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62 Cards in this Set

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Inspired by a game of chance

Probability Theory

The first mathematical analysis of game of chance in 16th century is by _______________ in 1565

Gerolamo Cardano

He was accused as heretic

Gerolamo Cardano

Theory of probability is discovered by three people

Pierre de Fermat

Blaisse Pascal

Christiaan Huyghens

He is a closed friend of Pascal and a notorious gambler who initiated study of Probability Theory by posing a gambling problem that offered a real challenge to mathematicians

C. de Mere

He is a young Dutchman who learned the results of Fermat and Pascal and write a book about it

Christiaan Huyghens

Title of the book of Huyghens

How to Reason a Dice Game

This book represents the real beginning of probability theory as a mathematical subject

How to Reason in Dice Game

True or False: The development of Probability Theory lead to Inferential Statistics


_____________ was then the art of deducing estimates and properties of quantities which cannot be observed directly


He is an English tradesman and haberdasher of small wares published the book “Natural and Political Observations upon Bills of Mortality”

John Graunt

In the book of John Graunt about “Natural and Political Observations upon Bills of Mortality”, he applied the bills to estimate ____(1)_____, _____(2)______, _____(3)______ to recover the former population level after plague epidemic

1) Birth mortality

2) Number of inhabitants

3) Number of years

What is the first significant development in the theory of statistics?

The study of methods in making inferences from data

The study of methods in making inferences from data is by ____(1)_____ and _____(2)_____

1) Francis Galton

2) Karl Pearson

It means science of states


[Under Inferential Statistics]

Who aere the mathematicians behind the first development?

Francis Galton

Karl Pearson

[Under Inferential Statistics]

Give three advances invented/studied in the first period.

1) Standard Deviation

2) Correlation Coefficient

3) Chi-square test

[Under Inferential Statistics]

The second period of development in 1915 consists of the works of __________

R.A. Fisher

[Under Inferential Statistics]

Give one contribution of RA Fisher

Analysis of variance

[Under Inferential Statistics]

During the third period in 1928, a joint papers by _________ and ___________ was published

Jerzy Neyman

Egon Pearson

[Under Inferential Statistics]

These papers introduced and emphasized concepts such as: a) Type II error, Power of test, and Confidence Intervals

Joint papers by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson

It is the period when industry began ti make widespread application of statistical techniques especially quality control

Third period

[Under Inferential Statistics]

The fourth period began about 1939 with the work of _________

Abraham Wald

Abraham Wald’s work is about _____________

Statistical Decision Theory

[Under Inferential Statistics]

This is an introduction of a new way of looking at statistical problems

Statistical Decision Theory

Aside from science of states, what is the other meaning of Statistics?

Political arithmetic

[Under Inferential Statistics]

From this point of view, statistics is regarded as the art of playing a game with nature as the opponent

Statistical Decision Theory

What was invented in 1940’s that had an impact on statistics

Electronic computers

[Under Inferential Statistics]

What made the use of statistical techniques practical?



One example why statistical theory and practice continues to be an important area of research

Vast amount of polling which accompanies modern elections shows statistics become a central part of modern life

When is the first mathematical analysis of game of chance?

16th century

C. De Mere initiated the study of Probability Theory by what?

By posing a gambling problem

This book represents the real beginning of probability theory as a mathematical subject

How to Reason in Dice Game

After the publication of the book of Huyghens in 1655, a decade of astonishing activity and progress followed on what years?


During 1708-1718, the results of Fermat, Pascal, and Huyghens were developed into ___________

Coherent theory of probability

Give three statistical topics discussed after a decade or progress in statistics

1) conditional probability

2) combinatorics

3) expectations

After the decade of astounding activity and progress, the period of ________ were taken by the following generations of mathematicians and given solution until today


[Under Inferential Statistics]

What is the first significant development in late 19th and early 20th century?

The study of methods in making inferences from data

It means science of states


[Under Inferential Statistics]

Who aere the mathematicians behind the first development?

Francis Galton

Karl Pearson

[Under Inferential Statistics]

Give three advances invented/studied in the first period.

1) Standard Deviation

2) Correlation Coefficient

3) Chi-square test

[Under Inferential Statistics]

The second period of development in 1915 consists of the works of __________

R.A. Fisher

[Under Inferential Statistics]

Give one contribution of RA Fisher

Analysis of variance

[Under Inferential Statistics]

During the third period in 1928, a joint papers by _________ and ___________ was published

Jerzy Neyman

Egon Pearson

[Under Inferential Statistics]

These papers introduced and emphasized concepts such as: a) Type II error, Power of test, and Confidence Intervals

Joint papers by Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson

It is the period when industry began ti make widespread application of statistical techniques especially quality control

Third period

[Under Inferential Statistics]

The fourth period began about 1939 with the work of _________

Abraham Wald

Abraham Wald’s work is about _____________

Statistical Decision Theory

[Under Inferential Statistics]

This is an introduction of a new way of looking at statistical problems

Statistical Decision Theory

Aside from science of states, what is the other meaning of Statistics?

Political arithmetic

[Under Inferential Statistics]

From this point of view, statistics is regarded as the art of playing a game with nature as the opponent

Statistical Decision Theory

What was invented in 1940’s that had an impact on statistics

Electronic computers

[Under Inferential Statistics]

What made the use of statistical techniques practical?



One example why statistical theory and practice continues to be an important area of research

Vast amount of polling which accompanies modern elections shows statistics become a central part of modern life

When is the first mathematical analysis of game of chance?

16th century

C. De Mere initiated the study of Probability Theory by what?

By posing a gambling problem

This book represents the real beginning of probability theory as a mathematical subject

How to Reason in Dice Game

After the publication of the book of Huyghens in 1655, a decade of astonishing activity and progress followed on what years?


During 1708-1718, the results of Fermat, Pascal, and Huyghens were developed into ___________

Coherent theory of probability

Give three statistical topics discussed after a decade or progress in statistics

1) conditional probability

2) combinatorics

3) expectations

After the decade of astounding activity and progress, the period of ________ were taken by the following generations of mathematicians and given solution until today


[Under Inferential Statistics]

What is the first significant development in late 19th and early 20th century?

The study of methods in making inferences from data