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16 Cards in this Set

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most common cause of STD


protozoa - T.vaginalis

incubation period

syphilis - 10 to 90 days

donovanosis - 1 to 4 weeks

chancroid - 1 to 7 days

primary syphilis

hard chancre at the site of entry

painless ulcer

painless, non suppurative lymphadenopathy

secondary syphilis

bilaterally symmetrical maculopapular rash on palms and soles

condyloma lata - pink or gray white papules in intertriginous area

buschke ollendraf sign - deep dermal tenderness on pressure

nephropathy - proteinuria

skeletal - arthritis

congenital syphilis

early - vesicles, bullae, condyloma lata

late - interstitial keratitis

non veneral treponematoses

yaws, pinta, endemic syphilis

donovanosis/ granuloma venerum

calymmatobacterium granulomatis

subcutaneous granulomas - pseudobubos

subcutaneous nodules, erode through skin to produce painless bleeding ulcer with beefy red and velvety granulation tissue


H.ducreyi; herpes virus hominis

painful multiple ulcers with undermined, sloughed edges

painful suppurative inguinal lymphadenopathy

lymphogranuloma venerum

chlamydia trachomatis

single painless ulcer

painful inguinal lymphadenopathy, which can rupture to form discharging sinus

groove's sign - enlarged lymph nodes both above and below inguinal ligament

elephentiasis of genitals

frie's test

herpes simplex

painful multiple vesicles

bilateral painful inguinal lymphadenopathy

gonococcal infection

intracytoplasmic gram negative bacillus

purulent discharge

urethra, prostate, seminal vesicle, epididymis

DOC ceftriaxone


vulgaris - HPV2

plantaris [myrmecia wart] - HPV1

HPV and cervical cancer

high risk - 16, 18, 31, 33, 45 [cervical cancer]

low risk - 6, 11 [CIN and warts]

condyloma acuminata

anogenital warts

treatment - padophyllin, padophyllotoxin, imiquimod

molluscum contagiosum

multiple pearly white dome shaped papules which are umbilicated centrally

summary of sexually transmitted lesions

painless - 1. no lymphadenopathy - donovanosis

2. painful lymphadenopathy - LGV

3. painless lymphadenopathy - primary syphilis

painful - 1. vesicles with bilateral lymphadenopathy - HSV

2. suppurative lymph node - chancroid