solution?

β = ½z(2εABAABB)

β<0; εAB more negative than ½(εAA + εBB)

- favourable interactions between A and B

- ∆mixH <0

β>0: εAB is less negative than ½(εAA + εBB)

-unfavourable interactions between A and B

- ∆mixH >0

Free energy of ∆mixG =

mixG= ∆mixH-T∆mixS

mixG = nβxAxB + nRT(xAlnxA +xBlnxB)

Chemical potential of a real solution?

G = nAµA*+nBµA* +nβxAxB + nRT(xAlnxA + xBlnxB)

=> G = nAµA* + nBµB* +βnAnB/(nA+nB) + RT(nAln(nA/(nA+nB))+nBln(nB/(nA+nB)))


=>µA = µA* + RTlnxA + βxB²

=>µB = µB* + RTlnxB+ βxA²

Temperature dependence of mixing?

mixG= ∆mixH-T∆mixS

Enthalpic term is independent of temperature in the regular solution model

entropic term has more weighting at higher temperatures, and so mixing is more favoured at higher T.


line separating the unstable and meta stable regions (the line that passes through the inflection points
line separating the themodynamically stable one and two phase regions (line that passed through the minima)