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19 Cards in this Set

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contractile unit of muscle


the H Zone

space allowed for contraction

the A band

length of myosin filament

the Z line

Where actin attaches to cell membrane of sarcomere

Step 1 of sliding filament theory

Acetylcholine diffuses and travels through the axon of a motor neuron

Step 2 of sliding filament theory

Acetylcholine diffuses across the synaptic gap to trigger an action

step 3 of sliding filament theory

Acetylcholine triggers the release of the calcium ion

step four of sliding filament theory

Calcium ions attach to troponin which changes the shape of the tropomyosin

step 5 of sliding filament theory

The myosin head can now attach to the binding site on actin filament (muscle contraction)

step 6 of sliding filament theory

Calcium flushes out allowing troponin to break. The myosin head relaxes and so does the muscle

What happens if there's not enough calcium in a muscle group

No contraction of muscle it will always be relaxed

What if there's not enough ATP available at the cellular level

Always contracted because there will be no ATP to move the calcium out

What happens if the troponin tropomyosin does not trigger and slide back into place

constant contraction

What happens if there's not a release of acetylcholine

always relaxed

Role of ATP and ADP

- myosin heads create a cross bridge when they have ADP

- myosin heads let go or relax when they have ATP

- ATP is required to move calcium

- ADP has two phosphates while ATP has three phosphates and these constantly bind and unbind

Acetylcholine in muscle contraction and relaxation

-create action potential in muscle contraction

- acetylcholinesterase eats up exess acetylcholine so you can have a muscle relaxation

Calcium in muscle contraction and relaxation

-Binds and distracts troponin so it changes shape in muscle contraction

- flushes out to relax muscles, for troponin to go back into place

Troponin and tropomyosin in muscle contraction and relaxation

-Move the side for myosin head to attach to actin fiber in muscle contraction

- guards actin fiber from myosin head in muscle relaxation

ATP in muscle contraction and relaxation

No relation in muscle contraction but in muscle relaxation it flushes out calcium