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209 Cards in this Set

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A system by which a society ranks and categorizes people in a hierarchy?
Social Stratification
What are the 4 basic principles of social stratification?
A trait of society, carries over from generation to generation, is universal, and involves inequality and beliefs.
Closed systems are also called?
Caste Systems
Open systems are also called?
Class Systems
This system allows little change in social position?
Caste System
This system allows much more social mobility?
Class System
In the caste system social stratification is based on...
ascription or birth.
Caste Systems are found in ___ and ___
India and S. Africa
In the class system social stratification is based on ...
both birth and indv. achievement.
The concept that refers to social stratification based on personal merit
A shift in the social position of large number of people due more to changes in society than to indv. efforts.
Structural social mobility
According to the ______, social stratification plays vital part in the operation of society.
Structural Functional Approach
This states that Social Stratification has beneficial consequences for the operation of society.
The Davis-Moore Thesis
This theory argues that stratification provides some people with advantages over others.
Social conflict
Karl Marx thought of 3 class conflicts.
Capitalists, proletariat, and alienation.
People who own and operate factories and other businesses in pursuit of profit.
Working people who sell their labor for wages.
The experience of isolation and misery resulting from powerlessness.
This man viewed social stratification as involving three dimensions of inequality
Max Weber
A composite ranking based on various dimensions of social inequalities.
Buying and using products with an eye to the "statement" they make about social position.
Conspicuous Consumption
No categories of people better off than others...
Hunting and Gathering Societies
Social inequality increases with rise of mobility.
Horticultural, Pastoral, and Agrarian Societies
Pushes inequality downward prompted by development of meritocracy.
Industrial societies.
This states technological advances first increase, then moderate the intensity of social stratification
The Kuznets Curve
US differs from most European nations in never having a titled _____.
With the exception of race, the US has never has a ____ _____.
Caste System
Earnings from work or investments
The total value of money and other assets, minus outstanding debts.
Wealth is distributed more unequally than _____
In the US, wealth is an important source of ____
____ Societies have expanded opportunities for schooling but some receive much more than others.
Blue collar jobs...
require less schooling, bring lower income, and require less prestige.
Nothing affects social standing as does . . .
Ancestry or birth into a particular family.
This is closely linked to social position in the US.
On average ___ have less income, wealth, and occupational prestige.
Single parent families headed by ___ are __ times more likely to be poor.
Women, 3x
There are four classes in the US
Upper, middle, working, and lower class.
The more a family's income comes from inherited wealth, the stronger the chance to be .. .
upper class.
The owners of the means of production and most of the nation's wealth.
Top 5% of the US population
The upper class
Inherited wealth can be called...
Old money
This group is known as the working class...
Lower uppers
This group accounts for 40-45% of US population.
Middle Class
The working class is how much of the US population.
This group has little or no wealth
Working class
20% of the US population.
Lower Class
Only half of this group complete high school.
Lower class.
Social Standing is linked to ...
health, values, politics, and family life.
On average the rich live ___ years longer.
7 years
Children in poor families are 3x more likely to...
die during first year of life.
A change in social position during a person's lifetime
Intragenerational Social Mobility
Upward or downward social mobility of children in relation to their parents.
Intergenerational Social Mobility
Changing jobs at the same class level.
Horizontal Social Mobility
The deprivation of some people in relation to those who have more.
Relative poverty.
A life threatening deprivation of sources.
Absolute poverty.
In this form of poverty families are below official poverty line.
Relative Poverty
Burden of poverty falls most heavily on . .
2/3 of all poor are . ..
25% of poor are...
The trend of women making up an increasing proportion of the poor.
Feminization of Poverty
There are two explanations to poverty...
Blame the poor or blame society
The poor are responsible for their own poverty.
Blame the poor
A lower class subculture that can destroy people's ambition to improve their lives.
Culture of Poverty.
Government should fund jobs and provide affordable child care for low income mothers and fathers.
Blame society for poverty.
Major cause of poverty is...
Not holding a job
An effective way to reduce poverty ...
Greater supply of jobs and child care for parents who work.
Sociological evidence proves that society and not indv character traits are a primary source of...
US culture shows the poor as
personally lacking
This perspective states social inequality is far greater than in the US.
Global Perspective
The three worlds model
First world, second world, third world.
