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16 Cards in this Set

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General Winfield Scott’s an for the Union . first close Southern Lott’s , second gain control of the Mississippi-river , third capture Richmond , Virginia which was the Confederacys capital . The name came from the snake anaconda which squeezes its prey to death

Anaconda Plan

1st major battle of the Civil War. A small confederate army broke . The union forces for a victory

1st Battle of Bull Run

First important victory for the union . The south surrendered this fort , allowing the Union in Nashville. On February 12, 1862 , Union troops travels to Fort Donelein for another victory

Fort Henry and Fort Donelson

Union army was camped out at Shiloh Church . On April 6 ,1862 the confederate attacked them . The battle lasted 2 days . Together over 23,000 casualties. On June 6 Memphis, Tennessee was also controlled by the Union


Key victory for the Union . Deadliest Single Day of fighting . Afterwards , General Robert E.Lee retreated to Virginia


Until victory in January 1863 . One of the bloodiest battles of the civil war

Stones River

Confederate using Trench Warfare December 13,1862


May,1863 General Robert E Lee managed to Soviet Union Forces with the help of Stonewall Jackson .


July ,1863 Pennsylvania . The south entered the town looking for supplies . They did not want to battle on the unknown land .


July 4 , 1863 Vicksburg , Mississippi Union Victory


September 1863 the confederacy halted union forces the union then moved to Chattanooga, Tennessee


After the battle of Chattanooga the troops moved toward _______ Union victory

Lookout Mountain

The last civil war battle in Tennessee. September, 1864 union victory


Part of the Battle of Franklin , the confederacy was destroyed in December 1864


General Sherman burned the city of Atlanta , Georgia in November 1864 . The trail of destruction throughout Georgia by the union became known as the

March to the Sea

The formal end of the Civil War . April 9 , 1865. Union victory over the Confederate States (South)
