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46 Cards in this Set

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Which part of the intestine is vitamins and minerals absorbsed

How is glucose transport ed in the intestine

Principle pancreatic proteases and where do they act

Wht enzymes are present at the brush border

Rate of peristalsis

1 to 2 cm per second passing aborally

Cyclical contractions during fasting state

Every 75 to 90 minutes

Vagal fibres

Cholinergic - excitatory

Peptidergic - inhibitorya

Main hormone for motility

Motilin which increases during phase 3 of migratory myoelectric complex

Common cause of bowel obstruction

Wht is SQUID

Causes of ileus

Which classification is used for crohn's disease

Name the sign and in which disease is it seen?

Kantor string sign.

Crohn's disease

CT or MRI for diagnosis of crohns

Both equal.

MRI better for intestinal strictures and ileal wall enhancement

Capsule retention

Presence of endoscopic capsule in the git for more than 2 weeks

Criteria for abnormal finding in capsule endoscopy?

Criteria for abnormal finding is presence of >= 3 ulcers in the absence of NSAIDs

Double ballon enteroscopy distance covered

Serological markers in crohns

Anti neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody

Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae antibody ASCA

Outer membrane porin of flagellin(anti-CBir1)

Outer membrane porin of ecoli(OmpC-IgG)

Usefulness of asca

Intestine specific inflammatory markers

Stool lactoferrin

Fecal calprotectin

Length of small intestine

Which fibres carries the pain stimulation from the small bowel

Sympathetic fibres not the vagus

Auerbach and myenteric nerve supply

Cell types present in the mucosal layer

1. Absorptive enterocytes

2. Goblet cells secretes mucus

3. Paneth cells secretes lysozyme, TNF and cryptidins

4. Enteroendocrine cells -gi hormones

Villi are taller in which part of intestine

Duodenum and prox jejunum

Characteristics of brush border membrane carbohydrases

Carrier involved in fructose absorption is


Diagnosis of crohn's colitis versus uc

Drugs effective in crohn's

Infectious agents implicated in crohns

Which two extra intestinal complications of crohn's do not subside with resection of involved bowel

Ankylosing spondylitis

Hepatic complications

Liric trial

Is there a difference in recurrence of crohn's in side to side and end to side anastomosis?


Wht is acute ileitis?

Wht is its management?

Wht organisms are commonly implicated?

Should appendectomy be performed in this case?

Which is the most common indication for surgical therapy in crohn's


Types of stricturoplasty ?

Contraindications to stricturoplasty

Wht should be done for all chronic strictures of crohn's

Biopsy should be taken to rule out malignancy

Wht are the two types of bypass procedures

Exclusion bypass -end to side with distal ileum as mucus fistula

Continuity bypass- side to side anastomosis

Most common urologic complications in crohn's

Ureteral obstruction 2ndary to retroperitoneal abscess

Algorithm for preventing post op recurrence in crohn's

Most common cause of death in crohn's disease

Gi cancer

Which genetic markers point towards success of medical therapy in crohns




Pathophysiology of typhoid

Diagnosis of typhoid enteritis

Wht percentage of intestinal perforations occur in typhoid

2 percent

Extra intestinal manifestation of crohns