This world is rich, industrial countries.
First World
This world is less industrialized, socialist
Second world
This world is non industrialized, poor countries.
Third World
Two reasons the worlds model does not work today...
The Cold War ended, and the model is inaccurately lumped together more than 100 countries as 3rd world.
The richest 64 nations with the highest overall standards of living
High income nations
The 73 nations with a standard of living about average for the world as whole.
Middle income nations
The 57 nations with a low standard of living in which most people are poor.
Low Income nations
Production is based on factories, big machinery, and advanced technology
Capital Intensive
People in these countries enjoy 84% of the world's total income..
High income countries
1/3 of people live in rural areas and are poor, lack acces to schools, medical care, adequate housing, and safe water.
Middle Income Countries
In these countries, societies are densely populated compared to high income.
Middle income
In these countries people's lives are shaped by hunger, disease, and unsafe housing.
Low income
These countries follow cultural traditions and have limited industrial technology.
Low income
Economic productivity is lowest in regions where...
population growth is the highest.
People in rich nations focus on ____ poverty.
Absolute poverty is more important in the _____ perspective.
Absolute poverty is greatest in ...
_____ people suffer from chronic hunger.
1 Billion
Half of all street children are found in...
Mexico City and Rio de Janiero
In rich societies, women's work...
is undervalued, underpaid, or overlooked.
In poor societies, women work...
in sweatshops, live by traditions, bear children and do housework.
Four types of slavery
Chattel, child, debt bondage, and human trafficking
One person owns another. Traditional slavery, plantation.
Chattel Slavery
Desperate families let children do what they can to survive.
Child Slavery
Employers hold workers captive by paying them too little to meet their debts.
Debt Bondage Slavery
Movement of men, women, and children from one place to another for forced labor.
Human Trafficking
1/4 of people in low income countries farm the land using
human or animal power.
Poorest countries have the highest
birth rate
Poor societies are usually traditional and resist..
Low income countries distribute wealth...
Gender inequality in low income nations is extreme and keeps women...
from holing jobs and means they have many children
The process by which some nations enrich themselves through political and economic control of other nations.
A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of technological and culture differences between nations.
Modernization Theory
Industrialization's productivity improved the living standards of even the poorest people.
Historical Theory
Tradition is considered a barrier for ...
economic development
High income nations play 4 important roles in global economic development
Controlling populations, Increasing food productions, introducing industrial technology, and providing foreign aid
A model of economic and social development that explains global inequality in terms of the historical exploitation of poor nations by rich ones.
Dependency Theory
Economic relationship between rich and nations continue colonial pattern of domination.
Refers to the personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male.
The unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege between men and women.
Gender Stratification
Evidence that culture defines what is feminine and what is masculine.
The Israeli Kibbutz
If gender is based on biological differences, people everywhere should define feminine and masculine the same. However, it was concluded that culture is the key to gender distinction.
Margaret Mead's Research
Found global agreement on feminine and masculine tasks.
George Murdock's Research
What it means to be female or male is mostly a creation of...
A form of social organization in which females dominate males.
A form of social organization in which males dominate females.
The belief that one sex is innately superior to the other.
In preindustrial societies women had have little control however most sociologists believe...
Gender is socially constructed and can be changed
Attitudes and activities that a society links to each sex
Gender roles
Research demonstrates that young children tend to form ...
single sex play groups
Women are now the majority of students...
on college campuses
Men still predominate in many fields...
Physics, engineering, philosophy
Men told center stage in...
Study of gender in advertising revealed that men usually taller than women implying...
male superiority
Society teaches women to measure their worth in terms of physical appearance
Beauty Myth
Factors that have changed the US labor factors.
Decline in farming, growth of cities, shrinking family size, rising divorce rates.
Women earn ___ cents for every dollar earned by men
Reason women earn less in the type of work they do...
Still think of less important jobs as women's work.
US society gives more of the responsibility of parenting to ____.
This prevents many women from rising above middle management.
The glass ceiling.
In the US and around the world, the women is responsible for
housework and are of children
By 1980, women earned the majority of...
associates and bachelor's degrees.
Men still dominate ___ fields.
Gave women the right to vote in 1920
19th Amendment
Women make up a growing share of the US...
Any category of people distinguish by physical or culture difference that a society sets apart and subordinates.
