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35 Cards in this Set

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Cosmological Argument

Based on law of cause and effect. Everything is in existance because of and all-powerful, Creator, God

Design or Teleological argument

Existence of Design implies a designer. The Intelligent design, purpose, and order of the universe indicates and intelligent designer

Innate Knowledge or Universal Belief Argument

The fact that mankind's innate knowledge of God's existence is a universal phenomena is evidence that this knowledge was placed in us by God himself

Ontological Argument

Since the concept of God is infinitely greater than man's finite mind, it cannot have come from man's finite mind and therefore must have been revealed by God Himself

Argument from Consciousness or Mind

Man's mind, rationality, and self-consciousness could not arise by chance from mere molecules. The immaterial cannot arise from the material. Atoms do not know that they exist. They are not self aware

Arguemtns from Man's Conscience and Moral Nature

The existence of man's conscience and moral nature demands a self-conscious and moral Maker

Argument from Morals

If the universe and man were merely random chance arrangement of atoms and chemicals, then no morality could exist.

Evidences for Supernaturalism

All evidence for miracles, fulfilled Bible prophecies, the inspiration of the Scriptures, and the resurrection of Christ are ultimately evidences for the existence

Personal evidences

Changed lives, Personal relationship, answered prayer

God is Holy

God is absolutely separate from and exalted above all His Creatures and creation, and He is equally separate from all moral evil and sin

God is Just and Righteous

God's righteousness or justice is His perfect moral nature of always perfectly dealing rightly and justly with all that is holy and unholy, of justly punishing all evil and rewarding all good

God is self existent

God's existence is uncaused and arises from His Own eternal nature. God is not dependent upon any outside source or creative force

God is self-sufficient

God's infinite divine nature is so perfect that He has no spiritual, emotional, mental, relational, physical, or material need outside of His Own divine being.

God is eternal

God is the One and only Being Who has existed for all eternity past, Who will exist for all Eternity future, and Who actually exists outside of and beyond the realm of time, as Creator, not as the servant of time

God is Infinite

God is unlimited in time, space, power, presence, knowledge, essence, love, grace, and moral perfection

God is Omnipresent

God is present everywhere with His whole being at the same time at all times

God is Omnipotent

God is all powerful. He has incomprehensible and absolute power

God is Omniscient

God is all-knowing. God has always perfectly known all that can be known

God is wise

God's wisdom is His ability to apply omniscience in such a way that He always chooses the Highest good for the greatest number for the longest time and the most excellent means to accomplish that purpose

God is Immutable

God is unchangeable in His essence, character, attibutes, and purpose

God is Free

God's will and purpose are unlimited by any outside force and He is unrestrained in His will and plans, except by His Own nature

God is Sovereign

The authority of God over all things is absolute. He is the sole ruler over all that exists. God is in control. He is on the Throne. He rules as Lord.

God is Incomprehensible

No finite being can ever hope to even remotely grasp or begin to understand the infinite God.

God is Inscrutable

God is unquestionable in His inexplicable and mysterious ways

God is True

By truth we mean that the attribute of the divine nature in virtue of which God's being and God's knowledge eternally conform to each other.

God is faithful

God always keeps His promises. He never fails to love, tend and care for the needs of His children and His creation.

God is light

He is both the source and strength of all illumination. This is true not only to those golden beams of energy radiating from the sun and stars, but also of the moral, mental, and spiritual rays of information and inspiration

God is Good

Goodness is the eternal principle of God's nature which leads Him to communicate of His own life and blessedness to those who are like Him in moral character

God is merciful

Mercy is that eternal principle of God's nature which leads Him to seek the temporal good and eternal salvation of those who have opposed themselve to His will, even at the cost of infinite Self-sacrifice

Mercy is not getting what we deserve, mainly hell.

God is Gracious

God's unmerited favor, goodness, and blessings manifested toward the undeserving.

God giving us the favor and salvation in Heaven that we do not deserve

God is Gracious

God's unmerited favor, goodness, and blessings manifested toward the undeserving.

God giving us the favor and salvation in Heaven that we do not deserve

God is Love

The manifest unconditional and unselfish concern of God in emotion, volition and action for man's highest good.

John 4:24

God is a Spirit

Luke 24:39

A Spirit hath not flesh and bones

Matthew 16:17

The Father is not "flesh and blood"