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27 Cards in this Set

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cultural adaptation
A complex of ideas, activities and techonologies that enable people to survive and even thrive
A system, or a functioning whole, composed of both the natural environment and all the organisms living within it
cultural ecology
the dynamic interaction of specific cultures with their natural environments
cultural evolution
Culture change over time (not to be confused with progress)
The ethnocentric notion that humans are moving forward to a higher more advanced stage in their development toward perfection
convergent evolution
In cultural evolution, the development of similar cultural adaptations to similar environmental conditions by different peoples with different ancestral cultures.
parallel evolution
In cultural evolution, the development of similar cultural adaptations to similar environmental conditions by peoples whose ancestral cultures were already somewhat alike
food foraging
Hunting, fishing and gathering wild plant foods
carrying capacity
The number of people that the available resources can support at a given level of food getting techiniques
Neolithic revolution
Domestication of plants and animals by peoples with stone-based technologies, beginning about 10,000 years ago and leading to radical transformations in cultural systems.
A subsitence stategy in which people move their grazing animals from wither pastures in low steppe lands to summer pastures on high plateaus
swidden farming
Also known as slash-and-burn. an extensive form of horticulture in which the natural vegetation is cut the slash is subsequently burned, and crops are then planted among the ashes
economic system
an organizational arrangement for producing, distributing, and consuming goods
tools and other material equipment, together with the knowledge of how to make and use them
The exchange of goods and services, of approximately equal value, between two parties.
generalized reciprocity
A mode of exchange in which the value of the gift is not calculated, nor is the time of repayment specified
balanced reciprocity
a mode of exchange in which the giving and the receiving are specific as to the value of the goods and the time of their delivery
negative reciprocity
a form of exchange in which the aim is to get something for as little as possible. neither fair nor balanced, it may involve hard bargaining, manipulation, outright cheating and even theft
Kula ring
a form of balanced reciprocity that reinforces social relations among the seafaring Trobriand people and other Melanesians
a form of exchange in which goods flow into a central place, where they are sorted, counted, and reallocated
conspicuous consumption
the display of wealth for social prestige
on the northwest coast of North America a ceremonial event in which a village chief publicly gives away stock-piled food and other goods that signify wealth
prestige economy
Creation of a surplus for the expess purpose of gaining prestige through a public display of wealth that is given away as gifts
leveling mechanism
a cultural obligation compelling prosperous members of a community to give away goods, host public feasts, provide free service, or otherwise demonstrate generosity so that no one permanently accululates signigicantly more wealth than anyone else
market exchange
the buying and selling of goods and services, with prices set by rules of supply and demand
anything used to make payments for other things (goods or labor) as well as to measure their value; may be special purpose or multipurpose.
informal economy
Network of proucing and circulting marketable commodities, labor and services that for various reasons escape government control