At every class level women have less...
income, wealth, education, and power
The interplay of race, class, and gender, often resulting in multiple dimensions of disadvantage.
Intersection Theory
____is the most violent institution in the US
This procedure is painful and dangerous and practiced in more than 40 countries
Genital Mutilation
80% of violent crimes, the offender is
US culture tends to define masculinity in terms of
Agression and violence
Refers to comments, gesture, or physical contracts of a sexual nature that are deliberate, repeated and unwelcome
Sexual Harassment
Most victims of sexual harassment are..
Quid pro quo sexual development
One thing in return for another
Sexually explicit material that causes sexual arousal
According to this, views society as a complex system of many separate but integrated parts.
Structural-Functional Approach
Gender involves differences not just in behavior but in power as well.
Social Conflict
The advocacy of social inequality for women and men, in opposition to patriarchy and sexism.
Basic Feminism ideas
work to increase equality, expand human choice, end sexual violence, promote sexual freedom
____ technology has given us a greater control over reproduction.
Birth control
Socially constructed category of people who share biologically transmitted traits that members of a society consider important.
We think of race in biological terms, but it a ....
socially constructed concept
From a biological point of view, knowing people's race allows us to
predict nothing about them.
A shared cultural heritage.
Race is constructed from ___ traits and ethnicity is constructed from ____ traits.
biological, cultural
Any category of people distinguished by physical or culture difference that a society sets apart and subordinates
A rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people
An exaggerated description applied to every person in some category.
Refer to how closely people are willing to interact with members of some category
Social Distance
Found that people felt more social distances from some categories than others
Emory Bogardus
Emory Bogardus found...
Students opinions show a trend toward greater social acceptance, people see less difference between various minorities
The belief that one racial category is innately superior or inferior to another.
Prejudice springs from frustration among people who are themselves disadvantages.
Scapegoat Theory
A person or category of people, typically with little power whom people unfairly blame their own trouble.s
This theory states extreme prejudice is a personality traits of certain individuals.
Authoritarian personality theory
These personalities rigidly conform to conventional cultural valvues.
Authoritarian personalities
Claims that although extreme prejudice is found in certain people, some prejudice is found in everyone
Culture Theory
Proposes that prejudice is used a tool by powerful people to oppress others.
Conflict Theory
Unequal treatment of various categories of people.
Prejudice refers to...
Discrimination is a matter of ...
There are 4 models of Interaction
Pluralism, Assimilation, Segregation, and Genocide
A state in which people of all races and ethnicities are distinct but have equal social standing.
A process by which minorities gradually adopt patterns of the dominant culture.
Biological reproduction by partners of different racial categories.
The physical and social separation of categories of people.
de juro segregation
by law
de facto segregation
in law
Having little contact of any kind with people beyond the local community.
The systematic killing of one category of people by another.
Refers to hundreds of societies who first settled in the Western Hemisphere.
Native Americans
The population of Native Americans decreased by 100,000s because of
Most of English ancestry
This was the foundation of southern colonies' plantation system.
Democratic society's denial of basic rights and freedoms to an entire category of people.
American Dilemma
What amendment outlawed slavery
What amendment granted citizenship to all people born in the US
In 1870, African men were given the right to vote according to the
15th amendment
Institutionalized discrimination that segregated US society into two racial castes.
Jim Crows Law
This gave the African Americans a sense of pride and purpose.
Black Power Movement
Black unemployment is __ as high as white.
This category commands attention and respect as high achievers.
Asian Americans
These people are known as the model minority
Immigration began in 1849 with the gold rush.
Chinese American
Laws passed to bar from many occupations
Yellow Pearl
There were fewer ___ than Chinese.
Japanese Americans
____ knew more about US they assimilated better.
Japanese Americans
____ preferred rural farming.
Japanese Americans
_____ faced their greatest crisis after Pearl Harbor
Japanese Americans
After Pearl Harbor Japanese were detained in
Interment camps
Congress awarded $20,000 to each _____
Japanese American in the internment camp.
The largest racial or ethnic minority.
Hispanic Americans
Not all Arabs are Muslim, some are
Recognizes ethnic heritage and social disadvantage of many white people.
White Ethnics
US is and will remain a land of ....
What is xenophobia
rising hostility toward foreigners.
Today immigrants try to blend into American society without
completely giving up their culture.