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14 Cards in this Set

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Symmetric Algorithm

Des, 3Des, AES, RC-4, RC-5, 2fish, blow fish, IDEA, CAST, MARS

DES( Data encryption standard). It has five modes

Block size : 64 bits

Key size: 56 bits

Rounds: 16

a. Electronic Code Book (ECB): least secure as it uses Secret key (Static) used for shortest transmission ( data units are encrypted)

b. Cipher Block Chaining ( CBC): it uses block cipher. Uses IV and it has Chaining. Errors propogate.

C. Cipher Feedback mode(CFB): it is stream cipher, uses IV , propogates error.

D. Output feedback (OFB) : stream cipher, no chaining hencevit does not propogates errors.

E. Counter mode(CtR): it is a stream cipher and helps in parallel computing . No chaining

Exam tip

Output feedback mode OFB, and counter mode CTR, has no chaining hence it doesn't propogate errors.

2. Triple DES

Key length : 3 * 56 = 168 bits

A. DEs- EEE3{E= Encryption; 3 = Number of keys used}

B. DEs- EDE3{ E= Encryption; D= Decryption ; 3 = Number of keys used}

C. DES-EEE2{ E= Encryption; 2= Nber of keys used( Key length: 2*56=112 bits)}

D. DES- EDE2{ E= Encryption ; D= Decryption; 2= Nber of keys used( Key length: 2*56= 112 bits}

IDEA( International data Encryption Algorithm ) PGP: pretty good privacy = is a good IDEA

Bit block : 64 bits

Key length: 128 bit ( works on Des principle)

4. Blowfish

Bit block -64 bits, key length: 32-448 bits. Much faster than IDEA and DES


Bit block : 64 bits, key= 80 bits. Support key escrow . Retained by NIST and dept. Of Treasury.


Rivest Cipher 5 , patented by Rivest, Shamir, adleman

Block =( 32, 64, or 128), key length = 0-2040 bits

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)/ Rijndel

Replacement for DES. Allows block size equal to the key lenght

Bit Block= 128 bits

Key: 128 bits - 10 rounds

Key : 192 bits -12 rounds

Key: 256 bits -14 rounds

Exam tip : best encryption for data at rest AES 256

Two fish

Bit block = 128 bits; key = 256 bits

Uses two techniques



Creation and Distribution of keys

-Offline - out of band

-Public key encryption - uses public key to establish communication link

-Diffie Hellman - Key exchange

Storage and Destruction of Keys

Keys and encrypted data should be stored in different system

For sensitive keys: use split knowledge, means two different individuals with half of the key.

Key escrow and recovery

Secret key is divided into 2 halves and given to 3rd party . When government obtain legal authority , can combine 2 keys to create secret key. ( Fair crypto system) .

This standard is the basis behind the Skipjack algorithm

Cryptographic Life cycle

All cryptographic system has a life span ( except one time pad)

Exam tip: each key should be changed periodicaly