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20 Cards in this Set

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Speed equation


= ÷

Types of waves

Longitudinal wave *s - Movement of the particles are parallel to the motion of the energy. ...Transverse wave *s - movement of the particles are at right angles (perpendicular) to the motion of the energy. ...Surface wave *s - particles travel in a circular motion.

How do magnets attract?

The attract through the magnetic field strength

Weight equation

Weight = mass x gfs(gravitational field strength

W = m g

Work done

Work done = force x distance

W = F d


Force = spring constant x extension

F = k e


Acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time

A= v/t

Resultant force

R. Force = mass x acceleration

F = m a

Kinetic energy

K.E = 0.5 x mass x velocity2

KE = 1/2 MV2

Gravitational potential energy

GPE = mass x gfs x height

GPE = m g h

Power (time)

Power = energy ÷ time

P = E/T

Efficiency (energy)

Efficiency = useful energy ÷ total energy

To get a % multply result by 100

Wave speed

W.S = frequency x wavelength

Potential difference (voltage)

P.d = current x resistance

V = I R


Charge flow = current x time

Q = I t

Power (current2 and resistance)

Current = current x resistance

P = I2 R

Power (current and potential difference)

Power = current x P.d

P = I V

Power (P.d and resistance)

Power = potential difference 2 ÷ reistance

P = V2 / R

Potential difference (energy and charge)

P.d = energy ÷ charge

V = E / Q


Density = mass ÷ volume

P = m / v