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90 Cards in this Set

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Organizing the message, choosing words, and sentence structures, and verbalizing the message is termed encoding


A speaker should develop either a working outline or speaking outline, but not both


The onset of public-speaking anxiety can occur at different times during the speech making process


Thinking about your speech from a "communication orientation" gives you a more positive outlook on your public-speaking experience.


If something is common knowledge to many people, it does not need to be cited.


To conduct a plagiarism check for your speech, you should do all of the following except

Acknowledge your own ideas and opinions

Listeners tend to pay attention to

All of the above (Information that they deem important; information that is associated with their experiences; information that relates to their backgrounds)

When listening to a speech, it is important to consider different perspectives and realize that both the listeners and the speakers perspectives are subject to error


Being an audience-centered speaker means keeping the context and the rhetorical situation in mind


According to Aristotle and Cicero, memory is one of the five parts of speech preparation


Research shows that audiences can comfortably take in between eight and ten main points


In an outline, supporting points appear in a superordinate position to the main points


Coherence refers to a speech containing only those points that implied by the purpose and thesis statements


The body of a speech consists of

main points, supporting points, and transitions

Which of the following expresses the speech goal

specific speech purpose

Working outlines contain your ideas in condensed form and are much briefer than speaking outlines


The purpose of a speaking outline is to refine and finalize the specific purpose statement, firm up and organize main points, and develop supporting points to substantiate them


The full-sentence speaking outline allows for greater eye contact with the audience


With a speaking outline

condense the full sentences into key words or phrases

Speeches may be outlined in complete sentences, phrases, or key words


To support a major point effectively, the speaker should offer

all of the above (evidence from a variety of sources; each sources relevant qualifications to report on the information; sources that are appropriate to the audience)

The specific citation elements that need to be mentioned in a speech depend on

the type of source

The source qualifier is

a brief description of the sources qualifications

In the following statement, which type of supporting material is being reference? "A University of Minnesota research study, published in 2008, concluded that cat owners were 40 percent less likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than people who didn't have a cat."


All trustworthy sources are appropriate for every audience


To stress natural divisions in a topic, and to have the freedom to move points around to address audience needs, a speaker should use which pattern of arrangement


A speech describing a series of events in the development of a new idea calls for a spatial pattern of arrangement


It is never appropriate to present the effect first and the causes subsequently in the causal pattern


The problem-solution pattern of arrangement may have more than two main points


In a topical pattern, points can be arranged in any order without negatively affecting each other or the speech purpose


Peoples most enduring judgments about what is good and bad in life are called attitudes


Speakers should never try to appeal to universal values, like love, fairness and unity


How many demographic characteristics are typically considered in the analysis of a speech audiences


If you ask survey respondents to respond to questions with a limited choice of answers, you are asking what type of questions


Characteristics of the speech setting include

all the above (the size of the audience and the length of the speech; lighting and sound; seating capacity and arrangement)

Brainstorming is a topic-generating technique done either though word association, topic mapping or by category


The specific speech purpose focuses more closely on the speechs goal than does the general speech purpose


When giving classroom presentations, do the following to avoid boring your audience and raising tension in the classroom

steer clear of trite and highly charged topics

The__ speech purpose expresses exactly what the speaker wishes the audience to get from the speech


The thesis statement, the theme or central idea of a speech, should be expressed in the form of

a single, declarative sentence

Individual search engines compile their own databases as well as scanning a variety of others


When you use search tools on the internet, quotation marks help you locate exact phrases


Boolean operators are words placed between keywords in a search that specify how the keywords are related


Primary research does not include

information gathered by others

Which type of example offers a multifaceted illustration of a point


General encyclopedias delve deeply into one subject area


When citing testimony in a speech, the speaker should always

supply the name and qualifications of the source

The three types of averages can be used interchangeably to illustrate a point


Effective examples for a speech may be all of the following, except


To efficiently locate information on the internet for a speech, the speaker should be familiar with the function of

Both A and B ( search engines and subject directories; library portals and specialized databases)

An effective introduction should

capture your audiences attention

Previewing the speech in the introduction

tells the audience the order in which the main points will be addressed

Conclusions provide

All of the above (the speaker with the opportunity to drive home the speech purpose; the speaker with a final chance to make an impression that accomplishes the speech goals; the audience with a sense of logical and emotional closure)

Listeners are most likely to remember and act on a speech that

ends with a strong conclusion

If the body of the speech is well-developed, it is sometimes an effective technique to deliver the introduction and conclusion spontaneously, without preparation


Rhetorical devices are techniques of language that speakers use to express their ideas in order to achieve their speech purposes


The connotative meaning is the literal, or dictionary, definition of a word


Forms of expression that create striking comparisons to help listeners visualize, identify with, and understand the speakers ideas are called

figures of speech

In Mariams presentation on her graduate school experiences she said, "Graduate school is an uphill battle." Mariam used which figure of speech


"His character plays a rocking, rolling, rip-roaring, raging role." This statement best illustrates which of the following techniques


A speaker can build rapport with his or her audience by appearing confident


When speaking from a manuscript

look up occasionally to establish eye contact with the audience

The word impromptu means

improvised and unpracticed

Novice speakers are often reluctant to pause anytime during a speech


The proper volume for delivering a speech depends on which of the following factors

All the above (the size of the room and number of persons in the audience; the availability of a microphone; background noise)

The clarity or forcefulness with which word sounds are made is known as


A speaker who focuses on the message makes the speech delivery more natural and confident


Which aspect of the body is most important in maintaining the quality of directness in speech delivery

eye contact

Listeners perceive a speaker who slouches as

sloppy, weak, and unfocused

The first thing an audience notices about a speaker approaching the speaking position is his or her


Which type of graph is useful for presenting information that changes over time

line graph

When using audio or video as a presentation aid, the speaker should be sure to

Do all the above ( check to see if the material is copyrighted; cue the tape before the presentation; tell the audience what they will hear or see beforehand and discuss its significance afterward)

When designing a presentation aid, the speaker should strive for


Presentation aids always help listeners process information


Used sparingly, which of the following PowerPoint effects can add to the effectiveness of a presentation

both A and B (transitions; animations)

The goal of informative speaking is

to increase audience understanding and awareness

One of the simplest and most effective ways to reinforce new information in an informative speech is to

repeat key words or phrases about that information

When speaking about ____, speakers should focus on description and explanation and avoid advocating one position over another


Defining one term by comparing it to another term that has an equivalent meaning is called

definition by synonym

An informative speech

often uses a combination of organizational patterns

An argument is a stated position with support either for or against an idea or issue


A successful persuasive speaker should aim for large-scale changes


Persuasive appeals directed at the audiences reasoning on a topic are termed logos


Pathos involves the appeal to audience emotion


The highest level in Maslows hierarchy is self-esteem needs


Zach gave a persuasive speech about why people should assist the homeless in his city in order to prevent crime. According to Maslow, this speech appealed to which basic need


More long-lasting changes in audience perspectives occur if listeners process the speech message


Claims of policy fit naturally into which organizational pattern


Which pattern demonstrates how the speakers points are more favorable than alternative positions

comparative advantage

To deal with hostile audiences

address opposing views