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80 Cards in this Set

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Absorbable pad used when expect lots of drainage

ACE Bandage

Used in conjunction with splints

Band Aid

Used over small incision sites


Pressure dressing used in ortho cases.

Pressure dressing

Prevents hematoma formation

Cottonoids/ pledgets

Used in neuro cases soaked in thrombin


Used on skin never inside “surgical glue”


Used in extremity and exsanguinated


Push blood out from distal end

Example of esmarch

Bier block

Eye patch

Eye surgeries or used on nose after a FESS (moustache)

Foam tape

Not sticky and used on patients allergic to regular tape

Iodoform packing

Packs orafaces and is medicated


Absorbant and used on an extremity


Smaller version of kerlix

Lap sponge

Absorbable and comes in packs of 5


Adheres dressings to wound with distinct smell


Gelatin sponge that absorbs when moist

Nylon tape

Most commonly used tape


Soft, clingy layers of cotton placed under tourniquet to protect skin

Steri Strip

Used after closing to reinforce suture line AKA butterfly

Surgi Seal

White and used within wound AKA oxidized cellulose


Clear, holds IV in place, and used post op to see if there is any drainage


Nonadherable dressing

Tincture of Benzoin

Sticky and used to adhere dressing to wound

Weck cell

Used in eye cases and blunt dissections


Non adherent, wet and moist, used as a dressing


Acts as pressure dressing, like ACE bandage but has sticky part to adhere to skin

Nasal tampon

Used for nose bleeds


Nose bleed


Like gauze with jelly so it doesn’t adhere to skin

Active drainage

Attached to source such as vacuum or suction that allows for continuous drainage

Passive drainage

Not connected to a source and works through capillary actions and follows path of least resistance

Chest tube

Evacuate, used when entering thoracic cavity

Colostomy bag

Collects feces

Endotracheal tube

Inserted in trachea for intubation (adult tunes have cuffs but children do not)

GI tube/ feeding tube

Provides nutrition to patient and inserted into stomach


Used when expect a lot of drainage, radical neck dissection, attached to drained catheter

Jackson Pratt

Closed system and used when expect little drainage

Luken’s tube

Collects bronchiole washings

NG tube

Single or double lumen feeding tube

Single lumen NG tube

“Levine” ; decompressed gastric area , can attach suction or let gravity pull out

Double lumen NG tube

“Sump” inserted through nose

In and out

“Red rubber” , “Robinson”

Drainage of bladder, D&C with hysterectomy , obtain urine specimen

Suction tube

Suction mouth, wound, or nares

Used on small amount of suction


Used to drain common bile duct


Sengston blakemore

Esophageal bleeds (seen in alcoholics)

3 way Foley catheter

Used following a TURP

1)air 2)drainage 3)continuous irrigation’s (glycin)

Foley catheter

Drain bladder attached to BSB

Tracheostomy tube

Placed in trachea allows air to enter lungs and bronchi

3 parts to tracheostomy tube

Opturator, outter cannula, inner cannula


Provides smooth tip during tube insertion to prevent damage to tracheal wall

Outter cannula

Maintain patient airway

Inner cannula

Prevent blockage of secretions

Urethra stent

Inserted in ureters to keep them open (patent)

Fogarty catheter

Remove embolisms inserted into vessel

Grunt zig catheter

Perform balloon engioplasty

Tenckhoff catheter

Indwelling catheter used in chemotherapy

Porta catheter

Placed under skin, frequent sticks/injections

Penrose Drain

Used to retract spermatic cord during inguinal hernia repair

Moistened with saline

Comes with safety pin so it doesn’t retract into wound

Cigarette drain

Sister to penrose drain

Open drain

Has wickening end

Broviac catheter

Central line that allows long term access to blood


Self retaining

Drains bladder


Open end

Drains bladder

Urinary catheter

Most common 14-16cc

Amount required to inflate bulb (always add 5 to account for tube)

Drain bladder

Which sponge is used in neuro surgeries ?


Which tubes are single lumen and drain stomach

Levine NG tube

How are blood gases collected ?

In a heparinized syringe

Which dressing is used to cover IV site?


When would Montgomery straps be used?

Frequent dressing changes

What is porcine dressings?

Pig skin used to cover body surfaces until permanent graft can be accomplished

What are types of elastic adhesive bandages

Elastoplast and coban

Which catheter used used for chemotherapy pursposes?


Which catheter is used for total parenteral nutrition


What is malecot and pezzer classified as ?

Self retaining drains

What is a t-tube used for?

Biliary and common bile duct

Why are pressure dressings used ?

Occlude dead space where fluids may accumulate

What is a stent dressing ?

Applies pressure and stabilize tissue. Used on neck

Common sizes for

Chest tube

Ureteral catheter

Urethral catheter




What is a tonsil sponge used for ?

Absorb blood and fluid