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43 Cards in this Set

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What is an Oxymoron?
Two words in a sentence that contradict eachother.
Ex, sunny night
What is a Dramatic Hyperbole?
An exaggeration used for effect.
What is a Motif?
A Recurring image or topic in the play.
What are static characters?
Characters that do not change over the course of the story.
What is a Soliloquy?
A monologue when the character thinks they're alone and speak their thoughts aloud.
What is a Monologue?
A long speech by one speaker.
What is an Epilogue?
A speech or short poem addressed to the audience by one of the actors after the conclusion of a drama.
What is a Tragedy?
Where the main Character dies in the end.
What is a Horoscope?
A forcast based on the movements of stars and planets that hint at future events.
Define Comic Relief
The relief of tension in humor in a stressful part of the play.
What is Blank verse?
Verse written in lines that do not rhyme but have a regular rhythem.
Define Exeunt
Mon than one character Exits
What is a Pun?
Use of double meaning words in wit and humor
Stage Directions are...
Where a scene takes place, when characters exit or enter, and may tell what characters do while on stage.
What is a Dynamic Character?
Characters that change, mature, and develope over the course of the story.
A comedy is...
A happy ending for the main character.
What is the script?
Includes the words the actor speak, which character speaks, and stage directions.
What is a metaphor?
saying something is something else, comparing two things without using "as" or "like".
Ex, my mom is a flower
What is a Sestet?
Six line that rhyme.
What is an Octave?
eight lines that rhyme
What is a couplet?
A pair of Rhyming lines.
A Quatrain is...
a group of four lines that rhyme.
What is Imagery?
Words that create pictures or impressions in the reader mind.
Define Rhyme Scheme
Rhyming words at regular intervals at the end of lines.
Define Iambic Pentameter
A rythmic pattern that contains 10 syllables. Every second syllable is stressed.
one TWO three FOUR...
Define Feet
The stressed syllable. An iambic pentametre has 5 feet
What is Metre?
The Rythm and length of each line in a stanza
A stanza is...
A group of lines in a poem
A lyric...
Shows feelings about the poems subject.
What is a Sonnet?
A lyric poem.
What is an Aside?
When a character speaks directly to the audience but those on stage aren't supposed to hear
Define Prologue
At the Beginning of a play or act, an introduction
A Chorus is...
A group of people who talk directly to the audience, saying things that they need to know.
What is the Inner stage?
It is the Back portion of the main stage, used for characters to "hide"
What is the Thrust Stage?
The part of the stage that Juts out into the middle of the inner space, aka surrounded 3 sides by people
What is the Pit?
Ground level/stage level. Cheapest spot
Who was ruler in the Jacobean age, and for how long?
King JamesI was king from 1603-1625
Was the Elizabethan Age before or after the Jacobean Age?
Before, Queen elizabeth was ruler from 1558-1603
Groundlings are...
People who stand in the pit, or on ground level.
An English Sonnet has...
3 quatrains and ends in a couplet
An Italian Sonnet has...
14 lines that are arranged in an octave and a sestet
What is a Thesis Statement?
A topic sentence for an essay
What are Transitional Devices?
Words or Phrases used to connect ideas