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11 Cards in this Set

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Spend day

They spend their day, looking for food and in the evening they would come

Began to worry

Where are you my dear? You never stay out so late"she whispered to herself.


Go back, the wife returned home early, she was waiting for her husband.

Desperately, distract, vain

She desperately tried to distract the bird catcher by flapping her wings, but all in vain


His clothes were wet

Shivering, guest

We now have a guest, this man is shivering and hungry.

Edible meal

Since I have no food to offer, will jump into this fire. In a few minutes I will become an edible meal for you.

Overwhelmed /humble=modest

The bird catcher was overwhelmed by the hospitality of the humble pigeon couple.

Cruel /selfish

He opened the cage and set the husband free "I have been cruel and selfish, I will never trap any bird in my net again"


Don't let people distract you from achieving your goals.

Hyena =/den/informed=

Curled up=/devoured=/occasion =a particular time when something happens / while handing=أثناء التسليم

Dutifully =بطاعة/wailed=يويدح/realizing =أدرك/darted=to run fast suddenly/reshed=هرع/chase=يجري وراء /

Whene mother hyena was away, Anansis, the spider, went to her den and informed her cubs that he was their uncle, For-you-all. "Wake me up when your mother bring food, "he said and curled up in a corner to sleep. Shortly after, mother hyena came with meat which she gave to her cubs, saying :"This is for you all. "The cubs woke up the spider and gave him the meat which he devoured. Mother hyena brought meat twice more. On each occasion saying, "This is for you all, "while handing over the food to her cubs. Each time, the cubs dutifully woke up Anansis and gave him the meat. In the evening when Mother hyena came home the cubs started crying for food. "Still hungry after all the meat I gave you? "She asked, surprised. "Uncle ate it all! "They wailed. The spider, realizing that it was time to run, darted out of the cave and sprinted away. "That's uncle for-you-all! " shouted the cubs. "Is he! "Said their mother, angrily, and bounced after the spider. Anansis rushed into a dog's house and sat beside him. "I have just finished eating, "said the dog. " I have nothing to offer you. ""That's all right "said the spider, "I have already eaten. That's why I'm here ". The hyena came in just then. "Which of you is the idiot I was chasing! "She demanded. The spider pointed to the dog. "He has been running, "he said. "See how he's panting with his tongue hanging out? " the hyena pounced on the dog and when he ran away, she followed him. Uncle spider, knowing that it would be a long time before the dog back, stretched out on his bed for a short nap.